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  • nedoredd on 2022-05-19 11:45:17 (UTC)

    Hey Eve, I've just come across your HFO stuff and I had to make an account tell you everything you've already heard a million times 🤣 You absolutely nail (pun intended) sexiness, at the meditation portion I feel like your voice perfectly guides me into a relaxed state. It's so cool to listen to woman who seems to be really enjoying what you are doing, it really changes how powerful the interaction is!

    Thank you for putting all this stuff out, I've just started listening to your chatty stuff on Spotify. I never comment on stuff but I had to here just to say thank you!

    • A Eve on 2022-06-01 21:27:19 (UTC)

      Well thank you so much! I'm so glad you're enjoying my audios!

  • Lyokan on 2022-05-14 22:42:02 (UTC)

    Thank you Ms. Eve for continuing this series. I don’t know if it gets a lot of traffic, but I certainly appreciate the these audios. Are you going to post them over to Spotify where listening to them might help your channel?

    • A Eve on 2022-05-15 19:52:37 (UTC)

      Thank you! Yes, they've been on the Chill podcast for more than a year (available on Spotify, etc)