Friday Check-In: Better Than Happy

13:34 Friday Check In Jul 19, 2024 4 comments 691 118

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I recorded this Friday Check In in the Family Room at the hospital, it was the best quality I could get. I really wanted to get this message out today, so I hope you don't mind!

In this episode, I talk about 'toxic positivity' and why I think it's preferable to strive to be 'better than happy'.

Be good to yourself. You're worth it. ❤️

Other audios in Friday Check In


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  • MadWithLust on 2024-07-22 11:55:27 (UTC)

    There are a lot of intresting ideas packed into this one! I never would have put "toxic positivity" together but it kind of fits. I totally feel the same way about "cheer up"!

    And "happy" is such a loaded word, meaning so many different things and yet nothing at the same time. It's such a fleeting thing to chase after. I've seen spammy ads saying stuff like "Do This and You'll Always Be Happy", it's just such a trap.

    And I am now super curious about that movie just for that line! :P

    • A Eve on 2024-08-28 14:15:47 (UTC)

      Yes, it's a very loaded word - and you're right, there's a lot of scammers promising the world to people. It's good to have a balanced view of what contentment or peace of mind means to you before you ever get drawn in by something like that.

      And I was right, it's called She's Having a Baby

  • Car54whereartthou on 2024-07-19 16:46:24 (UTC)

    Eve, thank you for this thoughtful message this Friday! To be constantly on, trying to meet a nebulous state of 'happy' is exhausting. I think to live each day as it comes and recognizing that you can't meet every expectation or solve every problem is a reasonable and hopeful path to what any one person calls happiness (or contentment, fulfillment, joyfulness, whatever puts a smile on). For me, it's contentment that I happily settle for!

    • A Eve on 2024-08-28 14:17:15 (UTC)

      You're right, it's exhausting and actually wasteful. Imagine all the days you could have enjoyed just being alive, being healthy, being able to enjoy the sun and fresh air, watching a squirrel do something crazy or watching a toddler learn to ride a scooter - when you were chasing this idea of 'happiness' or 'joy' and were too busy to notice.