Eve's Guide for Regular Guys: Episode 8 - Clothing and Style

36:16 Eve's Guide For Regular Guys episode 8 / 19 Apr 22, 2017 30 comments 9004 2178

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It's time to talk about your clothes - in particular the type, style and colours you wear, and why it's important to make a good first impression even while being comfortable.

I've mentioned a few links in this audio, and there are many more images I want to share with you to help illustrate what I'm talking about (a picture being worth a thousand words and all)

The Benefits of Tailoring

A suit before and after tailoring

Different suit, but one tailored and one not

Same guy, same suit, totally different look

How a tailored suit can improve your overall look - although one picture is casual and the other is a suit, I think you can see the difference tailoring makes in how good this guy looks in his clothes.

Just another good example

Zipseam - thanks to a listener for telling me about this cool new product that helps you get that tailored look simply and cheaply

Killer jacket


How to find your best colours

What Not to Do

”Adolescent and sloppy” shorts etc

Examples of layering

A casual layered look - I’m not crazy about the necklace, but I like the colours he’s wearing

Layering with a plaid shirt

Simple pullover sweater

Plain shirt, patterned jacket overtop

Here’s a way to wear monochromatic black with style

An example of right shoe, wrong outfit - nothing wrong with the boots, they just don’t suit what he’s wearing.

Work shoe

Bad 70’s and 80s fashion - Just for fun

Oh no

God no

This can’t be for real

This is a joke, right?

Oh make it stop

From the 70’s AND the 80’s

Music by Ben Sound

Other audios in Eve's Guide For Regular Guys


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  • MakrMaldrill on 2021-12-06 20:52:34 (UTC) (edited)

    I used to not really care about what I wore. I used to just wear things like medium nike t-shirts where the shirt sleeve would go down to almost elbow length. And I'd wear cargo shorts. i also used to be skinny fat (at around 25% body fat) so sometimes I would notice a bit of a belly bulge in the shirt. I almost cringe thinking about those days. lol.

    After going to the gym and building bigger delts in particular, I started changing my clothing style. Smaller shirts would help my bigger muscles really stand out. So I made it a point to wear shirts where the sleeve would just hug the shoulder and not go any lower than that. I look and feel better with the clothes I wear now. Now my chest goes out farther than my stomach and the clothes make my V-taper really show. Even after just 4 months at the gym, I attended my neice's wedding and many of my family members who haven't seen me for many years noticed that I looked a lot better. It's amazing how much a difference even a few months of working out and a change of clothing style can make.

    • A Eve on 2021-12-13 13:15:07 (UTC)

      It really can make a difference, but for me it's also about how you feel inside your skin at that point. I bet people notice how much more confident you seem, in addition to your physical looks.

  • MGShadow1989 on 2018-05-10 16:16:24 (UTC) (edited)

    I understand the point of tailoring, although I'm more inclined to wear a kilt in a formal setting, and otherwise lean towards more casual clothing like hoodies and cargo-style trousers or jeans - I don't do anything to warrant 'dressing up' much more than just wearing a shirt or something.

    What is it with people turning up the bottoms of their jeans - trousers should comfortably cover the laces, and if the turn-up is needed to not ruffle them too much, they're too bloody long, lol As a style thing is really odd.

    I'm not seeing the issue with shorts like that, particularly Mark in the middle - he looks like he's just in dad-mode, lol My issue is seeing knees - I'm wearing shorts because it's warm, not to look like a footballer in the 60s... I get the point in not drowning or swimming in your clothes, but longer cargo style shorts are just, practical - I feel lost without my pockets within pockets...

    General fashion seems like a contradiction at times - looking put together in clothes that suit us is important, but so many clothes look so, normal or basic, that even when dressed well will still blend in. At least, that's how I see a lot of the clothes some may call simple.

    • A Eve on 2018-07-21 10:07:28 (UTC)

      haha a footballer in the 60's :P

      and the kilt sounds awesome!

  • JohnDoe051998 on 2018-01-17 19:41:49 (UTC)

    I know I'm a bit late but I've got a question. With the no shorts thing, what are we supposed to wear during the Summer when it's warm? Is there anything that we can wear or do we just wear jeans and take the heat?

    • A Eve on 2018-01-25 14:00:07 (UTC)

      No of course not, it's more about not looking too sloppy or wearing shorts that are way too big for you. Make sure you aren't swimming in your clothes, you know?

  • MadWithLust on 2017-05-02 01:57:06 (UTC)

    Wow, you went all out on the examples! And they are amazing!

    On the suits, I can't believe tailoring makes so much of a difference! Maybe the reason I've always hated suits is that they never fit me...

    On the colo(u)rs, I don't get that website. Am I supposed to pick blue/gray vs. beige/brown? I suppose I like blue/gray but like you were saying, I was hoping it would tell me what I look better in vs. what I like.

    And I love the terrible examples from the 70's and 80's! Do you think today's fashion will be just as horrible in 20-30 years???

    Thanks for another great episode!!! <3!

    • A Eve on 2017-05-02 19:41:53 (UTC)

      The idea with the site is to show you the range of colours that suit you - everyone can wear version of blue/grey or beige/brown, it just depends on your skin/hair/eyes as to which hues will look best on you. If you like cooler colours like blues and greys, the idea is to find the one that really suits you best - which is what those coloured circles are for on the site.

      I doubt anything could match the horror of what men had to wear back then - but I could be wrong :P

  • joetinla1967 on 2017-04-24 15:15:32 (UTC)

    Good morning Miss Eve,
    As you know I'm a big fan of this series and I'm currently in the process of upgrading everything about my self and you and this are a big part of that, I have to say that I am very fond of suits I used to have a job were that was the standard dress code and I really like how I looked and felt in them (confidence wise) but I am working on the casual side of my self and your absolutely right it is a process but I know I'll get there with patience and a little hard work.
    Thank you for this amazing series.

    • A Eve on 2017-04-27 10:39:18 (UTC)

      Aww, thank you Joe, I'm so glad you're enjoying it. The secret is definitely to going slow and staying comfortable and happy throughout the whole process. No pressure :P

  • Georgio36 on 2017-04-24 04:23:31 (UTC) (edited)

    Eve i found myself taking a lot of mental notes of your tips here. You have an great eye for fashion & a lot of it i actually already try currently. My grandma always tell me daily that when i go out somewhere; to always look presentable. You never know who you might meet. I always put some thought in how i dress depending on where i go.

    I have 2 suits even tho im not a big suit person. I usually wear them for special events or occasions. I normally go with a nice collard casual shirt & jeans when i go out anywhere. Sometimes i wear my favorite normal t shirts because t shirts are more comfortable. It just depends on the occasion. I hate those bright azz colors tho lol.

    Sometimes i do try things outside my comfort zone & it has worked 😊. I did take a look at that how to find your best color link. Apparently my colors are cool & brilliant. Which is kinda like wintery/Autumn style. So it all makes sense now. I wouldn't know any of this if it wasn't for you. I usually get compliments on my casual wear. Also im very happy guys are getting dates thanks to you.

    Whenever i get my first date or new compliments on my shirts; ill think of you. Im very grateful for all you do for us 🌸. Have a Blessful day & P.S. that guy with the killer jacket is just asking for a fashion police ticket lol! 😂

    • A Eve on 2017-04-24 11:44:30 (UTC)

      Aww, good for you Georgio! 💋

  • Murtaugh83 on 2017-04-23 21:58:32 (UTC)

    Hi Eve,
    Thanks for another episode, building on your advice from your previous episode on clothes. It is so great to hear from a woman's perspective. I suppose being lost this guy finally caved and asked for directions ! Shopping for clothes can be a fraught experience and coming from the dreaded Husky section as a kid it stirs awful memories. As an adult though you find your style and try to find a look that suits you. As a guy that looks like a cross between Brendan Gleeson and Neville Brand this is a bit of challenge. Tailoring certainly helps and as inspiration I look at vintage styles of clothing and the magic a tailor can work.
    Being a blue collar guy personal style is sort of a non starter but it gives me more of an incentive in my off duty hours. As for my progress in this experiment I have raided my closet, donated what hasn't worked and look forward to using your suggestions. Thanks for looking out for your princes. I suppose my whole outlook has changed and that is in no small part to your wise council.
    Ps I shaved off my William Teach beard that I had for about two years, the one that had me pegged as a Vikings extra or member of the Hell's Angels. The amount of compliments from women is astounding. One in particular noticed my dimples and was quite taken with them, perhaps more on that later!

    • A Eve on 2017-04-24 11:45:19 (UTC)

      DImples are amazing, I'm glad you're not hiding them! And I'm very glad to hear you're getting more attention from the ladies :P

  • Durgarnkuld on 2017-04-23 20:21:17 (UTC)

    I really want to pull this amazing look from the 80s off now. Am I weird?
    I mostly still wear what I like and I guess that's not gonna change. At least I'm not as crazy as some guys out there. My stuff fits me for the most part, but I know it can be 'better' for charming purposes. I dunno, I don't care what women wear either. If that exiles me, so be it ^^

    • A Eve on 2017-04-23 21:13:04 (UTC)

      If you're happy the way you are, more power to you. You be you, you don't have to change :)

  • CharlieRomeoLima on 2017-04-22 22:28:23 (UTC)

    Thanks to reading some of the links I found while compiling my list for your contest, I cannot unsee the poor fit of a fair portion of my clothes. My consciousness about this began last summer when I was researching the market for a new suit for my sister's wedding. I'd lost weight, but even if I hadn't I could see my old one had so much excess fabric and fit poorly in the chest and shoulders, beyond even my tailor's abilities to fix.

    I discovered made-to-measure menswear stores like Indochino or Oliver Wicks, but the turnaround time would've been too late. I'm a slim to average body type so I was lucky to have a knowledgeable consultant at a Harry Rosen store to help take in a ready-to-wear suit to my measurements, and after a couple visits it fit perfectly. Had I a camera I'd send in a photo showing the fit of my old vs new suits - I will just say that the difference is as dramatic as your pictorial examples included here.

    Thanks for your admonition against wearing trackpants; I am so guilty of this. My city was once ranked the world's 3rd-worst-dressed, because of the stereotype that women here wear Lululemon yoga pants at all times. But what's true is that in general we are outdoorsy and physically active, so it is acceptable to be seen wearing sweat-wicking tech shirts, shorts, running shoes and yes, trackpants, as streetwear. Nobody cares; for all they know you are on your way to the gym or out for a run. We also protest a lot, so lots of folks wear politicized slogans on their shirts/caps. On the whole, our fashion is very laid back and so it's easy for many to just let it all hang out. For myself, I will take your advice and reserve trackpants for jogs or those days when I stay in with the flu.

    I found a few articles last year telling men not to wear sandals often:


    We may still wear mandals on the street in summer, but at least we seem to have ditched the much maligned Crocs for good. :P

    I second Billy's closing statement. Hearing these things from you we can trust that your advice is solid and in our best interest.

    • A Eve on 2017-04-23 17:59:44 (UTC)

      Hey Charlie - thanks for your comments and the links. As I said in the audio, if you're among a group of people who are all dressed a certain way (like going to a game, or all wearing outdoorsy stuff) obviously it's not going to make you stand out if you do too. I just think that if you're trying to catch someone's eye, those types of clothes are almost never flattering on men in particular, so you might want to wear something that is.

      • CharlieRomeoLima on 2017-04-23 18:44:34 (UTC)

        Agreed. Years ago I would've made the mistake of wearing these clothes to a social gathering or a date but now? Not in a million years! :D And I'm not going to put pressure on myself, because improving my closet is a project I do want to have fun with. As you said near the end, this is window dressing and a superficial first-impression part of our totality as individuals. Thank you again for another great episode!

        • A Eve on 2017-04-23 19:39:35 (UTC)

          You're very welcome! 💋

  • billymacorbuddy on 2017-04-22 20:29:35 (UTC)

    I'm so glad that you did another guide on fashion and at the right time too. I am in need of some new clothes for summer and this should really help. I am totally guilty of the adolescent and sloppy look when it comes to summer fashion. That changes this season.

    I like that you included the link for finding your best colors. I recently wore a new shirt on Easter and the first thing my mother said to me was that it matched my eyes, so women do notice these things.

    And just an update, if you're interested. Since this series started I've been paying a lot more attention to myself. And not in an uptight self conscious way, but a confident, how can I be better way. It seems that this attitude is actually permeating other aspects of my life as well, how my house looks, how I approach my job, are all things I'm giving more consideration to now.

    One major change, and we joked about this previously, there is no more Chia Guy. I finally put blade to scalp and went full on Mr. Clean. I was starting to get what a friend of mine calls a cul de sac hair do, which is when the top of your head starts to look like an aerial view of a cul de sac. I didn't like the look so I changed it and I think I made the right move. Feedback has been mixed but the women seem to like it so I'm keeping it. :)

    Sorry for the long comment but I wanted you to know that you are making a difference in people's lives. Thank you.

    • A Eve on 2017-04-23 18:01:56 (UTC)

      haha RIP Chia Guy....awww....

      I do love the full bald look myself, as do a lot of women as you're finding out. You're probably hearing the most disapproval from other guys, who tend to value their hair pretty highly and don't like the idea of just getting rid of it all, even if they have the 'cul-de-sac' as you said (I love that expression). But it really works for a lot of men and it doesn't make you the least bit unattractive to women.

      Thanks so much Billy, that means a lot 💋

      • billymacorbuddy on 2017-04-23 20:24:59 (UTC)

        You are exactly right. The negative feedback has all been from men. And it has almost come with a sense of anger or resentment. I actually had one guy tell me that everyone felt sorry for me. I don't really know where these people are coming from, but I really don't care.

        And on behalf of all bald or balding men, thank you for saying it doesn't make us unattractive. I wish more men could hear someone say that.

        • CharlieRomeoLima on 2017-04-25 00:13:03 (UTC)

          I had a taste of hair loss early last year when I was diagnosed with alopecia areata, by a doctor who had also experienced the condition himself. I was walking around for almost a whole year with a round, pink bald patch on the side of my head but I was lucky I could obscure it with my unaffected hair. I hated my feelings of extreme self-consciousness about what was essentially a cosmetic issue, and I was considering shaving everything off when it suddenly grew back in again in the winter.

          However I'm aware the condition could always recur throughout my life, so maybe one day I could be embracing baldness too. I really appreciate you sharing your story Billy. Your resolve to go through with this is inspiring; I'll be thinking of your story if I ever have to go through this again.

          And thanks Eve for sharing your love of the bald look. I like my hair a lot, but if I ever find myself having to shave it off in future, I can just remind myself, "Hey buck up kiddo, Eve likes baldness in men!" :)

          • A Eve on 2017-04-27 10:40:09 (UTC)

            haha absolutely, and I'm not the only one :P

        • A Eve on 2017-04-24 11:45:46 (UTC)

          I'm trying to spread the word as far and wide as possible! :P

        • Georgio36 on 2017-04-24 03:36:44 (UTC)

          Even tho im not bald myself; i seen lots of dudes with bald heads get women or even married or in relationships. What matters most is how you carry yourself & if you feel comfortable. Do & wear what makes you happy. Hell it's not stopping vin diesel, The Rock, The singer Tyrese lol 😄. So you got nothing to worry about buddy

          • billymacorbuddy on 2017-04-24 12:09:49 (UTC)

            Thanks Georgio! "Step into my kitchen and smell what Billy's cooking!" Ok, well, maybe I should come up with my own catch phrase. 😂

            • Georgio36 on 2017-04-24 12:36:51 (UTC)

              You're welcome lol & don't worry the catch phrase will come to you naturally 😄

          • A Eve on 2017-04-24 11:46:14 (UTC)

            Good point! Some of the sexiest guys out there are bald or balding