Eve's Guide For Regular Guys: Episode 4 - Closet and Clothes

28:31 Eve's Guide For Regular Guys episode 4 / 19 Feb 07, 2017 18 comments 10656 2572

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This week I talk about how to spruce up your closet and start working on improving your wardrobe - but as always, it's easy, laid-back and without pressure.

Here are the links to the videos I talk about in this episode, and I really hope you'll watch them.

What Not to Wear



Videos on Style for Men

10 Ways You're Dressing Wrong Maybe a bit too fashiony, but you might enjoy it

How To Find Clothes that Fit Your Body

How to Buy Jeans that Fit

Part of a men's makeover series

Same series for a bigger guy


DXL - if you’re already a kind of fashion forward bigger guy, DXL is a great store that carries the major brands in larger sizes.

Value Village - start your new shopping adventure here, you won't be sorry.

music by Bensound.com

Other audios in Eve's Guide For Regular Guys


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  • charles on 2019-08-27 13:36:00 (UTC)

    Anyway, this thing about the alleged fact that, by dressing wrong, you're sending the message that you don't care about yourself, is simply a lie.

    The ACTUAL message you're sending is that you don't care about others liking you, 'cause you don't like them in the first place. It's both an insult and a rejection.

    Needless to say, all of this represents a huge amount of misunderstandings by both parts

    Speaking of misunderstandings, I'd like you to not take this as me criticizing you, i'm really grateful for what you do and what you say

    • A Eve on 2019-08-27 20:08:05 (UTC)

      People certainly have different takes on things like this, and I agree that for a lot of people, the way they present themselves can be a subtle message that they don't care about others, or want to put up barriers, etc. I'm just saying that for many women in particular, who usually put a lot of care into how they look even just to go out to the grocery store, they can make a lot of wrong assumptions about a guy based on how he dresses.

  • charles on 2019-08-20 19:56:11 (UTC)

    Acknowledging that, maybe, I'm alone beacuse others have, somehow, got the message that I don't care about myself, it's pure terror! All this stuff about appearence (and the darn 'body language') it's just awful, i'm struggling to understand how anyone seems so relaxed about this. I know well that it's all related to how the brain reacts to visual cues and behavioural patterns, but still..

    By the way, even if I'm not used to buy new clothes every year, I've always tried to wear things that i found suitable for my body. Now, thanks to your advice, I know that I should put more effort into this. As always, thanks for your hard work!

    • A Eve on 2019-08-24 23:12:46 (UTC)

      You're welcome - just remember, the point is not to make you feel bad or to make you change your wardrobe or be uncomfortable. It's simply a reminder to be comfortable, pay attention to the small details that usually don't matter much to you but can send a message to others, and take pride in how you present yourself. It will make you feel fantastic.

  • Matthew on 2018-02-24 21:04:39 (UTC)

    To Misstress Eve I ve listened to this over and over again at last a woman who knows what she talking about - especailly when it come clossets and clothes - and those three different piles of clothes, it's proper common sense when you think about it . i had loads of hoodies and logo t-shirts which i has donated to charity shops (pdsa- uk charity shops) and i've found some reasonbly cheap clothes and shoes etc on Amazon uk I think that link to the 10 way we are dressing wrong, i found very helpful, i've just also bought some new leather belts as well because my mine are worn out as well (cause i know you like the sound of leather belts - you mention it in the sexual survey you did earier this week absolutly gorgeous - and "cw" audio when you said the words " I need some cock" that really turns me on Ha Ha, i feel very pleased with myself reguarding the clothes as well LOL Matthew xxx

    • A Eve on 2018-02-28 13:29:42 (UTC)

      Good for you, I bet you feel a bit sexier now too, in your new duds :P

  • MadWithLust on 2017-02-28 02:00:33 (UTC)

    I don't even know where to begin! I totally needed every thing you've talked about in this episode. I had given up on clothes fitting me! I just assumed that they only made clothes that fit metrosexuals because they were the major market to sell to.

    The way you explain this makes so much sense! Even the closet sorting thing, it's such a great idea! And then the LifeProTip of shopping at secondhand stores: no sales people, plenty of selection, low prices, genius!!!

    And then you have all this great research and examples! Thank you so much!!!

    • A Eve on 2017-02-28 10:54:07 (UTC)

      You're very welcome 💋

  • Durgarnkuld on 2017-02-09 12:00:06 (UTC)

    I'm not really into shopping either, but I already work through my closet from time to time to give myself more identity.
    But you are right, it's a seemingly small thing that shows: I care.
    Guess I'm lucky, since I study theology most people look like they are straight out of 1850. So I always look fashionable!

    • A Eve on 2017-02-14 22:57:12 (UTC)

      haha that's a definite plus :D

  • NowhereMan on 2017-02-08 23:09:27 (UTC)

    Funny enough I just bought a bunch of new shirts over the last few weeks. Even got myself an awesome Motorhead hoodie (which you may have seen since you follow me on Instagram) and everyone loves it and says it looks great on me! It's pants I really need. We have a Savers here too and honestly I know exactly what you mean. They have damned near everything and in almost any size imaginable. Might hold onto a paycheck and pay them a visit. Shirts, I'm pretty good on for a while.

    • A Eve on 2017-02-14 22:58:54 (UTC)

      good for you 💋

  • billymacorbuddy on 2017-02-08 01:41:26 (UTC)

    Ugh! I hate this. But only because I know you're right. I hate shopping for clothes, not because I don't like to look nice, but I have no eye for fashion. Therefore I don't go shopping that often and end up wearing clothing out. Yeah, I could use some new duds. Never went shopping at a thrift store before, but I'll give it a try.

    Thanks Eve for putting this all together. Research, writing, recording all must take a lot of time. My only hope is that I/we can make you proud someday.

    • A Eve on 2017-02-08 13:26:07 (UTC)

      Are you kidding, you guys make me proud every single day. You're my princes 💋

  • joetinla1967 on 2017-02-07 22:23:23 (UTC)

    Good afternoon Miss Eve,
    This has been an amazing and eye opening series but those three not so little words "Respect yourself today" really hit home for me because for a while there I felt I had lost a good bit of self respect and it feels great to have it back again and you've had a hand in that so keep up the great work and I'll do the same, you rock!!!
    Thank you.

    • A Eve on 2017-02-08 13:26:30 (UTC)

      You rock, Joe. Go get 'em, tiger ❤️

  • DevilMayCare on 2017-02-07 21:10:56 (UTC)

    You've really pointed out a blind-spot for me this week. I already decorate my house in the way I like and have slightly fussy soaps just because I enjoy them, and I was secretly hoping that I'd be ahead of the curve for a lot of your advice. This episode made me realize that most of my clothes advertise that I don't care about my appearance. I have a job where I might go a month without seeing a co-worker and most of the things in my closet are either ten years old or new versions of what I wore ten years ago. All of my jeans have flared legs because my girlfriend in college liked flared jeans on guys so that's what I bought. I never asked myself until today whether I liked flared legs on jeans, and I don't think I do. Thanks for holding up a mirror. Going to the thrift store this weekend. You're the best.

    • A Eve on 2017-02-08 13:27:01 (UTC)

      Thank you so much, I'm so glad you got something out of this one. Good luck ❤️