Support me in making all the audios I do - please click below to join as an Eraudica Exclusive member. You’ll get access to over 360 exclusive audios, including DREAM™️, ASMR, HFO and many other audios not available to the public. I typically add 4-5 Exclusive audios per month - click below to join with Verotel, CCBill, or PayPal. Thank you!


$21.50 per month
single month or recurring · pay in your currency · instant access
credit card or bank options

Special for Verotel, CCBill and PayPal members:
3 months for $43.00, recurring at $21.50 per month.

If you have any billing issues, you'll have to contact the processor directly, since I am not able to access your accounts. They are all very helpful! Contact support or cancel anytime:
CCBill · Verotel · (PayPal)

Email member support for more information.

  • Once you have a user and pass from Verotel, CCBill, or Epoch (PayPal) just enter these codes into the authentication boxes on the Eraudica Exclusive audio you want to hear, and your audio (and all other EE audios) will start to play.
  • If you have any problems signing in, remember that you have to use the user name and password emailed to you with no spaces. Sometimes cutting and pasting accidentally puts in extra spaces.
  • Your credit card will show either *vtsupp for Verotel, "CCBill * Amsterdam"(Thanks to my good friends at BiM who helped me get this account) for CCBill or LD Media for Epoch.
  • If you have tried to join but have had your card declined, please know that this is because of your issuing bank, not the payment processors or Eraudica. This is a huge problem these days - banks are increasingly declining charges to payment processors that service adult oriented websites, effectively censoring what you are able to purchase. If you tried join and were denied, please try a different option. Please don't join multiple times if the first one appears not to go through - check your spam filter for email confirmation.


I've been so touched by the number of people who have expressed an interest in a 'tip' option on this site. For now, the best way to tip me is to visit my Vanilla Audio profile page, where you'll see a Tip Me option beneath my avatar.

Your support and encouragement means so much to me, and will help me keep doing this. Thank you! 💋

Are you having trouble using your membership? Click here for details from Eve.