Eve's Guide For Regular Guys: Episode 1 - You're Worth It

20:17 Eve's Guide For Regular Guys episode 1 / 19 Jan 06, 2017 35 comments 29333 4479

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This is the first episode of a new series for Regular Guys - all about how to present your best self, how to attract women, how to find your passion and most of all, feel centered and comfortable in your own skin. This is for all guys - all shapes and sizes, ages, colours, creeds - all walks of life. This is for the average, wonderful, decent guy who wants to live a rewarding life and find love.

It's not about how to mix a martini or wear cufflinks. This is a no-cufflinks zone :P And it's not a pick-up-women guide either. This is going to be a thoughtful series about playing to your strengths and being true to yourself.

Future topics will range from areas like dressing and style, improving social skills, meeting women in authentic ways, sex tips, health advice, websites/apps/books I think you'd like, and a variety of other subjects to help you invest in yourself. I will invite other women to participate as guests too, to give you a wider perspective on the female eye.

I hope you enjoy this series - please let me know your thoughts and suggestions for future episodes.

Music by Bensound.com

Other audios in Eve's Guide For Regular Guys


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    • A Eve on 2021-12-03 23:09:42 (UTC)

      A lot of us struggle with basic self esteem issues, and I think it's really important that we work on finding that self respect in ourselves. Best of luck to you xx

  • Barker on 2021-04-08 10:25:47 (UTC)

    Something recently woke me up to the fact that I've lived virtually the last twenty-odd years of my life alone in a room. I had shut down, cut myself off, and numbed any dreams or desires I once might have harbored. The few that lingered, I sabotaged with self-hate and surrendered. Then, abruptly, something cracked me open and made me realize how much I wanted to be in love. Not necessarily marriage or children or even sex, just how badly I really longed for all the small intimacies of a relationship I had never had. Someone who would want to reach out and hold my hand or arm, someone comfortable enough to fall asleep against me, someone to sit in a comfortable silence with. It's been a very difficult realization. I'm getting old, I'm overweight, and I've been socially isolated so long that I don't even know how to look for what I want. It woke me up to a deep depression I've had for decades and previously ignored.

    • Barker on 2021-04-08 10:29:49 (UTC)

      While I'm seeking professional therapy to help with the depression, I'm also reaching out in every direction I can to try to learn how to improve myself (sporadically, at least, on the days I've got the energy for it. It's been a rough few weeks). Not hating myself is probably going to be the biggest and hardest step. Listening to your series, if not a solution, makes me feel less hopeless sometimes. It makes me tentatively believe that it might not be too late for me. I try to hold onto that feeling tight, but it can be pretty hard when killing hope is habitual. Know this is a bit of a downer message on the whole, but I did want to say thank you and that I'm glad I stumbled across this series.

      • A Eve on 2021-04-10 09:59:18 (UTC)

        I'm glad you stumbled upon it too. I hope you know that nothing you described is bad in itself (older, overweight, a little lost at sea) because those kinds of things don't matter when compared to character, intelligence and passion for life. I know things have been tough, but you're on the right path. You should definitely allow hope to blossom, so many people have been in your shoes and have found their lives turned around completely. It's never too late - hang in there xx

  • bigmanoncampus on 2019-02-23 08:17:06 (UTC)

    Just starting this series, but I do believe this is the hardest part of all of them. all my life I have hated myself, even to this day I hate everything about myself, without getting extremely personal I have come very very hair thin close to taking my own life on multiple occasions due to this very reason. I don't even know what started my self hatred, one day it just set in. It is not made any easier on me that the one girl who I went head over heels for used me to get closer to one of my friends and then completely fucked me over. I have been in a dark spiral since then. I'm going to go through this series with an open mind, and i'm hoping i can come out of it with something to help myself, not to mention i just enjoy listening to your voice (:

    • A Eve on 2019-02-27 22:50:54 (UTC)

      I know how awful that can be, I've had that happen to me too. Hang in there, and just try to imagine, even for a few minutes, how it would feel to not have this self hatred. Just take a deep breath and enjoy that feeling for a moment. I hope you enjoy the series.

  • ccsmith545 on 2018-07-07 01:00:50 (UTC)

    I know this is an old post, but I am just starting this series. I am going to try my best to stay positive in it, but I am frankly doubtful, as I have trouble with being compassionate to myself. I have read a lot about self-esteem and self-love, but I have difficulty buying in. I’m hoping this series connects with me more so than other similar video series and articles have. Thank you so much for taking the time to make this series, and I thank you sincerely for your consistent positivity towards men in the context of romance and sexuality. It gives me hope that my emotional state towards myself and relationships can improve.

    I know this is going to be an uphill battle. When you said “say to yourself ‘This is me. This is who I am’” or something along those lines, I honestly cringed and felt disgusted at who I am presently. It is definitely going to be hard work to change that, so I thank you for this audio series, which will hopefully help guide me towards a healthier mindset

    • A Eve on 2018-07-21 10:06:07 (UTC)

      Take your time, be gentle and kind to yourself, and don't start from a place of hating who you are. You're where you are for reasons, and you need to acknowledge that sometimes life throws things at us that make us into who we are. Luckily we can choose to take better care of ourselves mentally and physically - I hope you enjoy the journey.😘

  • Harp on 2018-06-26 05:00:14 (UTC)

    Thank you for this Eve. I am looking forward to being truly me!

    • A Eve on 2018-07-21 10:04:48 (UTC)

      I'm very glad to hear it! 💋

  • Outlaw on 2018-02-07 01:55:23 (UTC)

    I think I was in a rush the first time.. Back to the warm embrace of the basics.

    • A Eve on 2018-02-11 17:17:34 (UTC)

      You're going to listen again?

  • CharlieRomeoLima on 2017-03-12 06:37:57 (UTC)

    A free eve given over to binge-listening with Eve is NEVER a waste of time! I just know I'm in for a rare treat with this series. Of course like many men I've read enough to fill tomes on the subject of masculine 'self-improvement' but as you observe here, a lot out there is superfluous and is only great if I want to override myself so radically I might as well get a new ID.

    Your advice on the other hand, speaks to the 'self' in self-improvement; to be the best possible version of me. Others have said this but thank you again so much for saying the things we all sort of knew already but needed to hear and assuring us we're deserving of it. From the bottom of my heart I believe you when you say you love men; you reaffirm this key pillar of your credo everytime you take time out of your busy day to share your good sense with us like you do here.

    I'm tempted to listen to the rest all the way through...but daylight savings time..urrghhh. And, I actually DO have a PDF of the 2002 U.S. Army Field Manual on Survival on my desktop! No cufflinks though, I wear barrel cuffs.

    • A Eve on 2017-03-12 16:09:45 (UTC)

      Well I do agree that Survival Guide could come in handy...it's just that I wouldn't put it at the top of most guys' lists for 'must haves in order to be a man' type things :D

  • EyyItsJack on 2017-01-28 11:07:14 (UTC)

    So is this podcast on an RSS feed? I can't find it on anywhere but here.

  • ChocPanda on 2017-01-12 09:40:14 (UTC)

    I would just like to apologise I was hesitant to listen to this, the start of an amazing series because I assumed it would make me feel "less than" as you put it and it did but in a way that encourages me to improve myself. You really hit the nail on the head in terms of understanding my situation but very much made it clear that through this series you are trying to take on a role that would provide the means to take a person who sees themself as fragmented and give them the means to nuture these fragments for lack of a better term and turn them into a whole, a more clearly defined and well kept individual not just physically but mentally and spiritually as well...in parts it reduced me to tears to be completely honest..I can't help but be excited for the next installment. Thank you very much for this brilliant idea Miss Eve it's everything I've ever wanted someone to say to me but never got the chance to hear...until now.

    • A Eve on 2017-01-13 21:21:31 (UTC)

      Aw, you're welcome. I hope you enjoy the rest of the series. ❤️

  • BTonyH587 on 2017-01-10 03:07:41 (UTC)

    Your not really British?
    /I came to this site after listening to "A Fuck for the Road"./

    • A Eve on 2017-01-10 14:20:26 (UTC)

      haha no, sorry

  • Durgarnkuld on 2017-01-08 20:32:31 (UTC)

    Very good pilot. I'm in all the way for sure.

    • A Eve on 2017-01-09 21:11:06 (UTC)

      Thank you, I'm very glad you liked it ❤️

  • MadWithLust on 2017-01-08 17:26:03 (UTC)

    Thank you so much for this!!! It's amazing how you got to the heart of the matter so succinctly! You cut through all the BS so amazingly and avoided all that superficial stuff that everyone else goes to (be yourself, dress stylish, confidence blah blah). I had such a hard time trying to go through that one statement. It's so easy to blame not being good-looking enough, not rich enough, not being smooth enough, etc.

    And thank you especially for making this a cufflink-free zone! :P

    • A Eve on 2017-01-09 21:11:58 (UTC)

      haha you're very welcome 💋

  • joetinla1967 on 2017-01-08 13:32:03 (UTC)

    Good morning Miss Eve,
    I'm really looking forward to this series, as a man who has put everybody in my life's happiness first and lost sight of my own for a while I think it's time to change this up a bit and I will say this, in the past six months or so since I found your amazing site I've been looking at things in a different light, I'm feeling the sun on my face, I look up at the night sky and notice the stars, I'm seeing the beauty in my surroundings that I lost sight of, for a while there I thought that I would not be able to see and feel these things again so just know that I will always be greatfull to you and everything your doing to uplift, support and encourage us men, you are an amazing woman.
    Thank you so much.

    • A Eve on 2017-01-09 21:13:23 (UTC)

      Aww, thank you - and you're welcome. I'm so happy to hear that - yes, it's definitely time to take care of yourself. ❤️

  • ShyPhil on 2017-01-08 03:09:49 (UTC)

    OMG !!! EVE this is what i've been looking for. its like you wrote this just for me, i am that guy wow great post, i look forward too more of these !! your right ,, 2017 is off to a good start, hope it stays this way.
    thanks love !!


    • A Eve on 2017-01-09 21:13:49 (UTC)

      You're very welcome, I glad you liked it 💋

  • Hypnotique on 2017-01-07 20:11:04 (UTC)

    Thank you Eve.

    It's so nice that you take the time to think about the regular guy.

    I'm looking forward to listening to the entire series.

    • A Eve on 2017-01-09 21:14:23 (UTC)

      Thank you, I am too, this should be fun 💋

  • Jandrusel on 2017-01-07 17:37:29 (UTC) (edited)

    Really digged this episode, Eve. It's the best lesson you can give us and, at the same time, It's the hardest to understand and accept. Sometimes, worthlessness and hopelessness strike with full force (and I'm guilty of it) but it gets better and easier with time. Loving yourself is not easy, but It's the only way...

    Thank you for being you. The fact that you took the time to do this podcast speaks volumes about your appreciation for the common man. Whatever happens, Eve is always there to give us hope, love and a friendly voice to cuddle with. Hopefully, this guide will help many guys who feel bad or worthless, and inspire them to break their cocoons and become their best selves.

    PD: I have a six-pack, but I'm gonna keep listening because it still applies to me :P

    • A Eve on 2017-01-09 21:15:39 (UTC)

      haha okay, I didn't say this was a six-pack-free zone :D

      I hope it does help anyone who feels bad, I've been there myself and I know how it can feel. ❤️

  • billymacorbuddy on 2017-01-07 01:33:12 (UTC)

    *puts his Superman cuff links away* Sigh.

    Thanks for working on this series, Eve. In my short time here in The Garden I've come to appreciate your frank nature in discussions like this. You manage to stay both honest and uplifting at the same time. Sometimes you just need to hear things, and I like that you just say them. I recently had the chance to listen to your UTC on shyness and it gave me a lot to think about. I was sorry to read that it received such a backlash. Just know that there are men out there who appreciate you trying to help.

    Now, about this series. I'd be interested in your take, or anyone's for that matter, on meeting new people. I've found that once I graduated from college and started my career, my opportunities to meet new people dwindled down to nothing. Now it has been so long that I don't where to begin again. Of course that's something I need to solve, but I'd welcome your thoughts on the matter.

    And, lol at the app to help me navigate my woman's menstrual cycle. How heavy of a flow do they think she has???

    • A Eve on 2017-01-09 21:17:10 (UTC)

      haha that's a good point :D

      A lot of people commented on that app, how it was a bit dodgy to assume that your woman's mood needs to be handled via an app, and that if she's upset it must be hormonal :D

  • NowhereMan on 2017-01-07 01:10:16 (UTC)

    I've been waiting for the start of this series since you first mentioned that you wanted to do this, and the wait was well worth it. Only one episode in, and it's already one of the most insightful things I've listened to in a long time.

    I've fallen into that trap of thinking very low about myself. In fact, I've even viewed myself almost as if I was some kind of monster who not only had no chance of finding love and happiness, but almost as if I deserved it, especially with all of the rejection I've had to deal with throughout my life.

    Thank you Eve. This is exactly the kind of thing I need to wake me up from this self-enduced nightmare I've created about myself.

    • A Eve on 2017-01-09 21:19:38 (UTC)

      Aww, well I'm not happy to hear you've been so down, but I'm glad this gives you somewhere to go with it. ❤️