Chapter Thirty Five - Noah & Kate (my new erotic romance novel) part 36

39:15 Noah and Kate Sep 05, 2024 8 comments 674 92

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  • Aadam on 2024-09-11 00:43:15 (UTC)

    Oh God! This got real, really fast. This chapter took me back to a time where I had an unrequited love for someone and I was wandering around crying. I feel for Kate right now. And I want to beat some sense into Noah. Fortunately for me, there's a silver lining. I can finally see where the story is going and how it will all work out. I'm not completely sure about the details but at least I can see a way forward.

    Fantastic writing and voice acting as always. 100 out of 10. Even though I can barely cope with the whiplash (I feel like a fighter pilot that has to withstand high-g manoeuvres for a long time), I can't get enough of this story. Keep it up and, let me tell you, the next chapter can't come soon enough. Cheers!

    • A Eve on 2024-10-03 18:49:19 (UTC)

      Thank you so much! I hope you turn out to be right about where it's going! And thank you so much for the lovely compliments on my voice acting!

  • Car54whereartthou on 2024-09-08 21:57:40 (UTC)

    Well folks, going out on a limb here, but I am fairly sure our esteemed Creator of this grand Erotic Romance is quite pleased with the response she is getting to this head whacking chapter! Love it and hate it! But we're right where she wants us, eh?

    • A Eve on 2024-10-03 18:49:35 (UTC)

      She is! And you are! hahahaha!

  • wearerobin on 2024-09-08 05:03:47 (UTC)

    Eve, girl. You. Are. KILLING. ME. I was so excited to see an update. Thinking I was gonna hear Noah confess his love to Kate. His realization last chapter was so beautiful. Kate was finally going to hear those 3 words and I was HYPED for it. And then the chapter starts. We’re in Kate’s head and she’s being her cute, introspective, pragmatic self. Noah comes and he’s super sweet. And then the two of them are being cute, then being sexy and right when it was getting good BAM! Here you come with the drama. May I ask why you insist on putting my sweet Kate through all this suffering and torment? My god, why didn’t you allow Noah to say he loved her? ILike Paige said the girl hasn’t had much love in her life. Noah loves her, please let him tell her. Also the GASP I let out when she asked “will you marry me”. And Noah just saying “yes”. I was with Kate I thought he actually meant it. We were both fooled. Please fix this, I can’t take Kate in pain. She’s been through enough. Let her be happy!

    • A Eve on 2024-10-03 18:49:56 (UTC)

      Oh I know, and I'm truly sorry...sort of. :P

      It will be okay, I promise!

  • MadWithLust on 2024-09-07 13:22:20 (UTC)

    This chapter hit so hard, I still don't know what really happened or how I feel about it! To keep it spoiler free, this is a pretty good recreation of me listening to this chapter:

    "Oh poor Kate, no, OK, that's a good idea, Yesah?, yeah, I like where this is going..., yes yes yes!
    (#1) OMG, fuck fuck fuck yes!

    (#2) It's happening!!! Tell her! Tell her!
    (#3) Yes, say fucking yes! Finally! Wait, what? No no no,, Shit, I knew this was going to happen! Fuck, no! OK, don't do anything stupid...whew.
    Fuck, what the fuck just happened?"

    • A Eve on 2024-10-03 18:50:10 (UTC)

      haha I love the play by play!!