Chapter Thirty Three - Noah & Kate (my new erotic romance novel)

38:47 Noah and Kate Dec 11, 2023 4 comments 1275 296

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Kate and Jeff head over to Luna's, and there's a bit of a confrontation...

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  • MadWithLust on 2023-12-19 14:01:57 (UTC)

    This was one big kerfuffle! :P

    Oh, that rascal Paige! But that book emergency! What an interesting reveal! But those subtle hints...I can't tell what tricks you are hiding up your sleeve for these lovable characters!

    And then the "confrontation"! The "foot in mouth" struggle is real! The dialogue and the feels in all the characters were so palpable in this chapter! Everything from the casual conversation and pleasantries to a stupid comment to a cringe to the brink of tears...I was expecting a pleasant morning in Cedar Lake, where did this roller coaster come from?

    And is there another big drop "tomorrow" when they meet?

    runs off to munch on a frozen waffle

    • A Eve on 2024-01-20 20:00:16 (UTC)

      haha munches on a frozen waffle...

  • wearerobin on 2023-12-14 06:42:13 (UTC)

    A Noah and Kate update never fails to brighten my day. I can't lie, I even did a bit of a happy dance when I saw chapter 23. Onto the review. So you know how I was like, "Aww I like Jeff, maybe he and Kate can be something if Noah leaves". I retract that statement FULLY. Jeff annoyed the hell out of me this chapter. And your voice acting for him was perfect. You made him sound so annoying and arrogant. I wanted Noah to smack him but I'm so glad he didn't. I'm so glad he was mature in the face of Jeff's antics. My baby boy Noah has been going through it. I just want him and Kate to spend as much time as they can together but then here comes Jeff. Actually, I blame Paige. It's her fault for bailing on the dinner. And jeez Jeff I was rooting for you why'd you have to end up being a douchbag? But on the bright side, Noah and Kate kissed and will see each other soon. Hopefully, we get that long-awaited Noah POV scene. Another excellent chapter Eve. See you in the New Year!!

    • A Eve on 2024-01-20 19:59:56 (UTC)

      I'm working on the next chapter now, and it's a Noah POV!