Chapter Ten - Noah & Kate (my new erotic romance novel)

43:30 Noah and Kate Sep 14, 2020 4 comments 2052 596

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There's a bit of a kerfuffle at Lizzie & Fitz...and bit more a kerfuffle when Noah shows up...

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  • MadWithLust on 2020-09-22 13:04:02 (UTC) (edited)

    This was a longer chapter and I was planning on listening over 2 nights...I listened to this one straight through!

    I really love how you throw in so many minute details, it just sucks me in! Even if there isn't a lot of stuff happening, I'm just totally captivated by the setting and all the characters and their personalities and the subtle tones in their voices (even better with the Eve voice acting performance, those coughs were visceral!). I love hearing Noah and Kate's thoughts and their way-too-real reactions, the way the slightest observation (especially about each other!) can just explode into ponderings, internal debates, "hot chills" (<3)... the flirting was just so good and the steam built up so smoothly, the way you describe that gorgeous kissing scene, I felt like I could feel everything!

    But that ending!!? Everything was picture perfect...where did that come from?!? Someone has got a lot of explaining to do...

    P.S. "Kerfuffle" is now my new favourite word! :P

    • A Eve on 2020-09-23 12:00:35 (UTC)

      haha I always like to keep things interesting, and keep you wanting to read more!

      Kerfuffle seems to suit a group like the Agathas and Bill Peterson :P

  • Aadam on 2020-09-17 16:24:22 (UTC)

    Oh God! This chapter was so good! I can't believe how easy it is for Kate to find new ways to shoot herself in the foot. It's both amazing and sad. What a way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, if I ever saw one. I also can only imagine how Noah will react to that bombshell.

    It's been a while since I last left a comment here (blame the pandemic :P), but I had to this time. I really, really enjoyed listening to this chapter. At the end of it I was thinking to myself 'Oh, come on! This cannot be the end of it! Not like this!' Anyway, you're doing an awesome job of keeping me hooked and with the story as well. I like the fact that you're letting the relationship between Noah and Kate simmer (it very feels like cooking it slowly, 😂) . I can't praise you enough. Cheers 🥂.

    • A Eve on 2020-09-20 22:16:27 (UTC)

      That's so awesome to hear, thank you so much! xx