Chapter Twelve - Noah & Kate (my new erotic romance novel)

41:46 Noah and Kate Dec 27, 2020 10 comments 1933 586

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So the big night has arrived...


Both Noah and Kate have a few second thoughts...

if you'd like to help me create this book, see some behind the scenes stuff, and get the text version of it in PDF form, as well as hear these audios first, please consider my dollar-a-month Patreon page. It helps keep me accountable to you, and motivates me to write! Members can also take part in Zoom calls with me once a month (maybe more) to discuss writing.

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  • TheGreek on 2021-01-11 19:38:39 (UTC) (edited)

    Dear Ms Eve, I'd like to ask if you know, when is going to be published your new book approximately (e.g. 2021 or later). I'm asking because I've the intention to buy your first book "Stay with me", and I'd like to reduce the shipping cost, which isn't small, as I don't live in the Americas. So is better for me to wait until the publication or not? Thank you in advance! 😊 P. S. Is there any chance to get an autograph on the book(s) or is it too difficult?

    • A Eve on 2021-01-13 20:20:45 (UTC)

      Hi there - I am working on the book as quickly as I can, I hope to have it published this year. You can always buy the kindle version and just read it online, I don't blame you for not wanting to pay those shipping costs.

      And don't worry about costing me money, I make almost nothing on these books - a few dollars off each one at most. So I don't mind if you get an online version.

      I can definitely autograph the books, it's just a matter of getting a copy to me, and then getting it to you. But I'm sure we can sort that out! Thanks! xox

      • TheGreek on 2021-01-13 20:44:13 (UTC) (edited)

        Dear Ms Elliot, I appreciate that you've answered me. In fact I really prefer the printed version of the book than the online one. I feel like I "own" it. Also, if I buy the printed copy, I could get an autograph from you, a writer, creator and person that I truly respect and look up to. According the issue of getting an autograph, could we communicate via email, so as to agree how the thing should be arranged, or do you prefer another option?Because I've already emailed you for another topics (appreciation letter and idea for a script), but you didn't answer me. Of course I don't blame you, as you have lot of work to do.

        • A Eve on 2021-01-13 21:39:15 (UTC)

          I am working way through a large backlog, I will respond to your email and then you can answer me back to discuss the book options, sound good?

          • TheGreek on 2021-01-13 22:18:24 (UTC)

            Sounds great! Thank you once again for your time! Take care! And keep the good work! 😊

            • A Eve on 2021-01-18 16:25:45 (UTC)

              Thank you, I shall!

  • Kenle2 on 2020-12-29 23:04:59 (UTC)

    This novel has been funny, romantic and a joy to hear.

    I do hope this new internet "NMFA" guy doesn't become either a wolf in sheep's clothing or a bland "nice guy" that Kate can't help but contrast with her more visceral feelings for Noah. Both those are kind of cliche.

    But, I have enormous faith in your ability to continue telling a wonderful story, however the plot develops.

    Thanks for the excellent writing and voice work.

    • A Eve on 2021-01-03 15:36:46 (UTC)

      Thank you so much! That's one of the main problems when writing genre fiction - there are beats and plot points that are obligatory (as in, readers of the genre know they're "supposed to be there" and will be disappointed if they're not).

      In this case, many readers would absolutely expect this guy to be a "nice guy" that isn't as sexy as Noah - after all, there has to be a reason Kate doesn't go for him - but I'm going to do something a bit different, don't worry :P

  • MadWithLust on 2020-12-28 16:08:36 (UTC)

    You got me again! You must design rollercoasters because I didn't even see the drop off coming! Despite my anticipation boner for sexy time but really make lovey time, I honestly was not disappointed. This chapter felt really right!

    And you read my mind again, the making love out under the stars is like the most romantic of my fantasies! I really need this to be foreshadowing!!!

    P.S. I really, really, really love the Eve performance reading! You really transform those words on the page and put so much life into them!

    P.P.S. I laughed out loud so many times in this chapter with all those quaint remarks and your awesome renditions (soap opera guy, "accidentally, on-purpose having sex")

    P.P.P.S Still love the guitar squiggly thing section break and I still think of it as the "mystery intrigue plot twisty thingie"

    P.P.P.P.S. And for the record, I finally watched "It's a Wonderful Life" because of this novel!

    • A Eve on 2021-01-03 15:37:15 (UTC)

      haha I love all the PPPPPPSSSSS - and I'm so glad you got to watch It's a Wonderful Life!