Chapter Eight Part 1 - Noah & Kate (my new erotic romance novel)

18:44 Noah and Kate Apr 07, 2020 4 comments 3095 943

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Chapter 8, Part 1 - I'm trying to keep up with my fiction writing during all this, and decided to publish the first half of this chapter instead of waiting until the whole chapter is done.

This is just some reflective time for Noah, and we'll hear from Kate in part two...

if you'd like to help me create this book, see some behind the scenes stuff, and get the text version of it in PDF form, as well as hear these audios first, please consider my dollar-a-month Patreon page. It helps keep me accountable to you, and motivates me to write!

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Other audios in Noah and Kate


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  • MadWithLust on 2020-04-13 12:59:49 (UTC)

    Yes! Swoons with a boner!

    Your mind reading never ceases to amaze me! I don't know how else you could write from a male perspective so well. Seriously, the way you capture that bruised ego of a rejection that wrestles relentlessly with that heady, not-yet-love-but-way-more-than-infatuation feeling, the way you write about how he just wants to just touch her ever so gently, how he revisits that OMG K-I-S-S (<3 !!!!), I can just feel it so much!

    I can't wait to hear Kate's side of the feels!

    BTW, so many bonus points for writing in the almost HFO! I thought it would be so funny and awesome if that was a major plot device, a literal climax of the book (;P) )where Kate goes "OK, if he came in his pants while *KISS*ing me, I think he's seriously into me, happily ever after" :P

    Also, love the singing! I like that song and it fits so well!

    • A Eve on 2020-04-16 02:05:38 (UTC)

      Hey MWL - thank you so much! Just FYI, as I'm polishing up the second half of the chapter, I made a reference to how hot it would be if he had had the HFO - that's on you, my dear! Thanks for the suggestion! xox

      • MadWithLust on 2020-04-17 12:54:10 (UTC)

        OMG! I'm so proud to have influenced the story in my own little way! I can't wait to hear it!!!

        I'm hoping Kate is going to come to her senses...and maybe leave a sexy voicemail...

        (Just so you know, the story at this point has me itching for schlicking audios... :P)

        • A Eve on 2020-04-18 02:12:59 (UTC)

          haha well you know how much I love the roller coaster...