Chapter Twenty Nine - Noah & Kate (my new erotic romance novel)

22:34 Noah and Kate May 31, 2023 7 comments 1100 249

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It's the hazy days of August in Cedar Lake, and Kate is feeling pretty contented much so that she begins to think of asking Noah something...

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  • MadWithLust on 2023-06-05 11:13:14 (UTC)

    OMG, the opening to this chapter has such a great way of putting the feeling of being completely in love into words! Kate being so happy and giddy and so utterly and thoroughly satisfied... swoon It seems almost tragic that she thinks it's just the physical part of the relationship was what she was missing.

    But the rest of the chapter has so many thoughts and possibilities about the future! I don't know how this is going to play out! I was thinking that Kate going out to find some exotic hot Noah seed was going to be the happy ending, but now with the whole international seed being a problem, that doesn't seem to work out that well. Unless maybe Luna can help run the seed business while Kate is out seducing Noah back home after he's had his fill of freedom and roaming..or maybe a little of both, part time long distance until they can reunite and rekindle those steamy passions...swoon.

    • A Eve on 2023-06-27 19:10:21 (UTC)

      I love that you're thinking this way, and thanks for the compliment!

  • wearerobin on 2023-06-01 05:27:57 (UTC)

    So I went back and listened to chapter 28 yesterday and then today BOOM. Chapter 29. It started out so light and fun. Kate is just in the best mood reminiscing about Noah. She's is so giddy and happy, I love that for her. She deserves it. The text messages between them in this chapter were absurdly adorable. Everything was looking great. Until…it got sad. The clock is ticking, time is running out for our favorite couple. Now IMO, Kate should, under no circumstances ask Noah to go with him. Nope! Don’t do it Kate, Noah needs to do this. Call me an old fashion girl, but Kate asking Noah to go to Panama with him would be like a girl asking a guy to marry her. I’m also reminded of the advice my Mom gave me, she said, never follow a man to a different State or Country w/o being married to him, because he could change his mind, and it’s a lot easier to dump a girlfriend then a wife.

    • wearerobin on 2023-06-01 05:36:14 (UTC)

      But Noah isn’t the type of guy to do that to a woman. I feel like Noah is a stand-up man and wouldn’t dump Kate the moment he sees a pretty Panamanian woman. I’d still advise Kate not ask to go with Noah. It has to come from him. But does any of that matter now, that we learned Kate can’t continue ZuZu’s Petals from another country, My heart dropped at that revelation. What’s our girl gonna do now? Even if Noah asks her to go with him, she can’t just give up her business. That's her dream she shouldn't have to give that up. I want them together and living their dreams but how can that happen without someone sacrificing a big part of themselves. You’re killing me Eve! Let them be happy!!!!! PS. Hoping 4 Noah’s POV soon. I want to see where he is in all of this. Plus, I miss Paige, Callum, the Agathas, Mr Peterson and Luna! She was going to the hospital last we heard from her. How's she doing? Can't wait for chapter 30. I'm so invested! Might have to become a patron! Cheers Eve!

      • A Eve on 2023-06-01 09:29:03 (UTC)

        I absolutely LOVE how invested you are in this story! It's such a thrill for any author, so thank you so much for diving in deep!

        I won't spoil the next few chapters, but rest assured, you will see everyone again soon!

  • Car54whereartthou on 2023-05-31 20:52:32 (UTC)

    For me, the story continues on a lovely slow simmer, at least in Kate's mind. Until there is a little splash of cold reality. Are there other realities to come? So, what's going on in Noah's head? Is he just coasting along in a lusty bliss? Or is he too dealing with the conflict between love (and lust) vs personal / career development dreams? Can he make a choice of what he values most? Many of us have had similar choices to make, with only hindsight to evaluate with. Can't wait to see how these questions get answered!

    • A Eve on 2023-06-01 10:01:28 (UTC)

      You're really making my day with these insights and questions! Don't worry, all will be revealed!