

Under the Covers with Eve - Episode 28: Refusing to Choose

20:46 Under the Covers with Eve episode 28 / 34 Mar 27, 2016 16 comments 3290 1128


This week, I'd like to check in with you on the Renaissance of You, and see how you're doing with that. And I'd also like to discuss something you might be unfamiliar with.

Do you find it hard to focus on just one thing in life? Have you been called scattered or unable to concentrate? Unfocused?

This episode helps dispel the idea that there's something wrong with being that kind of person. Links I mention in the audio follow below.

This episode is going to be my last regular weekly edition of Under the Covers. I’ve done 28 episodes, and enjoyed them all, but the self-imposed deadline of getting these out on time every week is really taking a toll. I’d like to be able to focus on erotic audio more, as well, and on top of that, I’d like to spare my voice a bit. Recording something daily is also taking a toll, and as much as I love doing everything I do, I want to take care of my voice.

So this isn’t the last episode ever - I am working on a major project with some fine ladies from GWA that will hopefully be up next week. But after that, I’ll just post these episodes when time and inspiration allows. Thank you to everyone who’s listened over the past six months, just knowing you come back to listen every week is very flattering. I’ve enjoyed your comments and messages, and I hope these episodes have given you some food for thought. ❤️


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