

Under the Covers with Eve - Episode 29: Sexy Isn't a Size (Feat. 17 Ladies from Gone Wild Audio)

1:10:56 Under the Covers with Eve episode 29 / 34 Apr 08, 2016 14 comments 11616 1897


  • In this special edition of Under the Covers with Eve -

As you may know, I did an audio recently about BHM - big handsome men - and I got a lot of very touching responses from guys who appreciated hearing an audio like that, one that just treated them like sexy guys. I was surprised at how many guys truly had no idea that their body size and shape - whatever it is - is way less important to women than they might think.

I thought I would do an Under the Covers episode about it, but then I thought that it would be better for guys to hear it from more than just one woman. So I enlisted the help of some GWA ladies to add their voices to this, and I was again overwhelmed by the responses.

When I asked for submissions, I was planning to edit together a collection of ladies all answering individual questions, like I have in previous episodes of Ask Eve. But when I listened to the amazing, thoughtful, wonderful audios these ladies recorded, I knew that I wanted a totally different format for this edition of Under the Covers. I wanted to just let each lady speak for herself, and tell her story her way. So these are the audio responses I received, put together randomly, so you can hear them in their entirety. Keep in mind, the ladies did not speak to each other about this - whatever you hear are their genuine thoughts without the influence of other ladies’ opinions.

With 17 responses, it was difficult to edit this down to a reasonable time limit and still let the ladies speak, so I didn’t bother with my own introduction. Consider this my introduction:D

I asked the ladies three basic questions

Do you find bigger guys sexy? Would you go out with someone who was heavier than the average guy? Same question with skinny guys, or guys who aren’t really muscular.

Would you agree with this: Sexy Isn’t a Size?

If you could encourage bigger/skinnier guys to feel more confident, what would you say?

And the audio you’re about to hear is their collective responses. In order of appearance, you’ll hear from


















I think you’ll love what they had to say - from Lottie’s fire breathing tigers to Miss Glitchy’s dogs, to Imaliddleteapot’s tickle targets and inspiring quotes, a shout out to /u/WestBayRay and lots of giggles, sighs, unfs and everything in between, this is a great collection of heartfelt audios from some of the best ladies of GWA. Ladies, you really stepped up. Thank you so much for being so encouraging, so caring, so man-loving!

This is a long audio, feel free to come back to it whenever you get a chance. ❤️

Other audios in Under the Covers with Eve

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