

Under the Covers with Eve - Episode 8: Introducing Her to Your Fantasies

21:32 Under the Covers with Eve episode 8 / 34 Nov 01, 2015 12 comments 4709 1338


This week I address how to introduce your partner to your fantasies, fetishes and kinks. And a bit of context as to why you might want to try it the way I suggest…

As with every Under the Covers episode, I just want to stress that these are simply my opinions and observations, nothing more. Listen in if you like, see if you agree with the things I say, let these discussions be some food for thought. Think about these issues yourself, always, and come to your own conclusions. I’m just telling you what’s on my mind, I’m not trying to change yours.

So while I appreciate comments and emails, I won’t get into arguments. Life is just too short :D

This week's pop culture reference! Sons of Anarchy!

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