Eve's Guide for Regular Guys - The Interviews (Part 1)

54:55 Eve's Guide For Regular Guys episode 19 / 19 (part 1 of 2) Nov 30, 2018 12 comments 8872 1390

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The best description for this two-part audio series is in what I opened this episode with - so I'll just reproduce it here...

Welcome to this special episode of Eve’s Guide for Regular Guys. This audio is broken up into two parts, comprising episode 19 and 20 of the series, and I think you’ll see why in a moment. I started getting a lot of questions and comments from guys who were hesitant to listen to the series because they were so dispirited about their lives they were convinced nothing good would ever happen for them. This advice is well and good for other people, they would say, but it won’t work for me.

Now, since I”ve been receiving emails and messages from people ever since I started this, telling me about amazing things that have happened in their lives after listening to this series - everything from losing weight to losing virginity, finding a girlfriend, starting a new job, you name it - I thought it would be a good idea to let you hear it from them directly. I asked a few listeners if I could interview them to appear in this special episode - and the six people you’re going to hear from now are a great cross section of the kind of people who have benefited from this series. 5 men and one woman answered the call, and shared their thoughts and feelings with me in a collection of phone interviews that I thoroughly enjoyed - thank you, to all of you, it was a real delight to talk with you.

I know this is a long episode, and so I saved the last episode, with one of my dear friends Quincy, for a whole separate audio. We talked for over an hour, and I managed to whittle it down to about 30 minutes, but I wanted you to hear it because he brings up such poignant and relevant points. So please don’t forget to listen to the second part of this episode when you get a chance, it’s worth it.

So, without further ado, let’s get started.

Other audios in Eve's Guide For Regular Guys


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  • MadWithLust on 2018-12-06 13:08:51 (UTC)

    A huge thank you to all Eve and all the interviewees who took the time to put this together! It's inspiring to hear all your stories and insights and awesomeness!

    • A Eve on 2018-12-06 22:52:06 (UTC)

      Thanks for listening MWL! 💋

  • SamuelXD on 2018-12-03 02:04:12 (UTC)

    I've not made any drastic changes, but I'm trying to be kinder to myself 😊

    • A Eve on 2018-12-06 22:52:21 (UTC)

      Aw, that's wonderful to hear! Good for you 💋

  • CharlieRomeoLima on 2018-12-03 01:22:11 (UTC)

    First, thank you to James, Aaron, Ari, Lucas, Quincy, & David for sharing your experiences and insights into actualizing the kinds of lives that you want for yourselves. Listening to you all reiterates to me just how amazing this community is that has been formed around Eve's audios, and that, as the saying goes, we're all climbing the same mountain just on different sides.

    Eve, when they say that anything once posted to the Internet never goes away, well, I hope that is most definitely the case when it comes to your Guide audios. I think that so much of your advice is timeless and would have helped a person back in the 1920's as well as it is helping people today or 20 years from now. I've not made dramatic changes in my life as of yet, but I know it's not a race and if anything I feel more at equilibrium, like the grindstone of self-loathing & criticism has stopped eroding my foundation. Personally I find this intangible benefit to be as great, and I've you to thank for that.

    • A Eve on 2018-12-06 22:53:01 (UTC)

      I'm so thrilled to hear this, Charlie, it does my heart good. Thank you so much 💋

  • PrismaticDragon on 2018-11-30 23:08:56 (UTC)

    I hope I can one day feel like I can make it through one of these episodes without falling apart. This is a beautiful, wonderful, and positive idea, and I sincerely hope other people continue to benefit from your advice.

    Perhaps once I feel my life is fully under my control again, I'll give it a go.

    • A Eve on 2018-12-02 19:24:26 (UTC)

      I can only repeat what Jandrusel has said, and let you know that you have to come to these things in your own time. I hope you find that time soon, for your own sake, but in the meantime, be good to yourself 💋

    • Jandrusel on 2018-12-01 01:49:19 (UTC)

      Hey man, I'm not in a place to give anyone advice. But just so you know, I do break down at some of Eve's podcasts. No shame here. I've been down in the gutter, I've hated myself, I've felt like suicide a dozen times or more and I've hated every inch of me with all strength. And yet, I'm still here. You're here. And I think you deserve a pat on the back for that.

      Have you ever heard of what chinese people do with their broken plates and vases? They repair it with powdered gold or silver. They do that because that "breakage" is part of the objects history. It adds value to it and instead of hiding it, or throwing it away, they proudly display it on their homes.

      No matter what happens, own your life and own your mistakes and regrets. You can always rebuild yourself at your own pace. There's no finish line here. I'm just a random prick on the Internet but I hope you can find the peace within you, man.

      • CharlieRomeoLima on 2018-12-03 01:33:19 (UTC)

        I recently learned about that art form kintsugi on Twitter, and I thought that it embodied such a beautiful philosophy about life that is universally resonant. Might tie into the reasons why we all like to hear about stories of people, both real and fictional, overcoming adversity and in doing so being forged into better versions of themselves.

        • A Eve on 2018-12-06 22:53:16 (UTC)

          I love this, so much! ❤️

      • PrismaticDragon on 2018-12-02 15:53:03 (UTC)

        Hey, thanks for the kind words. I battle depression and anxiety issues daily and that night in particular started a downswing that kicked my ass for a day or two. Thankfully, I managed to climb back out and practice my mindfulness training, so it's all good now.

        I appreciate your encouragement. :)