Eve's Guide For Regular Guys: Episode 2 - Your Morning

24:31 Eve's Guide For Regular Guys episode 2 / 19 Jan 14, 2017 34 comments 18067 3370

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This is your morning, the start of your day...how are you going to treat yourself? Like someone you value? Like someone important? How you start your day can set the tone for the rest of your day. And since your days make up your life, it's important to start off right.

Other audios in Eve's Guide For Regular Guys


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  • MajorGhost on 2020-10-11 07:44:29 (UTC) (edited)

    When you said getting a loofah would be a harder sell, I was like "Ha got you! I already have one" lol

    But really thanks so much, I can see why women enjoy showers so much. It was wonderful.

    Also, I love the bonus sound effect 😂

    • A Eve on 2020-10-11 19:10:23 (UTC)

      Thank you! :P I'm glad you like loofahs too! xx

  • Cody24 on 2019-07-08 06:54:44 (UTC)

    You can go to dollarshaveclub.com they have high quality razors for a cheap price that were i go to get my stuff at

    • A Eve on 2019-07-10 22:20:39 (UTC)

      Great idea, thanks!

  • JustDoddy on 2017-10-01 22:31:36 (UTC)

    This felt wonderful I picked up a scrubber puff thingy from my local drug store I swear my cloths felt softer against my skin after using it but this may have been a placebo effect.

    However I did come across a problem I absolutely struggled to imagine a dream lover. I can imagine people having sex just fine I just found it hard to imagine it was with me.

    • A Eve on 2017-10-03 20:27:09 (UTC)

      This is something you have to work on - it may not come easily to you, but it's worth doing. What's the harm in just imagining a lover? Let yourself go, forget yourself and your self-image and just free yourself from that. It's the first step in loving yourself enough to let someone else love you.

  • CharlieRomeoLima on 2017-03-20 23:16:59 (UTC)

    A month ago Switzerland's World Economic Forum named my hometown the sixth most mindful city in the world. I don't know about cities in themselves being mindful, but their citizens can certainly choose to be such. I've always strived to be mindful in my interactions with others but when it comes to myself I often subscribe to the mentality that I am but an insignificant speck in space and time. While this humbling fact is true, I can see that I don't have to let it be so overbearing that I forget I still exist as an entity who is allowed to be entitled to a sense of self.

    I don't think I'm a total slouch in the personal grooming department, but it wouldn't hurt to try out some of your refinements; I really should start exfoliating those neglected knees and elbows. And thank you for the mention of Egyptian cotton towels. Some of mine are due for repurposing into washrags. In fact, the Bay's having a sale on right now on those towels for nearly half off, about $13 each. So what am I doing sitting here writing this comment?!?

    P.S. If anyone else sees my comment and you use loofahs, please remember to replace them regularly or rinse them out very thoroughly. Those accumulating dead skin cells in an old loofah can really attract the bacteria overload your freshly exfoliated skin doesn't need!

    • A Eve on 2017-03-22 15:12:50 (UTC)

      That's a really good point, I should have mentioned that, so thank you! And I'm very glad you're being more mindful....and that's a good price for anything from the Bay, go grab some :P

      • CharlieRomeoLima on 2017-03-22 22:55:43 (UTC)

        I did, and they are sooo soft and absorbent I can easily pat dry in seconds. At the price I got them for I doubt they're 100% Egyptian cotton, but a bit of research into towels gets a bit more complicated with specs like GSM (grams per square metre), or the merits of Egyptian vs. Turkish cotton. Anyway, I'm happy with what I got, and thank you for sharing these lifehacks with us.

        • A Eve on 2017-03-24 23:15:36 (UTC)

          You're very welcome...I have lots more on the way ❤️

  • Bobbert on 2017-02-24 21:00:24 (UTC)

    Haha, Eve, that was really interesting. I, too, have my morning routine carefully crafted and it turns out to be the EXACT opposite of what you described :D

    Face splash, teeth brush, cold shower, no soaps nor chemicals to irritate my skin, no playing with myself, quick and firm drying with a harsh towel, no shaving my beard with no freakin razors.

    And this routine makes me feel MANLY. It energizes me. It fills me with power. The little win over the cold water is great to start a day with. This routine is not comfortable, but this is exactly the way I express love to myself. Because the way man loves himself is by doing uncomfortable things for the greater good. In this case - waking myself up and energizing for the day.

    Your proposition, in turn, is so FEMININE it possibly couldn't be more :) This is the way a WOMAN would express love to herself.

    Don't get me wrong, Eve, I'm not criticizing you. I know you are sincerely trying to help guys. Seeing (or rather hearing :) ) such a loving woman is a pure bliss for my heart. But, you know, nobody is better at stopping boys from becoming men than a loving mother.

    But maybe this is something many guys need to start with? To just feel a female appreciation without literally any effort? (I'm moving to a broader topic now.) In your audios you combine this unconditional mother's love with a lover's lust. This is crazy :D This is nature's missing link.

    It can be an extremely powerful inspiration to boost guys development. And a dangerous utopia for guys to indulge in and STOP their development. Popping their bubble must result in rage. You already know it from your shyness audio.

    Wish you best :)

    • charles on 2019-08-01 20:31:42 (UTC)

      This objection seems not unreasonable at all. I'd really like to know what do you think of it, ms. Eve

  • m00ndancer on 2017-02-03 17:34:00 (UTC)

    As an older guy in a long relationship (23 years), this was something I needed to hear. The first episode was kind of redundant, at least for me. But some of the things you said struck a chord in me. This episode really hit me on a basic level, understanding that to really be me, I have to take care of me before being able to take care of my loved ones. Thanks Eve.

    ps. Lovely voice ds.

    • A Eve on 2017-02-03 23:31:02 (UTC)

      Thank you so much, and I'm very glad you see that, I hope everyone understands that they have to start with themselves. 💋

  • xtrmn8r on 2017-02-01 01:35:03 (UTC)

    Word of caution: don't cum too often down one drain if someone else is shaving their hair into that drain as well. The mess is unbelievable if it congeals and clogs the pipes... so I've heard, ahem.

    • A Eve on 2017-02-01 14:15:43 (UTC)

      Excellent point :P

  • Dadiac08 on 2017-01-28 23:55:33 (UTC)

    So, I did this prior to listening to this audio and wow, what a freeing experience. For over a decade, my wife decorated the entire home. Now that we are seperated, I had to find "me" in all of this. I redid the bathroom 1st, almost exactly as Eve suggested. What I found was some identity in my living space. Thanks Eve. Very encouraging. Cheers

    • A Eve on 2017-01-30 21:39:01 (UTC)

      I'm so glad, it's great to hear you're finding your own way again. ❤️

  • MadWithLust on 2017-01-17 23:40:48 (UTC)

    I have wondered about getting nicer towels before, the extra thick and plushy kind you get in hotels. I never thought they were worth getting on my own but now you have me reconsidering... :P

    And do you have any tips for getting out of bed? I think I take less time in the morning taking care of myself than I should because I'm always in a rush to get out the door.

    P.S. That exclamation point / bonus round sound effect is awesome! Just saying :)

    • A Eve on 2017-01-18 19:07:23 (UTC)

      haha I'm glad you liked it :D

      Getting out of bed - well, I'm going to go through the whole day throughout this series, including bedtime and waking up, so stay tuned :D

  • JimHumblestrong on 2017-01-17 21:06:33 (UTC)

    Ah, thank you! I listened to this episode on my way home from work, it brought my mood from gray to sunny. I tidied up our bathroom and took a nice warm bath. Now, I am going to offer my significant other a shoulder massage. You have a real mission here, Eve, and there can be some good knock on effects for others.

    • A Eve on 2017-01-18 19:07:50 (UTC)

      Oh awesome, that's so good to hear 💋

  • joetinla1967 on 2017-01-17 18:42:24 (UTC)

    Good morning Miss Eve,
    By no means is any of what your talking about ridiculous, you are so on point that starting your day in such a positive way is the first step in helping biuld ones self confidence up and start your day out strong.
    Thank you.

    • A Eve on 2017-01-18 19:08:28 (UTC)

      Absolutely, it can make or break the day. Even if something bad happens during your day, if you start out feeling great you might be able to handle it better

  • leytod on 2017-01-17 04:36:29 (UTC)

    Great 2nd episode! I hope this series goes more many more!

    "I would encourage you to masturbate in the shower ..."

    Eve, you crack me up. Hot, massaging water, surrounded by soapy, slippery, scented things ... and, oh look, I'm naked!

    On a practical note, masturbating in the shower is good practice for learning to cum while standing. It's not a natural human talent!

    • A Eve on 2017-01-17 15:31:38 (UTC)

      haha good point...and yes, I do think all that hot water and soapy slippery nice smelling stuff is very conducive to some self-love :P

  • Durgarnkuld on 2017-01-15 18:51:15 (UTC)

    Well, that was quick ^^ I didn't expect the next episode so early!
    You are right in a lot of aspects, Eve. Selfloving is real hard. I can take care of others, no problem. But appreciating myself, that's a whole other level. I'll try to improve on some details. First steps are always the hardest, getting in the right mindset.

    • A Eve on 2017-01-17 15:31:01 (UTC)

      That's why I'm starting with such small, seemingly insignificant things. It is often too hard to take on big tasks or really change your viewpoint, so I find it's best to start with baby steps.

  • NowhereMan on 2017-01-14 23:14:27 (UTC)

    I have to say Eve, I know we're only two episodes in, but I think this may be my favorite series on this site yet. As small as some of this stuff may seem in the grand scheme of things, it's just incredibly insightful and just clicks. I'm glad to see that others are getting good things out of this too because this kind of thing is incredibly important. Please, keep up the great work and I look forward to the next episode.

    • A Eve on 2017-01-15 13:45:28 (UTC)

      Thanks so much, I'm so glad you're enjoying it. ❤️

  • billymacorbuddy on 2017-01-14 20:25:04 (UTC)

    I'm so glad you're excited about doing this series. They have been a pleasure to listen to so far. This one brought a smile to my face because I already do a lot of your suggestions. People think I'm crazy for getting up so early, but my morning time is sacred and I'm well worth it. :)

    One quick question about cologne. Does it have to be cologne? Because I can't stand it. Do women find lighter scents attractive on men?

    • A Eve on 2017-01-15 13:47:35 (UTC)

      No, not at all. I personally don't like cologne on men, but I don't want to tell guys what to do or not do based on my taste alone.

      I would say that based on my experience, with all the women I've known, we tend to prefer subtle fragrance on men, something like a nice smelling soap or aftershave, rather than a dedicated cologne or body spray. The smell of simple soap mixed with that almost indescribable 'man' scent can be intoxicating to women. :D

      • billymacorbuddy on 2017-01-15 15:35:35 (UTC)

        I'm glad you said that because that's basically what I practice now. I much rather someone see me before they smell me. ;)

        • A Eve on 2017-01-17 15:30:05 (UTC)

          haha yeah, sometimes guys can really overdo it. But I do love the scent of a man, just his natural clean scent. It's heavenly ❤️