Stay With Me : A Novel by Eve Elliot - Chapter 4

22:04 Stay With Me: A Novel episode 5 / 31 Feb 18, 2016 6 comments 3311 996

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Erik needs to understand why Alex and Nick thought this intervention would work...and Alex reminds him of what he said to her in Mexico City. He decides to leave the cabin, facing a wicked winter storm instead of staying with her.

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  • billymacorbuddy on 2017-01-05 14:51:56 (UTC) (edited)

    Finally getting a chance to give this the proper binge listen that it deserves. Just thought I'd check in with my thoughts at this point.

    I can understand why Erik is upset. To have two people you trust tell you that you are broken would make anyone defensive. Even if you know that it's true, you have to protect yourself from the hurt.

    At the same time I can empathize with Alex. She threw herself at him on the presumption that he loved her, only to be rejected and have all that self doubt come flooding in. What do you do when question the validity of your assumptions after you've already acted on them?

    • A Eve on 2017-01-10 16:34:15 (UTC)

      Thank you for this, I'm really delighted to hear from listeners on this. When a writer creates characters and throws them into conflict, it's nice to hear what the reader/listener thinks of it, and whether it had the intended effect. ❤️

  • STEVE4EVE on 2016-04-12 02:17:01 (UTC)

    First Nick, and now Eric goes out into the freezing cold without having touched the sandwiches that Alex had prepared. He doesn't even take any sandwiches with him for the journey.

    Maybe Alex should have cooked up a casserole instead?

    I like this build up, bringing out the deeply human elements of Alex and Eric, with much to identify with in both of them. It's going to make things so much more intense.

    • A Eve on 2016-04-12 13:35:14 (UTC)

      Thank you, that's what I hoped :D

  • MadWithLust on 2016-02-21 15:38:20 (UTC)

    Ooooh, the plot thickens! He remembers...pssh, as if he could forget! But he's not being a good solider...running away like that. He needs to stand his ground and take whatever she can throw at, or onto him and then withdraw and then throw onto him again...over and over and over again. And then a few extra times for just to make sure that she thoroughly understands him and the situation. :P

    • A Eve on 2016-02-22 10:39:19 (UTC)

      I like the way you think....