Stay With Me : A Novel by Eve Elliot - Chapter 19

36:46 Stay With Me: A Novel episode 20 / 31 Jul 28, 2016 12 comments 2870 936

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Erik's nightmare wakes Alex, and he learns something about her that might change everything...

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  • CharlieRomeoLima on 2017-09-25 05:35:51 (UTC)

    Berettas, RPGs, MREs...not for the first time I'm impressed by all the in-depth research you've done on the military and on elite combat units. And is the part of the Code where you never sleep with your buddy's sister actually a point of sacrosanct honour that exists among real-life brothers-in-arms? :) And Kamila... now that I can see the proper spelling of her name together with the fact that she was wearing a burqa that concealed even her eyes gives me more clues about who she might be. With that explosive vest on she brings to mind upsetting news not long ago about Boko Haram's use of abducted women and girls as suicide bombers. even against their own friends and families. Absolutely horrific, and the nihilistic sadism intrinsic to these tactics illustrates most starkly the true meaning of words like depraved, wicked, or debauched that as you know too well are bandied about almost cavalierly on places like GWA or other porn sites to describe sexuality.

    It seems Alex still has a ways to go to change Erik's global views on himself and what he feels he deserves. As outside observers it's obvious to us he is more than deserving of her love and devotion but to him it's more like depression wherein he cannot see any way out. We men often get lambasted by our society's popular culture for thinking with our little heads, but in this case, Erik's cock definitely is showing him the right path! Give in to your lust, man, just DO IT! 😆

    I realize I'm taking my time to read Stay With Me, but I love to listen to your narration while reading the book and it necessarily slows down my pace. With your writing though I'm really enjoying virtualizing the setting, the events, and the facial expressions of your characters in my mind, and I'm finding it's a journey to be savoured, rather than a mere race to the destination and The End. And I want to reiterate my promise to write a review on Amazon when I'm done. I have not forgotten that Amazon will promote your book more if you can get enough reviews on it. As you said yesterday on the livestream, it's a long game, and I'll be rooting for your ultimate success with your writing endeavours. 💐🌸🌹

    • A Eve on 2017-10-01 18:58:08 (UTC)

      Thank you for your insightful comments as always, Charlie, I really appreciate your taking such an interest in the story. Books really do feel like babies to their authors, I'm proud of my little one :P

  • MadWithLust on 2016-08-05 17:26:48 (UTC)

    Wow, things took a wrong turn so fast!!! I wasn't expecting any of that! Now what??? How are they both going to get past this? Camilla was mentioned once before but I don't remember many questions!!!

    • A Eve on 2016-08-06 20:58:55 (UTC)


      I warned you, darling. Bumpy, bumpy ride. :D

      • MadWithLust on 2016-08-06 23:03:18 (UTC)

        Well, I took that as...there would be bumping and then more bumping, and then maybe she would get on top for a ride...

        And then they'd go back to the start and do it again. :P

        • A Eve on 2016-08-07 20:40:06 (UTC)

          I like the way you think...

  • joetinla1967 on 2016-08-02 23:59:01 (UTC)

    Hello Miss Eve,
    I must say your attention to detail with Eric's pain is just amazing, this was a great chapter I can't wait for the next one, thank you and keep up the amazing work.

    • A Eve on 2016-08-04 10:23:21 (UTC)

      Thank you so much, that means so much to me! Writers love to hear that they've been able to paint a picture with just words alone, so thank you!

  • YouAreMySunshine on 2016-07-31 13:57:17 (UTC)

    Its quite difficult for a man to confess things that may indicate signs of him being weak or rather emotionally disturbed. And if that man is a special forces ranger,I guess the courage required to confess amplifies a lot!
    By the way, who is Camilla? O.o

    • A Eve on 2016-07-31 14:56:38 (UTC)

      Well, you'll just have to keep listening to find out... :P Thanks for listening ❤️

  • Null on 2016-07-29 19:25:11 (UTC) (edited)

    Another nearly 40 minute chapter? You spoil us, Eve.

    Haven't listened to it yet, but I'm sure it's as great as every other! Keep 'em coming (please? :D)!

    • A Eve on 2016-07-31 14:57:11 (UTC)

      Thank you, I'm glad they aren't too long. I prefer not to break them up if I can manage it.

      There's more on the way :D