Bedtime Rambles 3 - What I Find Sexy About You - Men in Porn (maybe not what you think) part 3

24:48 ramble Apr 19, 2021 12 comments 3429 586

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Sometimes I'll come across something that just delights me about men, or makes me do a double take, or fills me with that certain feeling (you know what I'm talking about :P)

In this ramble, I talk about the way some guys, in some porn, interact with their female partners

Other audios in series bedtime rambles


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  • ArthurWynne on 2021-05-05 22:32:24 (UTC)

    This was very cute. Really nice and refreshing to hear a normal women’s perfective on things like this. It always helps to hear and/or see both partners enjoyment in the act. If one of them doesn’t seem to be into it (despite how hot he/she might be) then it’s a total turn off for the viewer. It’s funny, that in my teen years I always opted for the hottest/sexiest girl. Nowadays that isn’t at all what I search for. It’s usually more a specific niche which all about how passionate or how into it she seems to be. Which in turn goes for the guy too! All the involuntary moans, trembles and quivers go a long way! X

    • A Eve on 2021-05-06 18:54:20 (UTC)

      I think that's a stage in all our development, where we go for hot looks when we're young and then mature into wanting better experiences later. I'm very glad you liked it! And thanks for calling me a normal woman, for the longest time I wasn't entirely sure I was :P

  • MadWithLust on 2021-04-26 16:32:19 (UTC)

    Yep, I totally get this! Trust and intimacy are sexy!!!

    I think it's easy to lump most porn in the typical "gonzo", super bright, no intimacy, rough, robotic type porn because it's probably the largest portion. But I'm really glad to see some pleasant things becoming more popular that are bucking that trend. Examples, creampie vs. facial, "women friendly" porn with less extreme content (rough sex, anal, >2 people).

    But I think there's some things that are just part of visual hardcore porn (bright lighting, sex positions that give the best "view" of the action). When softcore was more available, I often enjoyed it because they used a lot more kissing/caressing and darker/warmer lighting and creative blocking of the explicit bits to create that sexy atmosphere that let the imagination add to the sexiness.

    But I'm also super glad that the cheesy, far fetched, over-the-top porn plots haven't gone away... :P

    • A Eve on 2021-04-27 19:58:46 (UTC)

      As I said, I don't have anything against visual porn (if it's ethically done, I did a whole audio on that), I just think men in particular could really benefit from seeing guys in porn being more real guy-like.

  • SamuelXD on 2021-04-26 02:50:39 (UTC)

    I've been drifting away from visual porn and been enjoying audios more, because it allows me to be more immersive, whether it's roleplay themed or not. In more conventional porn, male emotion tends to be more exuberant; louder sounds or exaggerated dirty talk for example. It doesn't seem genuine, whereas some sites, where it's more intimate and tasteful, the male performer seems to do the subtle things you described and it makes it more organic, believable. In turn, the female reciprocates, making him feel appreciated. Unfortunately, current rhetoric is the polar opposite.

    • A Eve on 2021-04-27 19:56:22 (UTC)

      That's what it's all about for me - remembering that sex is a mutual experience not partner A doing something to partner B. This is what visual porn focuses on too much, in my opinion.

      I don't even mind the really silly over the top scenes you seem sometimes in ads, because at least the actors look like they know how ridiculous it is and they're having fun with it.

  • MSA on 2021-04-22 02:35:56 (UTC)

    Always enjoy your content. Even though that I'm afraid to masturbate, I'm still going to enjoy your content as long as you keep posting. Thanks.

    • A Eve on 2021-04-23 12:16:06 (UTC)

      Don't be afraid to masturbate, it's normal and healthy and good for you!

  • CharlieRomeoLima on 2021-04-22 01:38:56 (UTC)

    The thought that a male performer can show emotion and passion in a porn scene, while not the focus of the average visitor to the Hub/Tube sites, would be a boon for the genre as a whole. I think this would render scenes much more organic and human, and could be a bonus for the female performers too, who I imagine get bored of going 'through the motions' like an automaton with an equally cold, distant alpha man who is merely there as a placeholder for the male viewer. I've seen a few of those VR vids that are becoming more common and how cool would it be if the POV man could hold her, stroke her hair, pause during a buildup just to directly focus his gaze on her eyes and relish the emotion he reads in them. These touches would certainly enhance this new subgenre of the adult medium for this viewer.

    Thank you for sharing your candid thoughts on this topic, Eve.

    • A Eve on 2021-04-23 12:15:49 (UTC)

      I know what you mean, I think a lot of people would love that kind of thing!

  • DonQuixote on 2021-04-20 06:56:39 (UTC)

    This was a great ramble. That kind of porn, and especially your erotic works, contribute to preserving a sense of human connection. Especially, when one feels a sense of alienation when interacting with works that focus more on the purely voyeuristic. Not that that can't be fun. But to me, it can feel like the junk food of eroticism.

    • A Eve on 2021-04-23 12:14:51 (UTC)

      Thank you so much - obviously I agree, that's a good analogy there xx