A Little Message for...Smaller Guys

15:52 A Message For... Sep 19, 2019 8 comments 8713 1946

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In these A Little Message For...audios, I ramble a bit about different types of guys, or some of the things I find particularly attractive about certain types of guys.

I am drawn to character, personality and talent more than anything else, and so some of these audios reflect that (like the one for guitar players). But since I am also drawn to lots of different physical types, I wanted to do a few of these for the physical aspects of some men that might not usually get a lot of praise.

I really don't have any one preferred type - I love men in general and so if this audio doesn't fit you or your type, don't worry. I'm sure one of these will relate to you soon enough.

For now, here's some love for all the smaller, thinner, shorter guys out there. ❤️

Other audios in series A Message For...


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  • CheckpointCharlie on 2019-11-03 18:14:51 (UTC)

    I somehow missed this one until now. I've been rejected multiple times because of being too short so this audio was particularly reassuring to me. Thank you for making these, Eve! You really keep me going!

    • A Eve on 2019-11-03 21:23:34 (UTC)

      Aww, my pleasure! It always saddens me so much when I hear guys being told they're too short - it's sexiness that counts

  • ArthurWynne on 2019-09-25 22:13:27 (UTC)

    This was lovely. Thank you, Eve. This ones from the heart x

    • A Eve on 2019-10-01 15:17:04 (UTC)

      My pleasure 😘

  • Hawkins on 2019-09-21 13:50:04 (UTC)

    Eve I recently discovered you and your audios and I wanted to thank you for them. Sincerely, thank you. They’re very helpful to me. Not many people present sex in a positive manner, but you do. So thank you.

    • A Eve on 2019-10-01 15:17:25 (UTC)

      Aw, I'm so pleased. Thank you! 💋

  • tinonymous on 2019-09-20 21:25:18 (UTC)

    In this wave of body positivity, male bodies are often not given that much of attention. There are still so many of us insecure about our heights, body types, or the most obvious one, penis size. But you make us feel loved and important, many men crave that level of attention and love but sadly society has some weird standards set up for us which are mostly not in our control (like height and size of the organ) and expects men to not express our feeling and desire for love, since that sounds like a weakness, they don't realise how much of those feelings do we just keep stacking and carry within ourselves. I've been insecure for a long time now (I've never been in a relationship, now that I've completed my grad. So I might look for it, but again my body doesn't meet the society's standards for the organ size) but listening to all your audios make me feel so much better about myself.. You are so so underrated. World really needs more people like you. Thanks a ton eve <3

    • A Eve on 2019-10-01 15:18:06 (UTC)

      You're very welcome! I hope audios like this can give you a little boost - you deserve it ❤️