Watch Me...(masturbating beside you)

19:46 passionate partners Mar 06, 2017 16 comments 2357 1096

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Sexuality is such a spectrum, even within a couple, or within one person in the couple. Sometimes one partner just isn’t in the mood while the other is climbing the walls with horniness. And sometimes one partner has issues with depression, anxiety, or ED - for a lot of men, in particular, there’s a lot of pressure to be constantly turned on, constantly ready for sex, no matter what. What about if a guy wants to be with his woman, and loves her sexuality, but he’s just not up to a riotous fuck fest tonight?

So in this raw, unscripted audio I explore the idea of a couple enjoying sexuality together, even when he isn’t the horny one. She invites him to watch while she pleases herself fantasizing about him. A loving, sexy couple can ’be’ together even if they just enjoy watching each other masturbate

There are a few ways you can enjoy this audio - if you don’t envision yourself ever unwilling or unable, then just imagine we’re roleplaying and you’re pretending to deny me :P You can certainly stroke yourself along with me, or you can just listen and enjoy, kind of like an audio voyeur.


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  • Jeffsortairish on 2017-04-25 06:33:21 (UTC)

    Those are great thoughts in your written words. I agree that sometimes just talking about something (where there's a possible difference) can bring mutual understanding or fresh ideas. Whether it's food (what kind of pizza does each want?), or a big decision, or as here, a time when they simply have different sexual needs.

    Your improvised audio shows this in such a sweet, natural, and arousing way. The horny one gets to enjoy pleasurable release alongside a cared for person. The tired one still feels desired, maybe gets to lovingly observe, "Ah, so that's how you're touching yourself there, hmm, maybe I can get an idea to try or ask you about sometime". Both end up feeling contentment, and enter the night glad to be sharing the same covers :)

    Although it occurs to me, I don't know if your Eve characters are covers takers? I might need to amend it: glad to be sharing the same covers, at least for fifteen minutes or so :P

    • A Eve on 2017-04-27 10:36:54 (UTC)

      Oh they are inveterate cover takers! Shameless stealers, no question :P

      • Jeffsortairish on 2017-04-27 16:31:10 (UTC)

        It sounds like resistance is futile then :) But this audio is frickin' early March, so a man's gotta stand up for himself comfortably before hypothermia sets in! Maybe he can reach for a classic style sleeping bag stashed near the bed. You know, the kind with a full length zipper. So at least you still have ready access if the moment arises :P

        Maybe not the most romantic notion around, I admit, but I'd say that even sans covers a bedmate of Eve's is still a very lucky guy. He just has to find a way to stay warm! Wish you a good evening in Ireland :)

        • A Eve on 2017-04-28 11:40:43 (UTC)

          Thank you! Go raibh maith agat :P

  • MadWithLust on 2017-03-14 12:12:04 (UTC)

    I had such a hard time picking an audio (so many audios, so little time/cum or too much refractory period :P) but in the end, I couldn't resist this one!

    I do love this setting, watching while listening to the fantasy, which in my fantasies, is always me! And your voice in these raw audios always seems extra sultry and seductive, even when you're not saying " you wanna fuck me?" (gotta be one of the best ways to start sexy time) :P

    And of course, I couldn't listen to you share a beautiful orgasm without letting loose one of my own! :P

    • A Eve on 2017-03-16 12:02:58 (UTC)

      I'm glad you chose wisely :P

  • CharlieRomeoLima on 2017-03-07 23:49:02 (UTC)

    I'm with billymacorbuddy on the sound effects. And the affectionate snuggle after, no Eraudica content would really be complete without that hallmark. I've of course seen masturbation porn featuring POV, JOI, exotic toys, and more recently VR but despite their 1080p visuals I still felt like I was the cameraman and not 'present' in the fantasy as an actual participant. Imagination's powerful without a doubt, no wonder they say the brain is the body's most potent sex organ. Just your audio alone is so much more immersive than much of what's available in the mainstream, such is your skill in your craft. And you did this raw and improvised. I'm simply blown away.

    If I ever truly denied a woman who was this passionate (and horny!), I'd be concerned for my health. Enough to make an appointment with the good Doctor Eve for some....outpatient care.

    • A Eve on 2017-03-08 19:11:28 (UTC)

      Thank you so much, I'm glad you liked it. And yes, Dr. Eve is always available for appointments :P 💋

  • billymacorbuddy on 2017-03-07 17:29:51 (UTC)

    To watch a woman masturbate has definitely always been a fantasy of mine. I like the way that you got the sounds of the sheets and movement on bed in the audio. It's little details like that that I think draw the listener into the fantasy.

    • A Eve on 2017-03-08 19:10:42 (UTC)

      Thanks Billy, I'm glad you enjoyed it. 💋

  • joetinla1967 on 2017-03-07 15:12:33 (UTC) (edited)

    Wow Miss Eve,
    You want to talk about mental imagery, this was one for the books or better yet the mind just extremely sexy and hot🔥, taking the words from an older Ice Cube song today will definitely be a good day after this one.
    You never stop amazing me.
    Thank you.

    • A Eve on 2017-03-08 19:10:57 (UTC)

      Aww, thanks Joe 💋

  • illegalbandit on 2017-03-07 06:53:05 (UTC)

    Well that's one way to cure ED. Wow that pic umm just words. Not sure if that bra is too small, i'd have to do some measurements... with... my face, you know for science 😉.

    • A Eve on 2017-03-07 14:59:07 (UTC)

      oh I agree...for science :P

  • Stargazer on 2017-03-07 02:15:18 (UTC)

    This was a most welcome surprise after edging myself nearly all day.

    Love the variety in your work Eve <3

    • A Eve on 2017-03-07 14:59:32 (UTC)

      Thank you...I'm glad you like my experiments :P