DREAM - Anything is Possible...

36:24 DREAM™ Nov 01, 2016 62 comments 204779 32501

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This DREAM experience was co-written with hpnorook, whose passionate style and intense sexuality really gets me going.

In this binaural audio, I invite you to open your mind to the possibilities open to you in the realm of a relaxation, and enjoy two of me eagerly servicing and cumming on your cock...

Other audios in series DREAM™


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  • nickzz on 2020-07-21 11:34:28 (UTC)

    Hi Eve, Im a porno addict but after heard most of your sensible audios i just addicted to yours audios and very thankfull to you for make me very happy and relax. and now im just listening your's audios and just stop to watch pornographics

    • A Eve on 2020-07-25 11:15:28 (UTC)

      Well I'm happy to know you're feeling better about it - I know a lot of guys have stopped watching porn because it was becoming a problem for them, and have told me audios help them take a more sensible approach to self-love. I'm glad you enjoyed it! xox

  • asmrJunkie on 2019-12-17 23:50:42 (UTC)

    Amazing. I got completely immersed in this audio and loved every minute of it. I got so so close to an HFO but didn't make it...so...oof. Still a hell of an experience, Eve you are amazing and I would love to hear more DREAM audios here in the future :)

    • A Eve on 2019-12-19 18:25:24 (UTC)

      Thank you very much! xx

  • SilentDude on 2019-08-04 11:54:35 (UTC)

    Wow, this is amazing. This is easily my favorite HFO to listen to. While I haven't had a HFO yet, this one will most likely be the one to do it. I really enjoy the part starting at 10:50.

    • A Eve on 2019-08-15 22:07:52 (UTC)

      Thank you - I hope you get there!

  • Wowza on 2019-07-13 07:16:50 (UTC)

    I tried HFO a few times, but it didn’t happen for me. It finally worked for me with this audio. Thank you for opening my ears to a new form of pleasure

    • A Eve on 2019-07-16 23:04:52 (UTC)

      My pleasure! I'm glad you achieved one!

      • Wowza on 2019-09-05 18:36:54 (UTC)

        I tell you this all the time, but your voice is so damn powerful. I hear 10 seconds of your voice and I am entrapped by it. You could read the phone books with a couple moans thrown in and I would be “ready to go”. I always feel better after listening to your audios. You are very good at making them positive experiences. Thank you and hope all is well.

        • A Eve on 2019-09-11 14:27:06 (UTC)

          Thank you! I'm just busy as hell, but I'm good! xx

  • TonyStark2 on 2019-05-25 12:38:42 (UTC) (edited)

    You are amazing eve... I love you so much... Wish I could meet you in real one day. ❤️❤️❤️

  • BrianWilson on 2019-03-27 22:27:11 (UTC)

    Alright so this was one of the best audio experiences of my life, thank you Miss Eve!🧡

    • A Eve on 2019-03-28 15:17:13 (UTC)

      Wow, awesome! Thanks for listening!

  • sahil01230 on 2019-01-01 15:01:54 (UTC)

    Hai...eve i love your beautiful sexy voice..im eager to listen lot more....Love U..But i have problem, these days my throat is drying and Dehydrating while hearing HFO audios. why is that happening to me..its not happening in the relaxation time but when the fucking time my throat is becoming dry . can u help me with that? do u have any tips to overcome that situation???

    • A Eve on 2019-01-01 20:08:10 (UTC)

      If you're breathing through your mouth a lot (or making sounds), you can dry out your mouth pretty easily. Try keeping your mouth closed during that part and see if it helps. Or take a drink of water/suck on a lozenge beforehand, that will help too

      • sahil01230 on 2019-01-04 13:52:37 (UTC)

        U r right, I am breathing through my mouth while that time...Thank U Dear... Let me try.... with my mouth closed. i think that will help...

  • Mike50 on 2017-12-12 06:36:20 (UTC)

    You made me feel really really safe. I started crying... I've never felt like that before. Thank you so much.

    • A Eve on 2017-12-12 21:36:59 (UTC)

      Aww, that's so lovely to hear...you're very welcome, thank you for listening 💋

      • IgnisAwesome on 2018-04-19 20:42:06 (UTC)

        Eve, hi ive been listening to your videos and audios for a while now and i gotta say it makes me go crazy 😂 but its cool two especially the languages type. I want to ask u something, did u make these dream audios to help induce erotic, wet dreams? Cause i know this is weird but i really would like to feel pleasure in my dreams so i would appreciate a response thx

        • A Eve on 2018-04-23 21:24:26 (UTC)

          I make these audios to enjoy in a lot of ways, sometimes people like them for relaxation, some masturbate to them, some try to achieve hands free orgasms. It's up to the individual how they want to enjoy them, my purpose is just to provide a background for self pleasure.

  • Theduke on 2017-11-06 09:48:40 (UTC)


    • A Eve on 2017-11-10 14:09:27 (UTC)

      Thank you!!!

  • QualityStuff on 2017-05-25 22:05:13 (UTC)

    look up

  • eric91 on 2017-04-20 05:46:11 (UTC)

    Just wanted to say that this was the first audio I
    ever listened to of yours that you had on YouTube, which drew me to this site! I can remember what I felt. I didn't achieve HFO, but I still got some serious tingles of pleasure and I thought it was amazing! Out of curiosity, I clicked the link to your site, and... Here I am today! :) I intend to give it a second listen sometime!

    • A Eve on 2017-04-21 20:00:12 (UTC)

      I'm very glad you found me! I hope you keep trying for the HFO, but even if you don't experience one, I'm glad you had those 'serious tingles of pleasure' 💋

  • sativa on 2017-04-09 21:01:11 (UTC)

    hi. i have been trying hfo's a little over a week and there are some that dont do anything for me and some like these ones that get me really close to an orgasm but i never actually orgasm. is there something im doing wrong because im literally getting to the point right before orgasm but it just stops there

    • A Eve on 2017-04-12 19:08:34 (UTC)

      No you aren't doing anything wrong, a week is not a long time to work at this. For some men it takes a lot of practice to get there. There are two things you can do - make sure you are very tired and relaxed when you start to listen - don't be all tense and constantly thinking "oh I wonder if it'll happen this time". Be very sleepy and relaxed. And also, try edging or waiting until you are really horny before you try, maybe use whatever porn you like or masturbate right to the point of orgasm before you try. Good luck 💋

  • Mtravis on 2017-04-05 00:57:57 (UTC)

    If you do a orgy hypnosis I will become a member in a heartbeat

    • A Eve on 2017-04-07 22:50:49 (UTC)

      Haha, well I don't know if I'll do an orgy one, but I have done ones that are binaural with two voices :)

  • Mtravis on 2017-03-09 05:42:37 (UTC)

    You are a living Goddess

    • A Eve on 2017-03-09 14:59:32 (UTC)

      thank you xox

  • kevin on 2016-11-26 05:45:39 (UTC)

    I consider myself a quiet member of this 'community' like so many others, but I felt the need to write this down more of a reminder to myself. Never before have I felt like the way I just did. I did use my hand little but the sensation was something else. My body went numb and the climax lasted for at least 5 minutes or maybe days idk. It was incredible.
    One suggestion I have is to put in some sort of slapping sound or something near the f***ing part in a couple future audios. imo, it would definitely add to the experience. If you already have audios with it I would love to check them out.
    Anyway, You were the first sensual/relaxing audio person I found and have not had a reason to find another. Thank you for that...

    • A Eve on 2016-11-27 12:44:00 (UTC)

      You're very welcome, I'm glad you had such a great experience ❤️

  • hoseaaaa on 2016-11-19 18:22:45 (UTC)

    That was absolutely amazing. My body was trebmling the whole time. It's hard to even type right now. I will be listening again for sure. You have a new fan.

    • A Eve on 2016-11-20 11:31:57 (UTC)

      I'm so glad you enjoyed it 💋

  • Hypeivar on 2016-11-19 17:23:21 (UTC)

    Yesterday evening was the third time I was listening to this audio. And this time I sank very deep and when Eve and Eve was with me I found my body shaking in lust. I Just could not control myself, and when Eve and Eve told me to cum. Well they begged me to cum I had again a amazing HFO Just from your voice. Thank you again, and youre right to recommend this audio to me, I really loved it.

    • A Eve on 2016-11-20 11:32:25 (UTC)

      I'm delighted to hear it ❤️

  • YouAreMySunshine on 2016-11-06 15:37:45 (UTC)

    This is unreal. Two Eves!! @o@
    You just keep taking things to a whole new level!

    • A Eve on 2016-11-06 19:19:57 (UTC)

      haha awesome...❤️

  • cuddle_with_me on 2016-11-06 10:23:33 (UTC)

    Mmmmm... you're right, both relaxing and enticing! 💕

    • A Eve on 2016-11-06 19:20:07 (UTC)

      you know it :P

  • Durgarnkuld on 2016-11-03 18:35:48 (UTC)

    Well, I guess I'll keep counting my Eves from now on. Maybe two won't be enough!

    • A Eve on 2016-11-03 21:24:48 (UTC)

      haha aww...❤️

  • Fenrir on 2016-11-01 22:18:40 (UTC)

    None of the words I can think of does justice to how incredible this audio is. It was like being on the verge of an out of body experience. I still struggle with the hypnosis part (yay I get to try again:D), but the sexy sucky fucky part, glorious! The thought of two of you sucking and fucking me, wow! I do hope the pair of you make many more returns in future audios. You are amazing!

    Oh, any advice on how to clean the cum off my bedroom ceiling? :P

    • A Eve on 2016-11-01 22:36:30 (UTC)

      Aww, I'm so glad you liked it.

      The bedroom ceiling...hmmmm.....wish I could help you out there, but I'm not sorry :P

      • Fenrir on 2016-11-02 09:07:49 (UTC)

        Thank you again for being so amazingly awesome Eve!

        • A Eve on 2016-11-02 11:54:02 (UTC)

          Aww, thank you....my listeners reward me so much for what I do, it's a real pleasure.

      • Fenrir on 2016-11-02 09:06:26 (UTC)

        Oh yes, her cock-sucking ability is OVER 9000!!!

        And regarding the hyenas, in my early teens we visited some extended family and they felt it appropriate to show us a wildlife documentary about hyenas and my distant uncle (the son of my grandmothers cousin, not sure what that makes him in relation to me?) explained in great detail about the pseudo-penis as you call it. It was super awkward. However you choose to enjoy Eve's audios though, go for it and you will not regret buying access to her exclusive audios, they are mind blowing, or should I say load blowing, or in your case, pseudo load blowing :P

          • Fenrir on 2016-11-03 13:01:37 (UTC)

            Excellent *Mr Burns pressing his fingertips together*. Sorry that's the first Simpsons reference that came to mind, not sure if contextually appropriate, but I'm going with it

            • A Eve on 2016-11-03 21:25:15 (UTC)

              it's perfect

              • A Eve on 2016-11-03 21:25:29 (UTC)


          • A Eve on 2016-11-03 12:21:23 (UTC) (edited)

            haha these images you put in my head, honestly... I can't drink anything while reading these comments, out the nose it goes

            And just for the sake of complete transparency, my exclusives aren't different than my free stuff - I just choose to save some audios I do for my members. The content is of the same quality - you know, psuedo-load blowing :P

              • A Eve on 2016-11-03 21:26:06 (UTC)

                haha you're awesome

            • Fenrir on 2016-11-03 13:11:48 (UTC)

              Reading my comment back it might sound like I was implying that the exclusives were somehow better than the free content, I must apologise, what I should have attempted to say was that the exclusives follow the same boner inducing (or pseudo-boner), back arching orgasm giving formula, but with their own unique situations and elements that makes each one different.

              • A Eve on 2016-11-03 21:25:46 (UTC)

                Aww, that's lovely, thank you ❤️

        • A Eve on 2016-11-02 11:54:36 (UTC)

          hahaha I love this conversation. Hyenas and pseudo-load blowing. hahahha

      • A Eve on 2016-11-01 22:35:36 (UTC)

        haha a pseudo penis. I love it. Who knew hyenas were so awesome?

    • A Eve on 2016-11-01 21:12:11 (UTC)

      Sennheisers are awesome, I use a pair to do all my audio editing. It's hard to believe they're so relatively cheap when you consider the amazing sound quality.

      And thank you, but you should thank my members actually, it's their support that allows me to create free content like this for everyone. You could join, too...just sayin' :P 💋

        • A Eve on 2016-11-01 22:34:37 (UTC)

          awww....je viens de Toronto, ma chere. Bisous 💋

            • A Eve on 2016-11-02 11:55:25 (UTC)

              I tried speaking French in Montreal once and got soundly rebuffed. Quebec City was much better, and a bit easier to understand :P

                • A Eve on 2016-11-03 12:26:38 (UTC)

                  Do they even have one? All I remember is les Nor-dick from yonks ago

                    • A Eve on 2016-11-03 21:27:10 (UTC)

                      what the hell happened to PK Subban while we're on the subject?