Oral Fixation...I need your cock in my mouth

21:21 Cock Worship Feb 05, 2015 6 comments 2573 1341

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It's our fourth date...and I have a confession to make. I need your cock in my mouth....and your balls...and oh god your cum!


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  • CharlieRomeoLima on 2017-07-03 20:30:47 (UTC)

    Haha, cleaning up my room this morning was like time travelling to the past with some of the junk I've kept around for no good reason. For a break I thought I'd go way back and listen to some 2015 vintage Classic Eve.

    Quite unlike the old stuff in my room which has lost all relevance to my present life, your older audios have this timeless power to caress my aural sensation, as if you had just posted them yesterday evening. So clean-sounding and professional-standard even over two years ago too, it's like you'd already been at this for years.

    I also appreciate the educational value in your erotic audios, like the anatomical minutiae of the male organ and environs. Thanks to you, TIL 'taint' is a colloquialism for the perineum. 💡

    You know everything in your audios make me feel really, really good but hearing the "Erotic audio by Eve's Garden" intro I felt a little 😢 that you've been dealing with this theft bullshit since the earliest days of your recording career.

    Anyway, this was an excellent listen 👂💖 as always, and if any naysayers out there doubt the compelling nature of your oral fixation, well they only need explore your site some more! 😀

    • A Eve on 2017-07-04 14:23:08 (UTC)

      haha I'm glad you liked it, thanks for delving deep into the garden. Yes, file theft has been a problem since the beginning, it's definitely the biggest killer of creativity there is. I keep going, most artists don't.

  • rootme on 2015-02-10 00:10:41 (UTC)

    Sigh.. Eve. My mother called the other day and question arose if I've been seeing anyone new. I now have to tell her it's complicated.

    • A Eve on 2015-02-10 10:46:57 (UTC)

      LOL best comment of the week! 🏆

  • cuddle_with_me on 2015-02-06 02:20:13 (UTC)

    Dear Eve, that was amazing! So powerful, so lusty, such aching, naked, earnest need; wow! I didn't realize that it was such a fixation as to be almost a condition. Fulfill that need, but take care of yourself... get those cocks dripping one way or another to avoid scrapes or irritations at the back of your throat.

    • A Eve on 2015-02-06 10:27:26 (UTC)

      oh good advice! I will definitely have make sure they're nice and wet! One way or another! :P