Audios written by /u/Cardlin
This refers to a Reddit user. See their stuff on /u/Cardlin on Reddit!
You're the Light of My Life...
05:36 Oct 24, 2016 15 comments 3386 932 82
- affection
- encouragement
- non-erotic
- non-sexual
- romantic
- written by /u/Cardlin
You're Everything I Dreamed You'd Be...
07:38 First Time Together Jun 29, 2016 12 comments 6189 1290 86
- cuddling
- first time together
- non-erotic
- non-sexual
- romantic
- written by /u/Cardlin
You Feel Out of Place? I'll Make a Place For You
06:12 Cuddly Sep 17, 2015 13 comments 5643 1237 68
- comforting
- cuddly
- encouraging
- non-erotic
- non-sexual
- relaxing
- stress relief
- supportive
- tender
- written by /u/Cardlin
Confession - whispers while you sleep
10:35 Cuddly Aug 27, 2015 5 comments 7461 1499 94
- cuddly
- love
- non-erotic
- non-sexual
- romance
- romantic
- whispers
- written by /u/Cardlin