Without Words - Erotic Poetry Written and Performed by Eve

01:59 erotic freeverse Jan 03, 2024 4 comments 904 197

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without words
I take your
trembling hands
press them against
my swelling breasts
and tell you
with only my eyes
to let your fingers
flex and squeeze
my soft flesh

without words
I bite my lip
and moan
as your thumb
brushes my
pebbled pink nubs
and liquid heat
floods through me
to my other
aching place

without words
I kneel
beneath your
rigid cock
gazing up
as a drop of lust
pauses in the slit
and then
as though drawn
to my naked breasts beneath
drips down
and marks me

without words
I wait
breasts heaving with
each excited breath
bottom lip between
my teeth
fingers dancing
over my damp clit
watching as you stroke
and pump
and pound your
desperate cock
in a furious rhythm
until you moan
and cry out
and I cry out
and jets of cum
splash down on me
on my face
my smile
my soft, smooth tits

without words
I smile up at you
loving the feel
of your warm cum
glistening on my skin
sliding one finger
over my wet nipple
and bringing it
to my mouth
for a taste

without words
this is how I tell you
that I love your cock
and want your cum
and will always
wait beneath you
and willing
and wanting you
without words


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  • MadWithLust on 2024-01-10 12:11:13 (UTC)

    Wow, what beautiful imagery of those wonderful moments of such lusty connection! I'm speechless! :P

    But even with words in your sexy, sultry whisper : swoon I love those delicious details! They just pause those sweet moments in time and if only we could linger there...♥!

    • A Eve on 2024-01-20 20:00:54 (UTC)

      That's what great about poems, they're like a little moment captured in time...

  • Car54whereartthou on 2024-01-04 05:00:25 (UTC)

    These erotic freeverse posts never fail to touch me Eve. They come into my ears as particularly personal! I get a little jolt every time I see that a new one has appeared. This one feels especially primal and yet tender as an expression of intense affection...thanks for the magic!

    BTW Have you ever thought of publishing a collection?

    • A Eve on 2024-01-20 20:01:27 (UTC)

      I've thought of it, I just don't know if it would be worth the effort, I don't know if people would be into buying books of erotic poetry.