Cherish - Erotic Poetry Written and Performed by Eve

01:18 erotic poetry Jun 08, 2024 4 comments 314 89

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A shorter, more wistful poem this time...

I've written more poems for my forthcoming book of erotic and love poetry, thank you so much for all your encouragement!

Cherish the days,
young love,
when all things sparkle and shine,
when the clean breath of spring
fills your soul
and ignites your desires.

Cherish this moment,
young one,
this first trembling kiss,
eyes wide and dark,
hands and hearts
but breathless
with the possibilities before you.

Cherish her,
young heart,
don’t wish for the future,
don’t rush this
sweet moment;
In time you will look back
on this eager yearning
with a wistful eye
and long for these days.

Cherish him,
young fool,
don’t plan away the days
with when and if and only then;
savour the feel
of his hand in yours,
live in that first magical touch
for as long as you can.

Cherish this time,
for it will flutter by you,
slipping through your fingers
taunting you with its beauty
as it drifts away.


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  • MadWithLust on 2024-06-20 11:39:53 (UTC)

    This poem was chock full of wist!

    I can't help but feel the romanticizing of the past in your voice! It takes me back to times in my own life where I didn't realize how awesome it was to be young and fumbling around to find anything that would get me closer to that spark of love...the feels!

    • A Eve on 2024-07-02 09:45:58 (UTC)

      This is a very wistful poem, I like to explore all aspects of love, including looking back on it.

      This one will be part of the book I'm in the process of publishing, along with a lot of new ones!

  • Car54whereartthou on 2024-06-09 18:11:27 (UTC)

    Beautiful bittersweet verse Eve, a caution honestly given from the truth of regret I suspect...hoping some will heed the poet's lessons! Young fools for sure!

    • A Eve on 2024-06-12 17:45:02 (UTC)

      I like a bit of bittersweet, now and then. Poetry, for me, is about emotion, and love is the most multi-faceted emotions there is.