After Our Date...a message for you

34:31 First Time Together Feb 10, 2018 11 comments 27411 5259

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I had the most delicious dream about you - so when I woke up I picked up my phone and started to record.

We were back at my place after a wonderful evening out, and you wanted to kiss me goodnight. But I was nervous, and uncertain, and I shied away. And I went upstairs, kicking myself for not kissing you, because I wanted you so much…and then, magically, dreamily, you were there. I had a second chance, you were there in my apartment with me, and I got to experience how I wished the night had gone...

So this is how I imagine it might really happen. In a world where I could leave you a 30+ minute voicemail (or maybe you picked up, and you’re just letting me speak, letting me describe everything to you as you listen). This is how I would summon the courage to show you how sensual, how sexual, how passionate I can be when it comes to you, how much you turn me on, how much I really, truly, desperately want you

What happens next is up to you…will you drive right over to my place and let me have what I want? Will you leave me a message in return? Or possibly…something else?

I can’t wait to find out.


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  • WeThePhenomenal on 2018-02-12 14:28:05 (UTC)

    This truly hits a special spot. Nervousness, wishing to have acted differently, wanting the other person to know that despite outside appearances there is a sexually charged being underneath. This audio gets me in many ways. I love how you paint a picture as always, and here it's particularly special. The specificity of everything from the circles on the wrists, to the hesitation of reaching down, to the straining of your lovely nipples against the fabric of your clothes is so engaging. I can be a really shy guy myself. It makes it immensely sexier because I find it so grounded and relatable. Shy girls I find so sexy too, and your feelings of nervousness mixed with flaming desire hits me. Even those of us with a lot of passion inside to give can hold back, for whatever reason. Any man would be lucky to receive this intense passion from you, Eve. The slow breaking of these chains, your artful word painting and moans prove that. Plus something about the sound in this just is perfect for the atmosphere painted! I wish 30+ min voicemails did exist because getting this message from someone as sexy as you would put me over the moon!!

    Now that you put the choice of how to respond at the end, how would I? Hmmm. Well I imagine I would run (probably literally, it's a good warmup for what's ahead anyway) back to your place hahaha Then I would give myself time to catch my breath, call you while outside your building, see what you're up to and say I listened to the message. I would be flirty about it, working into saying how I am under your spell too and would love to be in your arms. I'd try to be clever by timing the comment with me knocking on your door. When you answer, there would be plenty of the passionate kissing and cheek caressing. But then I put your hand in mine, whisper in your ear "couch or bed" and you guide me to your choice.

    This audio is a gift in another way too: the idea of understanding. On a deep level such intimacy and desire is grounded in the search for understanding. We want that and look for that in those we connect passionately with. The great thing is that every rising sun (and every rising moon ;)) provides new opportunities. We don't know what would have happened, but what can happen with the new day ahead is another matter. It helps shake off some of this winter malaise and gain a fresh perspective. Honestly, and I hope this doesn't sound crazy, but it gives me confidence as well. Thank you for sharing this with us, and your wonderful self, Eve. Keep being wonderful and have a great day 😗

    • A Eve on 2018-02-16 19:49:25 (UTC)

      Thank you so much, what a wonderful comment. I agree, the idea of connection is so important to me, and it's the thing that's missing in so much erotic content. I think a lot of women feel this way too, if only more men could figure this out sigh

  • ShadowMoon on 2018-02-12 13:32:32 (UTC)

    Would it be better if I told you, or if I showed you? 😏

    Even if I already touched down on the other side of the ocean after my flight back, I would buy the next ticket I could back to you. As much as I would try to restrain myself, this is the one thing that I couldn't...not until I'm looking in your eyes again, to see if that want you so convey in every sensual second of this message is still there. 🙂

    I've heard it said that we forget our dreams upon waking, but in my experience the most vivid ones tend to stay with us long after. I still remember this one dream years after it happened. I don't know if this is a dream for you, or maybe this is a memory. It almost feels too real to be something granted to you by Morpheus. The sensations and the feelings it invokes are intoxicating, much like I would imagine just sitting next to you on the couch would be. This could be a dream, or a memory, or perhaps...a premonition? If there is someone who makes you feel like this, makes you dream about him so passionately, and who got away that night, I hope you might consider sending him this message. If he's anything like me, then even now he would be thinking about you, and after that date, he would almost assuredly be dreaming about you. You both deserve to have your dreams come true. 😘

    (If this is all just a fantasy, then damn. You got me good. Have a wonderful day, Eve. 😛)

    • A Eve on 2018-02-16 19:50:39 (UTC)

      Show show show! :P

      I do tend to dream in story-like narratives, maybe it's why I became a writer, or the other way around. I have dreamed entire 'movies' before, and the large part of novels. This one was more of a scene that filtered into my sleeping mind, and it was more the feeling it left me with rather than specific imagery, which I happily filled in later :P

  • Georgio36 on 2018-02-11 19:26:33 (UTC)

    Aww Eve im a bit late to saying how you made me feel about this one; so hopefully my mushy words still mean something haha. I would like to say that loved how you sounded here in this audio. It gave me that wet dream feeling & just like im on top of the world. I would love it if you used this microphone in more of your next audios. Seriously these the kind of audios that will make a boy heart flutter 💕. I wouldn't mind a 30 min voice mail from you or any woman who is nurturing. How would i respond? Well one my heart would be beating really fast. I'll have the biggest bulge in my pants lol 😄 I would have tears of joy & i would call you admittedly. If you was available, i would rush to your home & let you have your way with me. Also on first dates im kinda nervous too & i probably wouldn't kiss unless the woman makes it very obvious that's it's ok. I wouldn't want to scare her off you know. But thank you for sharing such a special experience with us. Have a lovely day

    • A Eve on 2018-02-16 19:51:12 (UTC)

      You're very welcome Geo, I'm glad you enjoyed it :P

  • CharlieRomeoLima on 2018-02-11 07:40:34 (UTC)

    There is a certain youthful innocence about this audio that I find particularly poignant, as though the years were peeled away and you had been blessed with a longed-for second chance at young love, where events unfolded perfectly as you had always dreamed they would, ever since you were a girl with a precocious proclivity toward high romance. The slow burn to your seduction tonight is both relaxing and compellingly sensual, and it is a privilege to be shown more than a passing glimpse into the deepest regions of your somnolescent psyche which, were it to be expressed as a painted canvas, would be quite a moving masterpiece indeed.

    This courageous liberation of your passionate soul would inspire me to sunder binding links of steel, and trek through forbidding wastelands to get back to your place and thence to an earthly paradise in your arms!

    I am turning in for what my mind is telling me will be a most restful slumber, thanks in no small part to this soothing audio, yet I know it's morning for you so I shall bid you a good morning and wish you an excellent start to your Sunday.

    • A Eve on 2018-02-11 17:10:42 (UTC)

      Comment trophy for you! 🏆 Thanks Charlie!

      • CharlieRomeoLima on 2018-02-11 17:31:53 (UTC)

        Thank you Eve! This makes my day! 🤗

  • SamuelXD on 2018-02-11 05:57:40 (UTC)

    To me, this sounds like a successful date. The fact I'm in your dreams shows whatever I did (I hope I was myself) got you attracted to me 😍

    • A Eve on 2018-02-11 17:10:05 (UTC)

      That's a good way of looking at it :P