ASMR Cock Worship...Slow and Easy

13:41 ASMR and Cock Worship Sep 13, 2017 48 comments 156688 17003

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My next experiment in ASMR binaural audio with my new 3dio Freespace mics - it's still a bit rough around the edges, because these mics are so sensitive they actually pick up things happening in my neighbour's house, no matter how low I set the input level.

So bear with me as I get better at this...and in the meantime, I hope this provides at least a tingle or two...

This is also just meant to relax you, so it's just the sounds of sucking without telling you or expecting you to cum.

If you don't like ASMR - here's just the stereo cocksucking section

NEW! If you’re not sure about becoming a member, try out a 5-audio bundle on the theme of ASMR first - one time purchase, no membership needed!


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  • SilentDude on 2017-10-01 04:46:37 (UTC)

    Wow, I am also very impressed with the 3dio. This experiment is absolutely fantastic. The ASMR effect in this audio for me is the best and is really intense. I love this entire audio from start to finish.

    • A Eve on 2017-10-01 18:50:42 (UTC)

      Thank you so much, I'm delighted you liked this! I plan to do many more like this 😘

      • SilentDude on 2017-10-06 05:18:27 (UTC) (edited)

        Your quite welcome. I'm very much looking forward to hearing more of these.

  • LeaDavenport1968 on 2017-09-17 12:52:23 (UTC)

    I am very impressed by the 3dio mic Eve! I liked the previous experiment and this one is better for me, personally speaking. I do get the tingles, every sound you make is just so much more intense than before and effective in making me more aroused. Charlie explained the whole effect ASMR has on the brain a while back but I do feel the 3dio increases the effects of this. As for neighbours noise, I couldn't honestly say. I was to busy to notice, my full attention was on your delightful voice!

    • A Eve on 2017-09-18 13:59:27 (UTC)

      Thanks for the input Lea - I'll be trying out a new recording set up later tonight, we'll see what happens :P

    • CharlieRomeoLima on 2017-09-17 18:08:37 (UTC) (edited)

      Thanks for mentioning me, Lea. I'm by no means an authority on ASMR (and I highly doubt the medical/psychology community even acknowledges it in any official capacity), only on how I experience it personally. I can only make an informed guess (extrapolated from our discussions here on other bodily phenomena like HFO and multiple non-ejaculatory orgasms) that there are subtle differences in how people experience their tingles, sort of like how we all perceive colours a little differently. 🙂

  • billymacorbuddy on 2017-09-16 15:18:25 (UTC)

    I like that you're trying new things Eve. You're as new to recording ASMR as I am to listening to it, so it's kinda like and adventure for both of us. I'd definitely like to listen to this again at bedtime to see if the effects are any different compared to listening midday. Don't worry too much about the neighborhood sounds. I live in a neighborhood and those sounds are part of life. And once the plans and permits are approved we can begin construction on the pillow fort, so that should help a bit. 😜

    • A Eve on 2017-09-16 18:55:17 (UTC)

      haha yes, I am all for the pillow fort. I can't get my room soundproof without either moving or spending thousands of dollars, so unless I can work out something else, I may have to restrict these ASMR pieces to bonuses for Eraudica Exclusive members or something

  • Babybae on 2017-09-16 00:13:17 (UTC)

    Charlie, George and Kaleb. I am sorry you 3 were offended for Eve. I really tried to be as "tactful" as possible as Charlie said, but not to cover hate, just to ease the critique which even Georgio thought was extremely rough. I'm sorry Charlie didn't see the playful humor I was trying to get across to keep it friendly. And I'm even sorry Kaleb that you feel I am an asshole as you mentioned multiple times. Most of all I am sorry to Eve for having to see this as it was 100% my fault. I did delete/edit to remove the initial comment as I see Charlie's point in how Eve is not accepting criticism at this time. I failed you all and it will never happen again.

    • A Eve on 2017-09-16 18:50:21 (UTC) (edited)

      I know that sometimes playful banter can come across the wrong way, and I know that you are a fan, so don't worry about. I would say that it's not accurate to say I am 'not accepting criticism at this time' - I am. I am asking people to tell me what they think about the recordings, tell me what's wrong, what's right, what I could do different, etc. There are just two things I don't want:

      • If I say clearly in an audio description that x, y or z is wrong with this audio/this is an experiment etc, I don't want to hear complaints about that issue without any constructive advice on how to improve it. If I've acknowledged there's road noise, I don't need you to tell me there's road noise, it's pointless complaining and doesn't make me feel good about having been brave enough to put out something like this, especially for free to people who don't even subscribe. Consider that free listeners expect me to have a soundproof studio and 3dio mics, but they don't pay me a cent towards helping me afford such things.

      • If you don't like a certain style of audio, and I have gone to the trouble of producing a separate file for people like you (which I won't bother doing again, after this), then I am at a loss as to why you would even listen to it, and then complain. The only purpose you could have for listening to it is to complain about it, and that I don't understand.

      Beyond that, I am open to people's opinions and thoughts on what I do, especially when I ask for them. I just hope people can remain polite and respectful when giving them.

      • Babybae on 2017-09-17 06:14:59 (UTC)


    • CharlieRomeoLima on 2017-09-16 01:20:40 (UTC)

      No worries, Babybae. That's the kind of nuance that can get lost in text-only communication, and it sometimes leads to misunderstandings. If I came on strong, it's from hearing about a recent rash of haters that are attacking Eve and other performers through private messages. Reading your replies, it's plain to see now that you're not one of those bad apples. I'm more than willing to move on and start over so we can all get back to the reason why we all want to be here - to enjoy the gift of Eve's audios and to express our love and support! 😀 I hope you have a nice weekend too! 🌿

    • Georgio36 on 2017-09-16 00:45:51 (UTC)

      Apology accepted, just next time be sure to read the descriptions Eve posts on her audios. Just be careful with your words cuz Eve goes through enough behind the microphone ok.

  • Kaleb on 2017-09-15 01:28:08 (UTC)

    Eve, I hope you can ignore assholes who try to bring you down, thank you for going to the huge efforts you do to make these amazing audios for us. Most of us are greatful for all you do and don't think you need bullshit abuse

    • A Eve on 2017-09-16 18:56:12 (UTC)

      Thank you, I appreciate it 💋

    • CharlieRomeoLima on 2017-09-15 04:01:48 (UTC)

      This evening another well-known, well-loved erotic performer was sadly forced to retire to protect her personal safety. 😢 I didn't get to know her or her work well, but watching her remove her content and shutter her sites is truly sad indeed. My former tendency was to give people the benefit of the doubt because I usually don't have all the facts, but I don't think I'll be inclined to be so patient with griefers in the future. Eve's a tough cookie and acquits herself well in battle against her detractors, but I'm increasingly coming around to see that, as a supporter and someone aspiring to one day be a truly good man, she could always use some solidarity in her corner and know concretely that there are people out there who will always have her back. Thank you for your support, Kaleb.

      • A Eve on 2017-09-16 18:57:05 (UTC)

        You're already a truly good man, Charlie, never doubt that. I'm grateful for your encouragement and support, always 💋

      • Georgio36 on 2017-09-15 04:23:12 (UTC) (edited)

        Aww ohh no, that's soo sad to hear charlie 😞. This is getting out of hand & it's up to us to have Eve back like you say. I might not always be able to support financially; but i will do my very best to support Eve emotionally & make her feel safe here. She has built a wonderful, sexy, comforting home here for us & together we'll keep it that way. Thank you everyone for being #TopGuys 🌟

        • A Eve on 2017-09-16 18:57:29 (UTC)

          Thank you Geo! 💋

  • Babybae on 2017-09-15 00:33:06 (UTC) (edited)

    I went back and forth on if I wanted to comment, but I think constructive criticism could be good....(edit: learned I should have stuck with the no comment version)... Just shared my opinion even it carried no merit. Take care fellow listeners!

    • Georgio36 on 2017-09-15 04:04:05 (UTC)

      Ok Babybae i read your comment & i can understand if ASMR is not your thing. You say seen ASMR before; if that's the case the videos you find have a lot of ths sounds Eve used here plus more just without the cock worship. This is Eve own personal spin on ASMR & some of us including myself greatly enjoy it. If you remember her previous descriptions in past ASMR audios; she mentioned she is new to this & she is giving us her best daily.

      Cut her some slack because these audios are special treats for her ASMR only listeners. You didn't have to click on something that you aren't interested in then provide criticism for it because it doesn't matter since these aren't your thing. Eve had everyone in mind when she made these two versions. She can't please everyone & that's ok. I give her an A because rather you know it or not; making ASMR videos or audios isn't easy. Just don't listen to these anymore cuz we don't mind her being over the top with these ok. Have a nice day & no I'm not mad at ya ✨

    • CharlieRomeoLima on 2017-09-15 03:27:15 (UTC) (edited)

      No one artist's approach to ASMR is going to do it for everyone, just like how any given trigger sound won't get the same response from all listeners. And there's nothing wrong with that.

      Eve's stated in the description that she knows this highly experimental audio isn't going to be perfect and she's bolded the pointer to the stereo version, a not so subtle hint that she's not soliciting negative critique regarding the ASMR at this time (and given the undeserved attacks she's had to contend with, someone's likely giving her grief behind-the-scenes over this. 😡) You say it's constructive criticism but I don't see any helpful suggestions on how she might improve the experience, just less-than-tactful language like 'over-the-top' and 'wtf' (pretty common to hear cars outside when you live in an urban area, just saying). And a word to the wise. I would not advise drawing comparisons between artists. Unless there's a prize in the offing this isn't a competition.

      If you were fully expecting to be blasted, perhaps it was your better judgement telling you to not post what you just did? Like you say, Eve has most graciously provided much of the fruits of her labour and her valuable time to the public completely free of charge, and it's poor form to criticize when such criticism was, again, not requested.

      EDIT: Babybae, I'm not mad at you either and please don't feel like you have to stop commenting. I didn't blast you and I'm not saying honest opinions are bad. It's just that when honesty and criticism aren't tempered with a measure of tact and empathy it can be construed by the reader as hurtful (especially online where nuances can be lost in text.)

      • Babybae on 2017-09-16 00:20:38 (UTC)

        I missed this edit. Very sorry again. Thumbs up emoji!

        • CharlieRomeoLima on 2017-09-16 01:23:10 (UTC)

          This site is invaluable for copy and paste emoji! 🙂👍

      • Georgio36 on 2017-09-15 04:11:40 (UTC)

        Charlie i think we both got the point across now lol. Here's a drink to calm you down Brother 🍹. Clearly there was no logic in the comment left by the person above. I appreciate what you was trying to do here & im sure Eve does too. Have a great weekend 🌠

        • CharlieRomeoLima on 2017-09-15 23:39:43 (UTC)

          Thanks Georgio, enjoy your weekend and thanks for the drink! This one is on me 🍵 (can be green tea if you don't drink alcohol like me, or an absinthe cocktail if you do :P).

          • Georgio36 on 2017-09-16 00:48:08 (UTC)

            No problem pal & yes! I love sweet tea especially green tea 😊. That drink i sent you was tea lol. Im not an alcohol drinker at all. But i do like a good beer every now & then. Take care🌟

  • Cashmeowsawhowbowdah on 2017-09-14 16:47:50 (UTC)

    Breathing too harshly on the microphone is one thing a lot of other ASMRtists don't seem to be conscious of, especially with binaural mics. So whatever you did to avoid that, it worked well. Though I realize some people do like the rougher sounds (the scratching, crinkling paper, mic scraping, etc.) the softer effects I find more relaxing.

    • A Eve on 2017-09-16 18:59:27 (UTC)

      Yes, I agree, I myself don't like the louder sounds, the crackling etc. I think I'll immerse myself in some ASMR videos on youtube and see which techniques I can adapt.

  • AdamRhodes536 on 2017-09-14 08:21:44 (UTC)

    The whispers and breathing definitely brought on "tingles" but was somewhat ruined by what sounds like you were crunching on peppermint candies (lol). Maybe ASMR stuff isn't for me. But I really liked it even so.

    The cock sucking was top notch as always.

    • A Eve on 2017-09-16 19:00:19 (UTC)

      haha no peppermint candies, I promise. But yes, these mics are so much more sensitive than my other ones that even what I consider moderate mouth sounds end up sounding like I'm chewing glass right beside your ear. I think for my next one I'll concentrate on much softer sounds.

    • CharlieRomeoLima on 2017-09-15 03:36:51 (UTC)

      Fortunately, ASMR triggers can be anything. I've had no response to videos expressly intended to induce ASMR only to watch a video that had nothing to do with the phenomenon and get the tingles. 😋 It could be just that you've not yet found your trigger yet, so please don't give up on it quite yet! 🙂

  • Durgarnkuld on 2017-09-14 05:44:52 (UTC)

    Loving it. Also I really appreciate that you take your time to cater towards those people who don't like ASMR (weirdos!). Really shows how much you care.

    • A Eve on 2017-09-16 19:01:46 (UTC)

      Thank you! I thought it was a good idea, but I admit I was influenced by one person telling me previously how much he disliked ASMR. I should just do all the kinds of audios I do, especially the free public ones, and just let people listen if they want to. I have nearly 500 free audios on this site, if someone doesn't like ASMR they absolutely don't have to listen to it :P

  • SamuelXD on 2017-09-14 04:52:25 (UTC)

    I'm slowly falling asleep (which is good, because I have class in the morning)... slowly falling... slowly... falling... 😴😴😴😴

    • A Eve on 2017-09-16 19:02:18 (UTC)

      sweet dreams....😘

  • CharlieRomeoLima on 2017-09-14 01:54:17 (UTC)

    Do I trust you? But of course, and your audios are always a sure path to all sorts of good feelings, whether they be of the stimulating or relaxing variety. This reminds me of your casual, lazy-afternoon blowjob audios without the pressure to cum, and those are great too because sometimes I just prefer to savour an indefinite sensational journey of licking, sucking, and face-tapping in and of themselves, over orgasmic release and relative finality of the refractory period. And yes, the sounds of your mouth on my ears and your soothing breathing did trigger ASMR sensations in my cranial nerve (an ASMR in-joke because it seems almost every YouTube ASMR-tist has done a cranial nerve examination video at one point or another in their career).

    I didn't mind the ambient noise, and I'm impressed by the mics' sensitivity if you could almost use them to eavesdrop on your neighbours if you fancied yourself a sexy international spy. 🕵️‍♀️😋 I agree with Georgio in that sometimes you simply can't escape the noise no matter what you do, especially if it's that neighbour with the penchant for early-morning sessions with the leafblower. 😴💨🍂🍃😳🙄😁

    "So bear with me..." With pleasure, Eve! ❤️

    • A Eve on 2017-09-16 19:04:49 (UTC)

      haha I don't think I could ever get into the cranial nerve stuff, the ear cleaning stuff, etc. But I think, as with most things I do, I could make erotic ASMR my own with a bit more research and practice.

      The noise issue is going to be a deal breaker for doing this in any professional sort of way. As you can hear with my regular mics, the difference in ambient noise is incredible. It's the same set up, the same room, the same SE reflection filter and audio foam making a sort of little box - but as with many of my other audios, the noise is very limited with my AT2020 mic. I plug in the 3dio and wow, I can hear neighbours talking up the street. So I'll have to keep working on it.

      • CharlieRomeoLima on 2017-09-16 21:36:50 (UTC)

        Well, I shall consider it an honour to accompany you on your voyage of discovery as you forge your own unique interpretation of ASMR (which despite its proliferation in recent years is still a very new thing with plenty of uncharted aural territory left to explore!) I've read your very touching Patreon message and, while I now know your time away was rough, I hope it wasn't all bad and that you were able to squeeze in some fun and fulfilling things too, as you deserve. And although I don't need to enter your newest contest, I still look forward to the details (not to mention the draw video 😊).

        • A Eve on 2017-09-18 14:01:04 (UTC)

          haha there's always the draw video :P

          I think there's lots of things I could do with ASMR - I'm just not sure how important it is to my members. I might offer an opinion poll for members to find out :P

    • Georgio36 on 2017-09-14 02:11:54 (UTC)

      Haha Charlie I know what you mean about the annoying azz neighbor with the leaf blower 😂. I have that problem at least once a week where I live & it's hard trying to sleep or listen to music or watch TV with that loud noise. Anywho, I'm glad we agree on the same things regarding Eve's audios especially with ASMR 🌠

  • stormmuse on 2017-09-14 00:56:22 (UTC)

    Nicely relaxed, check...little tingles firing, check...cock worship, oh my! Love that little touch, Eve!

    I would agree that the small outside noises didn't detract from your intention. I simply found myself focusing on your voice and my breathing, which carried over to a wonderful state of mind when you decided to hit me with the coup de grace. Quite enjoyable, milady!

    • A Eve on 2017-09-16 19:05:36 (UTC)

      Thank you Storm! I wonder if I were to create the scenario of being in a room with someone - like with white noise type stuff, light music, clocks ticking etc, if that would make it better?

  • Georgio36 on 2017-09-13 23:36:20 (UTC) (edited)

    Eve this was so relaxing & tingly. I felt your words deep in here ➡💓. When you made those mouth sounds & popping noise; that had me smiling hard😊. You are getting better and better at this ASMR stuff. I know a great ASMR voice when I hear one & you are a natural at it.

    As for the outside noise; sometimes it's simply unavoidable. From what I heard, your's is not even that noticable. Unless a person really pays attention to it. I appreciate your effort & the fact that you did 2 versions. I really like how you told us what you intended for us to feel or do with this audio. I hope you continue to do that. Also could you turn up the volume a bit on your mic? Cuz this one didn't sound as loud as the "blowjob cuz you need it audio" Have a great day full of joy Eve, I'm only trying to help 🌺

    • A Eve on 2017-09-16 19:06:15 (UTC)

      Thank you Geo - I will definitely work on the volume, it's a bit of a problem with these mics.

      • Georgio36 on 2017-09-16 20:01:53 (UTC)

        I understand Eve, just take your time & don't stress over this. It's gonna get better ok 😊. This still was really good

  • SlaydenLars on 2017-09-13 23:08:08 (UTC)

    Hey there, Eve. I was curious as to what kind of recording software you use and what you do to all of the audio files you post

    • A Eve on 2017-09-16 19:08:47 (UTC)

      For the 3dio mics I have to use a Zoom H4N recorder and record it onto an SD card, which is not what I normally use. I've had to get used to working with the Zoom, it's been a bit of a challenge. Normally I record with an AT2020 mic and a Focusrite Scarlet Solo interface, recording directly through Audacity.

      As for what I do to them - do you mean what I do with editing? For almost all audios I do simple noise removal to get rid of the slight hum you get just from the computer alone. For more complicated audios like my AI ones, I will add sound effects, or I might had a slight echo to my voice.