A Blowjob...because you need it (in stereo)

12:13 Cock Worship Sep 07, 2017 79 comments 197771 22782

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As you may know from my Unboxing videos on Instgram, Twitter and Only Fans, I was very excited to try out my new 3dio Freespace binaural microphone

So here it is, my first audio with the new equipment. So far I like the sound a little better than my other stereo mics, but I want to know what you think. I still have a lot to learn about this kind of recording, and I don't know if I'll get my room quiet enough, but hey - it's a start!

Let me know what you think - do you prefer this mic, the other stereo mic, or my old mic?


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  • calmguy on 2017-12-09 21:01:15 (UTC) (edited)

    eve would you try 3d so that when you suck my dick i can feel that sound coming from down there? that would be awesome.another level of pleasure for us..love you eve❤️❤️❤️

    • A Eve on 2017-12-12 21:35:53 (UTC)

      not sure what you mean, do you mean record farther away from the microphones?

  • KyleWambus on 2017-09-11 07:33:45 (UTC)

    Considering I just got a HFO from this, I think the new mic works! Wow!

    • A Eve on 2017-09-11 18:13:16 (UTC)

      haha Awesome!! 🎉

  • LeaDavenport1968 on 2017-09-10 23:15:32 (UTC)

    I think I like this one with the new equipment Eve. Great work!

    • A Eve on 2017-09-11 18:13:50 (UTC)

      Thank you - I'll be using all the various kinds of mics I have to make different recordings, I just wanted to get an idea of what people would like to hear.

  • Daniel75 on 2017-09-10 15:51:18 (UTC)

    What a wonderful Sexpierience. Eve that was a pure, erotic bliss. Thanks for the afford and love for these Audiofiles. I came home ...after a looooooooong week and did hear it bevor bedtime. It was a wonderful and sexy way to end. You got me not only arroused, but also with a smile to rest. thaaaaaaaaaaank you ......big hug and kiss!! Keep up the good work!!!

    • A Eve on 2017-09-11 18:14:15 (UTC)

      You're very welcome, and I will! ❤️

  • charles on 2017-09-09 20:06:42 (UTC)

    The sound quality here is amazing. It surely seems more intimate than the other stereo mic.. I really loved the feeling that you were here next to me :D

    By the way, i like other mics as well.. i don't mind about sound quality at all. What really turns me on is your passion

    • A Eve on 2017-09-10 13:08:49 (UTC)

      Aww, thank you! That makes me feel good, sometimes I worry about keeping up with the technology, you know

  • OhEmGee on 2017-09-09 19:00:17 (UTC)

    IMHO the 3d sound is creating an "in the room" experience. However, the ordinary recordings create an "in your head" experience. Personally, I like the latter one more as it adds to fantasy and feeling of intimacy. Nonetheless, both experiences do have advantages that can be exploited. Keep up the excellent work and creativity, Eve.

    • A Eve on 2017-09-10 13:08:25 (UTC)

      I agree, I will definitely use my old mic set up for the 'in your head experience' as well.

  • LTTP216 on 2017-09-09 05:25:15 (UTC)

    I've read the comments and it looks like an actual, practical opinion is desired. So I guess my 2 cents looks like this-

    At this point I don't believe content will ever be the issue. Fenrir said it all. You could do all of these audios with your phone and you wouldn't lose any of us. But honestly, the fact that you actively search out ways to improve and innovate is part of the reason why your artistry shines so brightly.

    I'm a collector in nature. I like a variety of things because the world is a dynamic and complex place. I want to experience as much as I can, for as long as I can. Variety is one of the more significant things that compelled me to get a membership here. You offer a variety in general content, and now in your recording methods. I agree with many folks here. The new mics offer a certain level of tangible realism (ambient noises, layered sounds, direction, etc). It allows me to be immersed in the the world that's been/being created. Great with over ear headphones.

    However the thing I love about the old mics is that the quiet made your voice sound like it was coming out of nowhere. I'm drawn to audios because they allow my mind to be involved in a way video can't. When your voice simply is radiating into my consciousness unaccompanied, I'm encouraged to let my mind fill in the missing details (if I want it to) and the fantasy becomes my own. Great with ear buds.

    Ultimately I have to echo Jandrusel's closing line. I like these mics in the same way I like finding a new fave at a familiar restaurant. I'll still have my usuals and go-tos, but I'm glad for even more variety. Great work so far Ms Eve.

    Now I'm gonna go talk to Billy some more about this fort. Hope that helped a little.

    PS. Ditto Durgarnkuld

    • A Eve on 2017-09-10 13:10:22 (UTC)

      haha yes, you confer with Billy about the fort! And it did help, thank you! xox

    • CharlieRomeoLima on 2017-09-09 07:17:31 (UTC)

      Well said, Q, especially with your point about variety. The audios that first enticed me were recorded with the oldest mic and recording setup Eve used since she started recording. It worked wonders for my ears last year and it would have definitely got me hooked as effectively had I just been discovering her today. 👍

      • A Eve on 2017-09-10 13:10:53 (UTC)

        Aw, thank you! 💋

  • Jandrusel on 2017-09-08 07:18:00 (UTC)

    Boy, this was an experience. I got the tingles all over my ears and it truly felt like there was a real woman going down on me. If you take the time to perfect your craft with this microphone... there'll be a lot of things cummin'. No cock will be spared :P

    As much as I like this mic, I can't complain about the audio quality of your other mics. I saw no problem in them and I like them for what they are. Have a nice day!

    • A Eve on 2017-09-08 19:57:38 (UTC)

      Thank you so much SZ! I'm glad you felt like I was really there, that's what I love about these mics!

  • SamuelXD on 2017-09-08 06:33:03 (UTC)

    Now, that is a nice way to fall asleep. Hearing you slurp, slurp 😉

    • A Eve on 2017-09-08 19:57:08 (UTC)

      yup...that's the idea :P

  • Andrew4082 on 2017-09-08 02:30:18 (UTC) (edited)

    Holy moly Eve! This mic that you have is incredible! This far surpasses your audios with the previous mic! There may have been a bit of background noise, but even so, I'm loving the new mic! Can't wait to hear more! 😀 (That is if you plan on using this mic from now on.)

    • A Eve on 2017-09-08 19:56:57 (UTC)

      I do plan on using this one a lot, although I will probably use the others when it seems appropriate. I need a whole studio for these things now! :P

  • Murtaugh83 on 2017-09-07 23:04:33 (UTC)

    Highly immersive, the new mics have a lot of potential. The stereo effect was great and added so much. I found that I could listen at mid volume while with other audios it has to be on a higher setting. I have some hearing loss in both ears from noise exposure. Though your dulcet and sexy voice comes through crystal clear M

    • A Eve on 2017-09-08 19:56:21 (UTC)

      That's good to know about the volume issue, that's always been a bit of a problem for me with other mics. These ones seem much better in that sense - and thank you M!

    • CharlieRomeoLima on 2017-09-07 23:06:48 (UTC)

      I found that was the case for me too, M.

  • CharlieRomeoLima on 2017-09-07 23:03:22 (UTC) (edited)

    You heard the lady. What do you think boys, did we like it? Ears: "It was like being in the same room with her!" Mind: "My eye could perceive the fantasy almost flawlessly." Cock: "I got stiff as soon as the sucking started, rode the edge awhile and came hard!" Aw, that's not really helpful feedback you guys. You say that all the goddamn time! 😛

    The 3Dio's keener sensitivity did pick up a noticeable amount of ambient background noise, but the critical parts of the audio signal, your voice and the sounds of suckyfucky, sounded cleaner than ever to my ears. I don't mind the background ambience at all, because even it were completely absent I'd still hear my computer tower fans through my non-noise-cancelling headset. The suggestion of traffic outside your window or air conditioners, etc. are definitely more immersive to me. As long as we don't hear passing yobbos talking smack in the background you're golden! Otherwise you got some serious editing to do, hahaha!

    As Fenrir says, you always sound great even on the phone you use for Love Bites. You can always switch it up; feel free to use your oldest mic and Scarlett Solo setup for the circa 2015 'Classic Eve' feel once in awhile! Maybe you might recall a fairly popular turn-of-the-century site called MP3.com, but they had a segregated "Adult Content" section where I found the earliest erotic audios I ever heard. Segregated because listing your audio under that section barred it from ever appearing in the Top 40 and benefitting from exposure to incoming front-page traffic. Anyway, the audios there were understandably noisier given the cruder recording devices available to amateurs back then (and no Audacity), but I believe I would've latched onto your audios even so had I found them there. But of course, thieves existed back then too, and we would've seen your stolen audios posted on the likes of Napster, eDonkey, and WinMX.

    Thank you for all your efforts, Eve. This was a wonderful piece of work to come home to. 😘

    • A Eve on 2017-09-08 19:53:50 (UTC)

      haha I don't care how often your body parts say the same things, I always appreciate it.

      I think I missed MP3.com completely. I've always been curious how far back erotic audio went, I thought it was all Elaine's fault

      • CharlieRomeoLima on 2017-09-08 22:50:42 (UTC)

        Haha, funny clip! If I had unlimited time I'd get the Seinfeld box DVD set and binge it all (by the time I was old enough to appreciate sitcoms Seinfield was already in rerun mode.) Maybe Elaine can get together with Sally in a diner and do a FF4A collab, live and unplugged. :P

        That's an intriguing thought - the history of erotic audio. First thing that came to mind was the '89 dance track "French Kiss" by Lil Louis & The World; it starts just past the 5 minute mark. But the earliest example I know of in the vein of erotic audio is that sultry number "Love to Love You Baby" by disco queen Donna Summer.

        Maybe in someone's attic there's a wax cylinder recording of something sexy, who knows? 😁

        • A Eve on 2017-09-10 13:06:48 (UTC)

          haha a collab in the diner, I love it

          And I bet there is - I bet the moment people realized they could record themselves they started talking sexy

  • Babybae on 2017-09-07 23:03:00 (UTC)

    I hate ASMRs. I don't care for the woman talking in my ear to sound like she is always eating Pop Rocks and that is always what I hear in these. (Although Pop Rocks DURING a real blowjob,WOW! That's a bucket list item boys!) 😂 Now I love Eve and everything she makes for us, but knowing she was going to do more ASMRs, it really drove me to seek out new content creators via Eve's Garden. I was actually thinking nope, don't need this. But hold on with the "get lost noob" replies. I listened to this and yea it started out Pop Rocks, but then when that first slurp came through, boom! Full Attention! The entire experience felt incredibly real! I am not normally sitting at a desk but so glad I was here. If she ever does a hypnosis HFO like this. Im done. Im tapping out. My hotel room is repainted without them knowing and I'm taking vacation boss. Are you kidding me!? Max level throbbing. There are gold days ahead gents. Absolute gold. I did need this. My days are always better after a nice audio from Eve.

    • A Eve on 2017-09-08 19:51:39 (UTC)

      I know that ASMR isn't for everyone, some people (like me) just don't feel those tingles, and without it, ASMR audios can sound kind of weird. I won't be doing all my stereo audios with ASMR, they'll just say "stereo" or "binaural".

      And I will do a hypnosis HFO with this mic, so look out!

  • billymacorbuddy on 2017-09-07 22:48:40 (UTC)

    Aww, this was exactly what I needed. It beats a pair of argyle socks any day!

    Background noise isn't a huge deal. At least not to me. It adds atmosphere and realism. Maybe there are other formats where it would be undesirable, but like you said, you're learning as you go. You may need to build a pillow fort if you require complete silence. And yes, it requires a password for entry. It's a rule or something. :P

    • A Eve on 2017-09-08 19:50:03 (UTC)

      Pillow fort! Yes!

    • LTTP216 on 2017-09-07 23:32:44 (UTC)

      Ok look. I'm not trying to get weird here but I saw the words 'pillow fort' and just wanted to say...I got awesome snacks and a couple of Nintendo 3DS's(games for days). What's up? I'll even bring some chairs and a few king size blankets, in case we want to build an extension on the fort. Just sayin'

      (BTW... Lol...password "penis?"...umm.....ok. But I'm not gonna shout it.)

      • A Eve on 2017-09-08 19:49:47 (UTC)

        what kind of snacks?

        • LTTP216 on 2017-09-09 05:46:41 (UTC)

          Ok I make an awesome trial mix with dried cherries and chocolate chips in it. I got some sesame sticks, regular and cajun. A big ass bag of jelly beans. I can't verify the awesomeness of those tho. They're just in a big ass bag. And the obligatory bag of white cheddar popcorn, but it's really good from a shop downtown.

          • billymacorbuddy on 2017-09-09 11:47:18 (UTC)

            Popcorn from a shop downtown, which shop?

            • LTTP216 on 2017-09-09 18:07:22 (UTC)

              Campbell's Sweets Factory on 25th across from the Pizza Hut. Ok technically it's Ohio City but it's just across the bridge. Dude if your not hip, do yourself a favor and get hip. So good. My faves are the caramel apple popcorn and the garlic parmesan.

              • billymacorbuddy on 2017-09-09 20:42:53 (UTC)

                I think they have a place at the Westside Market too. I'll have to stop next time I'm in the area.

                • LTTP216 on 2017-09-10 02:03:15 (UTC)

                  It's right by the market. And they've got one in Lakewood if that's closer

                  • Andrew4082 on 2017-09-10 16:32:18 (UTC)

                    You say you brought 3DS games? I challenge you to a game of Super Smash Bros in the fort!

                    • LTTP216 on 2017-09-10 18:03:15 (UTC)

                      You're on sir. But no unlockable characters. We don't want to scare off the noobs. I'll take either Link or Samus.

                      • Andrew4082 on 2017-09-11 03:58:41 (UTC)

                        Ah damn. Doctor Mario is one of my mains. I'm just as good with PAC-MAN though!

        • CharlieRomeoLima on 2017-09-08 23:06:00 (UTC) (edited)

          I'll bring along Crunchy Cheetos, Coffee Crisps, Smarties, ketchup chips, and butter tarts, if you bring the KP Skips prawn cocktail crisps (those are so dear out where I live!) and Taytos (have to find the RoI ones, I tried NI Tayto which is apparently not the same thing!)

          And I will also bring a bouncy castle annex to the pillow fort, where much vertical funnings can be had by all. Also cannot forget accommodations for Loki, 'cause the little guy can't be left out.

          P.S. It hardly needs to be said, but yes, Eve, I will bring you timmies :P

          • LTTP216 on 2017-09-10 02:04:40 (UTC)

            Coffee crisps?? Sounds yummy

            • A Eve on 2017-09-10 13:05:45 (UTC)

              haha Loki accommodations, love it!

              And yes I'll bring the Tayto and Prawn Cocktail :P

      • billymacorbuddy on 2017-09-07 23:51:49 (UTC)

        Yes, good. Blankets, bring them. Also, if you have any of those big acoustical foam square thingies, bring those too. You can bring the DS but headphone are required. Eve is trying to record here! And for god's sake use your 12 inch voices!

        • LTTP216 on 2017-09-09 05:31:34 (UTC) (edited)

          Acoustical square thingys- check. Headphones- of course. Don't want to be rude. We can build a pillow fort lounge extension. A green room of sorts to hang out in while Ms Eve is working. That way folks can get some serious Mario Kart in without bothering her and she has a place to chill when she's done.

          Plus I just heard that Charlie's bringing a whole bouncy castle. This fort is gonna be off the charts in coolness. "Hugga Bugga"... let's make this happen. No offense Bae but she did stomp her foot...and I mean we have proposed putting a comically large pillow fort and a bouncy castle in her house so the password should be hers at least.

          • billymacorbuddy on 2017-09-09 11:54:53 (UTC)

            OK, this is going to require more pillows, possibly even a mattress or two. For safety's sake, we should probably schedule a consult with the local fire marshall. And I think it's time we start talking about lighting. I'm leaning towards flashlights (torches, for some of you) and camping lanterns.

            • LTTP216 on 2017-09-09 18:10:23 (UTC)

              Fire marshall? Great, now we're gonna have to get a building permit.

              • A Eve on 2017-09-10 13:04:04 (UTC)

                hahaha nevermind "Fort", this sounds like a Pillow Military Base at this point :P

                • CharlieRomeoLima on 2017-09-10 14:16:04 (UTC)

                  Pillow Group International's forward operating post Delta-six-niner. :P

                  • A Eve on 2017-09-11 18:14:46 (UTC)

                    hahahaha I love it :P

        • A Eve on 2017-09-08 19:49:23 (UTC)

          hahaha 😘

    • Babybae on 2017-09-07 23:04:26 (UTC)

      Calling it now, Password is PENIS

      • A Eve on 2017-09-08 19:49:05 (UTC)


      • billymacorbuddy on 2017-09-07 23:47:03 (UTC)

        Eve gets to chose the password, this is her fort!

        • A Eve on 2017-09-08 19:48:54 (UTC)

          And I will stamp my foot until the password is changed to Hugga Bugga!

          • stormmuse on 2017-09-08 23:56:28 (UTC)

            Then let it be known, that henceforth, the password is "Hugga Bugga"

            There will be no making Eve cross, although I can imagine she would have an adorable pout. :)

            • A Eve on 2017-09-10 13:03:18 (UTC)

              haha it's very adorable.

  • lusthunterz on 2017-09-07 22:36:19 (UTC)

    Lol I was about to be rhe first comment in here. But I was listening to it and fell asleep and now it's time to listen to it fully and maybe practice it by myself 🖐 who knows ;) One thing we do know: u should have this slogan "Eraudica, nobody does it better" iykwim ❤😉

    • A Eve on 2017-09-08 19:48:33 (UTC)

      aww thank you! 💋

    • lusthunterz on 2017-09-07 22:56:50 (UTC)

      Update: I'd gladly not only kiss u but....i'll keep my mouth shut for now 😂 that ending was MAGIC. ❤❤❤

      • A Eve on 2017-09-08 19:47:53 (UTC)

        haha thank you!

  • Fenrir on 2017-09-07 20:23:02 (UTC)

    If you only ever recorded with your phone, we would still love every last one of your audios, Eve! ♥️

    I do think the potential for this new microphone is off the charts though. I don't know what your other mics did or didn't do, but with this one I experienced just that little extra that makes it feel like you're right here in the room with me. Did you ever listen to the virtual barbershop audio clip that was somewhat populer a few years back? I think that was basically the same type of thing. Now if I let my imagination wander a little, to sexier, non-barbershop places...oh boy 😀 With technology like this, it's like I can feel your breath on my ear when you whisper into it. So I am of the opinion that this could take your cuddly warmpire sweet nothings to another level of intimacy. If I think of some of your past audios like No Joi level 2 with the angel and devil in each ear or the Anything is possible hypnosis with two Eves...oh boy😛

    • A Eve on 2017-09-08 19:47:41 (UTC)

      Aw, thank you! Yes I did hear that barbershop one, and as far as I know that's done with a kind of Dolby processing, people have made videos about how to do it - but I think you can achieve that with these 3dio's by having them in the middle of the room and moving around. I might experiment with that :P

      • Fenrir on 2017-09-09 01:58:22 (UTC)

        That would be so cool. From what I've read about these things, they do not merely create stereo ear to ear effects, they create 3 dimensional sounds, basically what the human ear does. Stereo mics can't differentiate between front and back for example, whereas with the 3dio, if you stand behind (and/or above or below the mic) that is where the listener would hear the sound from. Sorry, you probably know all this☺️ Maybe it's just me, but in this audio it sounded like you were slightly above me, so the sucking and voice came from up there. This was still hot AF, but I imagine you could take the immersion and the realism to crazy levels by actually going below, so it sounds like you're, you know, down there :P My imagination takes me to places, I think of fdom Eve, blindfolding me in the centre of the room, walking around, suddenly whispering sexy things in my ears from all all directions. Please don't take this as me telling you what you should do, I merely hope to inspire🙃 Thanks for all you do for us, I am excited to hear what you do with this

        • A Eve on 2017-09-10 13:02:56 (UTC)

          Yes, that's the beauty of the 3dio, especially the the molded ears - it really does mimic the way we hear sounds, and adds direction to it as well. I was thinking the same thing, doing a 'walk around you' type thing :P

    • Babybae on 2017-09-07 23:18:32 (UTC)

      Oh damn dude I didn't know those No JOI ones existed. But the 2 eves 1, yea that audio file in this recording type would be lit.

  • Durgarnkuld on 2017-09-07 18:29:41 (UTC)

    You always know, what I need. Every man needs. And no worries about member content. Without members no one could get anything. I'm happy to support as long as I can.

    • A Eve on 2017-09-07 18:36:42 (UTC)

      Thank you so much, that's very sweet of you to say! 💋

  • stormmuse on 2017-09-07 18:25:49 (UTC)

    I think it may be too soon to say definitively which I prefer, as I tend to think in terms of immersion.

    Reality is rarely quiet, and almost never silent, so I think that some background sounds add to the realism, as you hear those sounds normally, but focus on what you are listening too. Think insects in the evening, A/C, refrigerator, ceiling fans...all those sounds that are constantly in the background, that we tune out.

    That being said, it was quite enjoyable...distracted me from work and left me with a different drive altogether. I'm waiting on the ASMR to see how those sound...still a relatively new arena for me listening-wise. Lovely little interlude, milady!

    • A Eve on 2017-09-07 18:38:06 (UTC)

      I was thinking that too, as I was listening - the slight ambient 'buzz' did make it feel more 'in the room' like, so it might be good to leave it in. I just don't want anything to distract or take away from the quality, but if it adds to it, I'm all for it :P

      I'm new to ASMR too, so we'll explore this together ❤️

      • Georgio36 on 2017-09-07 19:58:18 (UTC)

        Yes you should definitely leave the room noise in especially if it's not bothering anyone as of now. Thanks for making this a safe & fun place for us all 💖

        • A Eve on 2017-09-08 19:45:35 (UTC)

          You're welcome Geo - my house, my rules :p

  • Georgio36 on 2017-09-07 16:33:48 (UTC)

    Whoa! Eve of course I needed this. I think every good man could use a little eraudica 😉. I'm not sure how you keep being amazing but you always find ways to surprise me everytime with these cock worships. I really like the sound of this 3dio mic a lot especially when you speak both ears. The sound is prestine on this mic & It was so much fun to play along too. I slightly prefer the sterio one you use on that last cock worships/blowjob audio for future ones in that series & the sweet nothings.

    Your ASMR audios will give many audio orgasms with this new one we just heard here. Of course you can alternate between this & the other sterio mic if you like. Whichever one is easier for you to record with at the moment will work great. I don't want you to be super stressed out now. All in all, you did wonderful here 😊🌺

    • A Eve on 2017-09-07 17:56:08 (UTC)

      Thank you Geo! I think I agree, the other mics seem a bit better for just general audios - I'm doing a real ASMR one next, so we'll see how that goes :)

  • Stargazer on 2017-09-07 15:34:32 (UTC)

    I personally love these kinds of mics.

    I dunno why but I typically get that ASMR tingling feeling much more often with 3dio mics. Keep up the amazing content Eve!

    • A Eve on 2017-09-07 17:55:30 (UTC)

      Thank you, I'm happy this is working out. I think the 3dio is much better for ASMR, and possibly the other mics for just general stereo audios, but I'll keep experimenting ❤️