Clear Your Mind and Cum

28:08 Cock Worship Jun 13, 2022 10 comments 2045 615

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I know we all have a lot on our minds these days...too much, in fact.

So let me try something with you. Close your eyes, clear your mind, and focus your mind's eye on what I'm doing to you. Hear the sounds, hear my words, and just let yourself mindlessly cum...


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  • CharlieRomeoLima on 2022-07-12 23:35:29 (UTC)

    What is this sorcery - that this woman can pacify the tempests of a man's psyche through deft manipulation of his male member alone?! :P Coming mindlessly is a luxury only made possible by the most deeply mindful ministrations of his lover. He surrenders control and loses himself entirely in the moment, entrusting his attainment of pleasure to the attentions of another. A refreshing inversion of the usual well-trodden road a man must travel down to reach orgasm: through pursuit, striving towards, and fixing that goal in his mind to the exclusion of all else.

    Another fine CW audio, Eve! 💯

    • A Eve on 2022-07-21 13:12:39 (UTC)

      Another comment trophy for you, C! 🏆

  • MadWithLust on 2022-07-08 12:05:28 (UTC)

    Mmmm...this was quite the fun "experiment"! I absolutely love the casual, effortless "convincing" of me to be your oh-so-willing subject! Total anticipation boner!

    It is just so easy to let you work your sexy magic and it felt so amazing to focus on all the sensations. You really know how to make a man feel so special and loved! And all the little sensitive places to be kissed and licked and caressed! swoon

    And I don't want to rush you to your conclusions, Dr. Eve but after many, many, many sexy experiments ("sexperiments"? :P) , I think I always cum mindlessly for you! As if I could think about anything else but the crazy pleasure of an Eraudica orgasm... :D

    • A Eve on 2022-07-10 19:53:02 (UTC)

      Anticipation boner for the win! xx

  • ArthurWynne on 2022-06-25 17:34:41 (UTC)

    I really connected with this piece. I often overthink the most insignificant things. When I just need to sit back and clear my mind. These negative thoughts can wear you down. So audios like this are the perfect tonic to help get my head together and to fall back into a positive peaceful mindset. Focusing on pleasure and feeling good. Some people don't do it enough. This was so needed and so appreciated. Thank you so much, Eve. xXx

    • A Eve on 2022-07-10 19:52:26 (UTC)

      I'm very glad it hit the spot. You know me, I always try to soothe the mind as well as exciting the body

  • AlexanderO95 on 2022-06-24 23:47:03 (UTC)

    After all these years you just keep on giving and giving quality Eve. One of the best erotic content creators on the internet!

    • A Eve on 2022-07-10 19:52:00 (UTC)

      Aw! That's so sweet of you, thank you!

  • PornFan on 2022-06-16 19:24:06 (UTC)

    This was amazing. I always cum intensely when I've had mu balls played with and sucked on. It's just mind-blowing how great it feels

    • A Eve on 2022-06-22 20:58:18 (UTC)

      Thanks for listening!