Sweet Nothings - Trying Too Hard

18:32 Sweet Nothings Jan 09, 2020 8 comments 9250 2036

Download (29 MB, MP3)

It's that time of year, when we all get a little blue...

And sometimes, all of us tend to try a little too hard to please other people - to be what others need or want us to be.

Cuddle up with me and let's talk about how you're great just as you are ❤️

in this cuddle session:

  • pillow fort
  • not being able to breathe in the pillow fort
  • Aoife shows up!
  • Cuttlefish
  • soothing caresses
  • deep breaths
  • hopefully some relaxation!

Other audios in Sweet Nothings


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  • SamuelXD on 2020-01-14 04:07:52 (UTC)

    Listened 4 times and fell asleep each time 😊. Well, for me, it's more of feeling like I'm not trying hard enough and because of that, sometimes I try too hard. I've always had a habit of second guessing myself, overthinking or doing something until it's too late. Now, I try to just do it, even if I still second guess myself and I actually thought I heard "cuddlefish" 😂

    • A Eve on 2020-01-18 14:19:28 (UTC)

      haha I thought 'cuddlefish' sounds awesome, myself :P

  • Davenlea on 2020-01-10 07:03:11 (UTC)

    I empathise with both my fellow members here. Sunk, congratulations for getting this far! Arcturus, Sartres words are just spot on! Eve, I have to say that I will probably have to listen again tonight. Your soothing tones eased me out before the end and I was sound asleep so you could say mission accomplished! Thank you for all your efforts and help over recent times Eve!

    • A Eve on 2020-01-10 17:49:41 (UTC)

      You're very welcome, thank you for listening! xx

  • sunkcotsfallacy on 2020-01-10 05:24:17 (UTC)

    So you probably know I was in a low place a couple days ago. Last night I was really low on myself, second guessing myself to the point where I just broke down.

    Then a few hours ago saw your Twitter update and saved listening to this until tonight. This was such a nice recording. It made me feel a lot better, I grinned and smiled and really did laugh, especially at the cuttlefish part. Thanks, Eve. :)

    • A Eve on 2020-01-10 17:49:55 (UTC)

      I'm so glad it made you feel better! xx

  • Arcturus on 2020-01-10 01:17:26 (UTC)

    Thanks Eve, this is nice to hear. While a bit tangential, I would like to mention some Sartre quotes that help me in my low points. One is "Life begins on the other side of despair," and the other is, "Freedom is what you do with what's been done to you."

    • A Eve on 2020-01-10 17:50:17 (UTC)

      I love those quotes, and I'd never heard them before, so thank you! xox