HFO Clinic

33:02 HFO Sep 26, 2020 24 comments 5046 1785

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Welcome to the HFO Clinic, I'm your session facilitator. I understand you've been referred here because you're having trouble achieving an HFO.

Never fear, you've come to the right place.

Let me ask you a few preliminary questions and then get you set up for the session. Headphones on, part of it will be in stereo.


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  • TheGOAT123 on 2022-04-10 04:14:13 (UTC)

    Definitely your best HFO video and the best HFO I've ever had. Wow. Eve, your voice... there's just so many filthy words I could use to describe you and how powerful your voice is that I'm under your spell. Like a sorceress enchanting me with a sexy spell. One of the best pleasures in life is to cum to your voice. It really is. Plus it's easy to meditate to and relax, and it's great ASMR as well.

    • A Eve on 2022-04-18 21:07:59 (UTC)

      I'm so glad you enjoyed it! Just please don't call my voice filthy, I really hate that word :(

      • TheGOAT123 on 2022-04-29 01:37:01 (UTC)

        apologies Eve. I shall use the word sexy instead, if that's alright

        • A Eve on 2022-05-04 04:03:19 (UTC)

          Of course, I love sexy!

  • AnonyFun35 on 2021-07-07 11:36:07 (UTC)

    Thank you, Eve…I fucking needed you today.

    • A Eve on 2021-07-12 19:23:03 (UTC)

      My pleasure! I'm always here if you need me :P

  • hfoattempter on 2020-10-29 11:54:27 (UTC)

    Eve, would I be able to suggest you maybe do some more of this style of audio? I found this so soothing and intense. It’s different from the other HFOs because the audio quality is so good that it sounds like you are actually in the room with me. I couldn’t believe I was listening to a recording. Also it’s really sexy to have audios with more whispering than moaning. Just personal preference - I get really turned on by the build up and come down of lots of these audios because the whispering is so hot. This one was insane though because it felt like you were really there and it was so comforting when you took my hand and walked down the stairs with me. The audio levels were perfect on this too - like I could turn my volume all the way up without worrying about having to turn it down later when it was getting intense. Been trying to cum hands free for months and never done it but this was real close.

    • A Eve on 2020-10-29 14:36:26 (UTC)

      Someone suggested I do a follow up to this one, a 'repeat customer' - and I do like the quieter ones myself xx

  • Molina on 2020-10-20 17:26:54 (UTC)

    Hey everyone, and especially the wonderful Eve. I’ve been here before and listened to the free audio many times, but decided to pay up and access more.

    I just listened to this audio and it was wonderful. I felt so relaxed, and so aroused, and absolutely did cum at the end. Only... I didn’t!

    I felt every sensation of ejaculation. I felt the fluid leaving my cock, I felt my cock tighten and convulse. But as I removed my headphones and took off my eye mask, there was nothing. Not a drop of semen, and not a spec of Precum even.

    So weird.

    I’ve never managed to have an HFO but that was the strongest sensation I’ve felt yet, and I wonder if that’s a precursor. Whether anyone else has felt that close and then it started to happen for them?

    • A Eve on 2020-10-22 10:20:46 (UTC)

      From what I've heard, it's a common thing for men to feel the pleasure of an orgasm without ejaculating, like they are actually two separate things.

      • Molina on 2020-10-22 17:21:27 (UTC)

        Hi Eve blushes

        I’ve felt the pleasure many times listening to your audio, but never before that sensation, so real and undeniable.

        Anyway; I’m absolute shattered now after too little sleep the last 4 nights so am about to lay down in a dark room on a comfortable mattress and listen to you take me down those stairs again. Mmmmm

        • Molina on 2020-10-22 19:08:13 (UTC)

          Well I fell fast asleep some time after the breathing and before the stairs, and woke up as I was entering the room. I didn’t cum, but my god I feel more relaxed after and I either had a lot of precum or just left over pee from going before I lay down to rest! I tasted it and it was salty but still unsure which it was! 😂

          Whatever, I loved the whole affair and can’t wait til next time!

          I’d love a follow up to this which is essentially the same, but the opening dialogue is for a return customer rather than a first timer, so I can emerge myself fully into the role play time after time after time!

          • A Eve on 2020-10-23 21:32:21 (UTC)

            that's a great idea, I'll definitely do a 'repeat client' audio in this series

  • sociallistener on 2020-10-03 17:11:50 (UTC)

    Men often labor under the false impression that, while women are capable of being multi-orgasmic, we men supposedly are not. Most men believe that we are capable of one five second orgasmic sneeze, and that’s it for a while. It takes practice and “training” (men also benefit from Kegel exercises) to transcend this self-imposed limitation…and maybe even a little audio guidance and encouragement from an empathetic and loving woman (know any candidates?).

    I suspect the male super O has much in common with the longer duration, quickly sequential, more total body orgasmic experience of women. There is lots of literature out there on the subject of the male super O. The point is that that good ol’ continuous multiple super HFO (sometimes without ejaculating) is something men can experience.

    An audio along the lines of your DREAM meditation would be a terrific addition to your “oeuvre” and would no doubt help alleviate the worldwide ecstasy shortage. We all have to do our bit!

    • A Eve on 2020-10-04 19:00:09 (UTC)

      that might be interesting, although I'd have to look up more about it before I attempted any kind of audio that claimed a guy could have one. Have you ever experienced it?

      I've heard that strictly speaking the refractory period in men is pretty fixed in terms of ejaculation, but it's possible to experience orgasms without ejaculating. That's another thing I wouldn't know about :P

      • sociallistener on 2020-10-08 14:58:20 (UTC)

        No, I have not yet experienced it but others have. Working on it.

  • CharlieRomeoLima on 2020-09-28 03:16:33 (UTC)

    I find the juxtaposition of the session facilitator's professional demeanour and that gorgeous lady filled to the brim with a lust for life and cock to be outrageously sexy!

    An HFO remained elusive this time, but I'm more than fine with that when I received so much relaxation and pleasant somatic sensations nonetheless. Therefore I deem this session to have been a most productive exercise and worth every cent of the reservation fee. Also I'd be remiss if I forgot to mention the Clinic's satisfaction guarantee: repeat sessions are on the house, just tap that big purple play button on the wall! :P

    Time and again you elevate audio erotica from arousing diversion to an incredibly rich sensory art that I consider to be genuinely therapeutic.

    • A Eve on 2020-09-28 09:39:47 (UTC)

      That is so gratifying to hear, thank you Charlie! And you're absolutely right, feel fee to repeat the session as often as you like!

  • someguy12 on 2020-09-28 00:55:45 (UTC)

    That was amazing, I had a very intense HFO listening to that

    • A Eve on 2020-09-28 09:39:59 (UTC)

      Congratulations! xox

  • ArthurWynne on 2020-09-27 01:55:03 (UTC) (edited)

    Oh my fucking god. I wasn’t prepared for this. There were times when I thought surely one day you’d exhaust all your ideas. And your creatively wouldn’t be as pin sharp as it once was. But damn. I deserved to be banned for even thinking such a notion. That was sensational. I may not have had a HFO. But this work of art you call an Audio got me the closest in like, well... ever. You deserve to be treated like a queen you ridiculously talented woman. X

    • A Eve on 2020-09-28 09:40:35 (UTC)

      haha that does serve you right, I never run out of ideas! And thank you so much for the compliment! xx

      • ArthurWynne on 2020-09-28 22:32:11 (UTC)

        Sorry if I sound like I was kissing your ass too much with the comment, BUT...(pun intended ha!) i really loved this new idea on an old concept. Not to mention the fact you managed to go from sensual to ravenous in the same audio What a wonderful juxtaposition. X

        • A Eve on 2020-10-02 21:00:39 (UTC)

          Never apologize for offering a genuine compliment xx