Sweeter Nothings: Sexy Time

33:43 Friends to Lovers Mar 13, 2018 18 comments 81858 11813

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Recently someone suggested they'd like to hear a Sweet Nothings type audio that does include sex - usually SN audios are cuddly, affectionate, loving and cozy but there's no hanky panky going on.

I liked the idea of trying to mix the two, to see how it might play out.

I imagine this as a kind of friends-to-lovers type thing, but in a much more casual way than usual. I think of it as two stressed out friends/roommates/etc who need each other tonight, but whose easy friendship, laughter and fun comes through even when they're making love for the first time.

Where will it lead? Who knows. For right now, just cuddle up and enjoy some sweeter nothings...

Just a heads up - there's quite a long afterglow with this audio, and quite a long buildup. And I won't lie, in some places it's really quite silly.

Other audios in Friends to Lovers


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  • Darx on 2018-04-20 17:10:11 (UTC)

    I keep coming back to this audio. I've already listened to it 4 times since it was first posted and I can't get enough of it. It's absolutely beautiful, particularly the goofey silliness. The way you portray this character as slightly nervous about what she is doing (hence the rambling, off topic joking), but desperately wanting it to happen anyway is so immediately endearing. I don't know if this is what you were going for, but it's how it comes across to me.

    I cannot wait for more in this series of audios. They seem perfectly tailored to what I enjoy most. Thank you as always.

    Ps. Possum pajamas are the most awesome thing ever.

    • A Eve on 2018-04-23 21:16:59 (UTC)

      haha thank you, I'm glad you approve of the possum pjs :P

  • MadWithLust on 2018-04-08 14:51:37 (UTC)

    Sweet Nothing + Sexy Times + Afterglow???!!?!? This was phenomenal! It felt so natural! Sweet cuddles, wandering hands, smouldering kisses, awesome possum pants come off (FYI my boner remained steadfast in its mission, despite the giggles :P), then crazy hot slow love making! And then the sweet afterglow with "I love you"s and more cuddles and kisses...it took me all night of swooning to recover! :P

    P.S. Woke up with an incredible craving for French toast...

    • A Eve on 2018-04-08 16:34:43 (UTC)

      haha that's what I hoped! :P Glad you enjoyed this one MWL 😘

  • Arkbach on 2018-03-22 00:17:32 (UTC)

    This was very enjoyable. It was genuine, erotic, and sensual. I particularly enjoyed the undressing part. Her pajamas. His. Undressing sets the mood and tenor for what happens next. You did it perfectly. Please include this very important part of intimacy.

  • joetinla on 2018-03-16 14:33:44 (UTC)

    Okay Miss Eve you just elevated my favorite series to a whole new level, and also you made me flashback to when I actually used to work for the Yellow Pages as an add designer several years ago and I have very good memories of those times and only you can make the words magnificent bastard sound sexy as hell oh yeah before I forget whenever you want monkey faced French toast just let me know it would be my pleasure to make a batch especially for you.

    • A Eve on 2018-03-17 00:13:25 (UTC)

      haha I bet your monkey faced French toast would be amazeballs! Do they still have Yellow Pages?

  • Murtaugh83 on 2018-03-14 22:49:45 (UTC)

    Eve, I really think you outdid yourself on this one. Funny, Sexy and truly Adorkable. From the Appalachian Mts. to Possum PJs you can't beat the feeling on this one. I hope you continue with this genre and we go from Awesome Possum to some serious Monkey Business. I have been known to make some damn fine French Toast. All the Best M

    • A Eve on 2018-03-17 00:12:57 (UTC)

      haha I'll hold you to that French Toast, don't think I won't :P

  • SamuelXD on 2018-03-14 04:58:29 (UTC)

    Well, this was new.... and one I thoroughly enjoyed. To me, this was one of the most honest audios by far, because it was fun, playful and comfortable, like 2 people who are really comfortable and trust each other 😊

    • A Eve on 2018-03-17 00:11:42 (UTC)

      That's what I hoped for, thanks Sam!

  • Satan666 on 2018-03-14 04:50:01 (UTC) (edited)

    Hello Eve... Long time, no see. You've changed A LOT since the last time we've met... I see things with Adam didn't work out. I'm not to blame... I swear on your creator ;)

    • A Eve on 2018-03-17 00:10:45 (UTC)

      I take a lot of heat for the shit you get up to, Beelzebub!

      • Satan666 on 2018-03-18 07:25:42 (UTC)

        I told you, I'm not to blame. Your creator gave you free will, I just happen to be very persuasive. There's a reason why "Silver Tongued Devil" is an expression.

  • CharlieRomeoLima on 2018-03-14 04:11:24 (UTC)

    Well, Eve, I call this a successful experiment in Sweeter Nothings/Erotic Audio cross-hybridization (as always, for Science!) You paint a very natural mindscape for this listener's imagination with the casual, amiable silliness, and I love how the sex blossoms in a very organic way with not a trace of being forced or contrived. To me, the 'sucky fucky' felt appropriately toned-down (don't get me wrong, I do love wild, over-the-top monkey sex as much as anyone!), but if this was a conscious choice on your part I thought it added to the immersion, since in real life it's common to consider the proximity of roommates/neighbours and thin walls that muffle nothing. :)

    Possum pajamas, yellow pages, muppets, geological references to North American mountain ranges, the always-powerful "I love you" at the right moment, this chapter has it all! Thank you, I enjoyed this lots. 💐🏵💐

    • A Eve on 2018-03-17 00:11:24 (UTC)

      haha thanks Charlie, I'm glad you enjoyed it! I'll definitely do more of these

  • Comfortable on 2018-03-14 02:38:19 (UTC)

    Hi Eve, I found your site through GWA and decided I'd leave a comment after lurking about for a month or two. I used to feel a bit sad or hollow after watching porn, and after some introspection I realised that the missing component for me was a sense of intimacy. Regular porn always felt so voyeuristic and divorced from me, but this erotic audio stuff feels more personal and involved, and I haven't found anyone who captures this feeling of intimacy better than you. So I guess I wanted to say thanks Eve. Thanks for helping alleviate the feelings of loneliness whilst I try to improve my self respect and self image so that one day I can experience this with a partner of my own. I'm being patient, as you say.

    • A Eve on 2018-03-17 00:09:37 (UTC)

      I'm so glad you found me! And you're very welcome, I know how difficult it can be, waiting for something special to come into your life. Hang in there with me, it might make the wait a bit easier. 💋