ASMR Cock Worship: Triggers

18:52 ASMR and Cock Worship Oct 27, 2018 6 comments 5375 1457

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Another blissful ASMR experience to try to bring out your tingles...

This time, along with mouth sounds and breathing, I tried experimenting with a few other sounds that ASMR lovers seem to respond to. Let me know if it worked for you!

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  • Cashmeowsawhowbowdah on 2018-11-09 13:00:02 (UTC)

    That feeling of embrace with your soft, breathy voice to the back of the head? That's the strongest trigger I've encountered in any of your audios. The water sounds weren't bad. Noticed a lot of the mouth sounds people usually make unintentionally here. Normally by themselves they wouldn't have made a lot of tingles but paired with the breathing and the side-to-side it felt like you were there. And the ear kissing gets me every time. Every time! I appreciate you doing these dedicated ASMR things, even though I usually get plenty from your normal content.

    • A Eve on 2018-11-09 20:50:11 (UTC)

      Thank you, I'm glad to hear it! This mic I use is meant for ASMR, so it's intended to pick up normal mouth sounds and other sounds you might not normally hear. I'm glad you liked the side to side and the breathing, I think that's my favourite part of ASMR recordings.

  • Matthew on 2018-10-28 14:50:07 (UTC)

    This ASMR gave out so many triggers me, the water sounds I found most Tingley, like water puddles, so calming and relaxing it’s amazing how real It sounded real the heavy ear breathing does wonders for my senses so soothing , Eve you are the tops when it come to the mouth sounds best rest in ages and as for the cock worship sounded utterly and completely awesome I can truly say I am most defiantly an ASMR lover / believer now thank you ever so much. 🎧❤😘

    • A Eve on 2018-10-29 20:39:03 (UTC)

      I'm so glad you enjoyed this, Matthew! I definitely need feedback on ASMR audios, because try as I might, I can't experience tingles myself. That makes it so much harder to do a good audio! Thank you! 💋

  • CharlieRomeoLima on 2018-10-28 05:38:32 (UTC)

    Your ASMR audios are always sumptuously soothing balms for the ears, and this latest entry is no exception. The water sounds were unexpected and an effective trigger for my veteran ASMR-sense, and they did in truth give me plenty of tingles. I think it might've been the fact that it was unexpected that made it so; one point I've encountered in comments of oldschool (and jaded) ASMR listeners on YouTube is that they find some videos that were not intentional ASMR to be quite tingly, compared to the ones with a deliberate variety of triggers. I see where they're coming from but I do like the direction contemporary creators have taken in recent years as the sheer wealth of triggers are helpful for newcomers to efficiently identify what works for them.

    Sounds of rain and ocean are ubiquitous but I think this water sound you used is pretty rare. The open-ended cock worship was nice too - without any pressure to come it was a sensually relaxing conclusion to this fine ASMR audio! 💜

    • A Eve on 2018-10-29 20:40:04 (UTC)

      I'm very relieved to hear this Charlie - like I said to Matthew, I don't get tingles, so making these audios is actually really difficult for me. I'm so glad when people take the time to tell me how they experienced it. I knew I could count on you, so thanks C!