Cock Worship at the Movies

17:23 Cock Worship Apr 21, 2017 26 comments 2325 986

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Have you ever wanted someone to go down on you in a theatre? (Cue Alanis...) 💋


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  • ArthurWynne on 2017-05-15 21:58:03 (UTC)

    As a movie buff I don't like any distractions. But this.... is one hell of an exception! Climatic!

    • A Eve on 2017-05-17 19:51:22 (UTC)

      haha I thought this might be worth making an exception for.

  • Durgarnkuld on 2017-04-23 20:27:23 (UTC) (edited)

    I don't know why, but at first I imagined us watching Lord of the Rings.

    Eve: Baby, this movie is really stupid!
    Me: Huh?
    Eve: I mean, who is that guy?
    Me: Saruman?
    Eve: No, no, that guy.
    Me: Gandalf?!
    Eve: You see, he was in the other one, but he was dead!
    Me: Yeah, but ... ._.

    We have some real cool theaters around here. Wouldn't mind at all!

    • A Eve on 2017-04-23 21:14:29 (UTC)

      hahaha absolutely....except I loved Lord of the Rings :)

      • Durgarnkuld on 2017-04-23 21:20:52 (UTC)

        I suspected as much ^^

  • cuddle_with_me on 2017-04-23 18:10:14 (UTC)

    I've heard of going to the movies, but I think I like cumming to the movies more. Thanks for a lovely audio, Eve! 💓

    • Georgio36 on 2017-04-24 03:28:31 (UTC)

      Excellent pun! Lol 😄

    • A Eve on 2017-04-23 18:34:56 (UTC)

      haha you're very welcome cuddles! 💋

  • joetinla1967 on 2017-04-22 12:36:27 (UTC)

    Oh my Miss Eve,
    You just gave a whole new meaning to movie night,
    Your attention to detail is just amazing.
    Thank you.

    • A Eve on 2017-04-23 18:02:21 (UTC)

      haha you're welcome! 💋

  • Dezro125 on 2017-04-22 09:08:20 (UTC)

    Your creativity with settings and scenarios never ceases to impress, Ms Eve, and your ability to interject some humor into it all makes it even better. The topping bit definitely got me with this one. Much love as always and thanks for all you do! <3

    • A Eve on 2017-04-23 18:02:39 (UTC)

      Aww, thank you, I'm so glad you enjoyed this 😘

  • Georgio36 on 2017-04-22 06:50:44 (UTC) (edited)

    Eve you never seize to amaze me. To be honest i never thought about getting cock worship in a movie theater until now lol. I did however had my very first kiss ever in a movie theater a few years ago & it felt amazing. I certainly wouldn't mind trying your idea a lot 😄. Except i would wanna return the favor for making you watch that stupid movie. I love how you included all the sound effects too. Soo creative & please continue to do more audios similar to this. Hope you have a great day 🌸

    • A Eve on 2017-04-23 18:03:13 (UTC)

      Aww, I know, theatres can hold a lot of great memories for people. I thought it would be fun to fantasize about making some new ones 💋

      • Georgio36 on 2017-04-24 03:30:19 (UTC)

        Wonderful, & hopefully these ideas be used more often 😊

  • CharlieRomeoLima on 2017-04-22 05:21:17 (UTC) (edited)

    It's smart to wear steel toes here in case one falls head over feet. Can't believe this theatre's so empty when it regularly boasts the best 'shows' in town. Ironic, don't you think?

    You've a serious talent for spicing up everyday scenarios whether it be grocery shopping, going to the bank, or being put on hold in a phone queue, and transforming them into such positively enjoyable escapades. I love them all. And cum on popcorn for a nice hot topping? 🍿 Bless your sharp creative wit and your funny, funny heart!

    I just wanted to end by saying thank u.

    • A Eve on 2017-04-23 18:03:48 (UTC)

      haha yes, I don't think it would be long before that theatre would start filling up :P

      The popcorn was total improv, it just 'came' to me :P

  • billymacorbuddy on 2017-04-22 01:38:53 (UTC)

    I don't know how you keep coming up with these creative ideas, but I'm glad that you do. I loved the public/exhibitionist fantasy of this one. I think that guy up front was only pretending to be asleep. :p

    I remember when Jagged Little Pill first came out, I got it as a birthday present. It was the first album I ever owned by a female artist. I thought it was so cool that it was Alanis from You Can't Do That On Television. It's too bad that kids don't get wholesome programming like that nowadays. :D

    • A Eve on 2017-04-23 18:05:21 (UTC)

      I think that song is one of those instant classics, being so raw and honest and emotional about something most of us have felt to some degree. Even if we haven't personally, we can relate.

      I think Alanis was like the Miley Cyrus of the 90's - a wholesome kids' show star who grew up pretty raunchy. But more power to them both!

      • billymacorbuddy on 2017-04-23 20:06:49 (UTC)

        I agree with you except for one point. You Can't Do That On Television was pretty frickin' raunchy for a children's show. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend you look it up on youtube. In fact, as a Canadian, I think you're obliged.

        • A Eve on 2017-04-24 11:47:02 (UTC)

          haha well if it's a national obligation, I guess I'll have to take a look...

        • CharlieRomeoLima on 2017-04-23 23:01:36 (UTC)

          I was just a wee lad of 4 when this aired, but you can see Alanis get green slimed here:

          The Canadian kids shows I watched were decidedly unraunchy: Mr. Dressup, The Friendly Giant, Today's Special, Polka Dot Door, Size Small, and Fred Penner's Place. Ah, the nostalgia. :)

          • A Eve on 2017-04-24 11:47:19 (UTC)

            Mr. Dressup! holy moly that's going way back

          • billymacorbuddy on 2017-04-24 02:31:20 (UTC)

            Thanks for the link Charlie. I was also pretty young when these episodes aired, but they were a staple of my childhood. I remember Today's Special, but I don't think the others made it to American television. Those were the early days of cable tv. I actually remember sitting down as a family to watch the premier or Micheal Jackson's Thriller. Nostalgia indeed!

            • A Eve on 2017-04-24 11:48:06 (UTC)

              I should have a nostalgic movie night, we can all get together and watch old episodes of tv from our childhood :)

              • CharlieRomeoLima on 2017-04-25 00:23:53 (UTC)

                I'll bring the discontinued retro snacks. Hires root beer or Hostess potato chips, anyone? :P