Ask Eve - The Cock Size Episode

19:04 Ask Eve Apr 01, 2015 24 comments 22867 2917

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I get a lot of questions about cock size, so I thought I'd answer them all in one audio. This is a new feature I'm experimenting with, and would like to make this a more regular feature here.

UPDATE In my haste to talk about my favourite subject, I forgot to address another medical fact, about curved cocks. Curved cocks are also completely normal. All cocks curve to some degree, it just varies among men. Only something like 10% of men have cocks that point straight out at a 90 degree angle, everyone else curves in either direction, to varying extremes.

And the truth is, this doesn't matter either. It's just a normal variation that has to do with a ligament inside your body, nothing else. It does not affect your ability to get hard, or have sex, or be sucked off by a woman who adores you! Please don't worry about it, women know that men's cocks curve, it's totally expected and completely fine.

I also forgot to link to the diagrams I mention here, so here they are, time-coded

7:36 WTF Diagram

11:42 Fake porn boobs

Feel free to ask me anything you like, I'll keep it anonymous and may answer in an audio. Any suggestions for future topics will be greatly appreciated. And please, let me know what you think!

xox Eve

Other audios in Ask Eve


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  • happy on 2020-11-22 23:24:41 (UTC)

    I wish more women thought this way haha, being small is not very fun

    • A Eve on 2020-11-26 21:30:35 (UTC)

      A lot more women than you think feel this way. Don't believe everything you hear or see on pornhub about dick size xx

  • Vermouth1991 on 2018-05-11 15:12:50 (UTC)

    I'm of average length and girth myself, although I do seem to be able to grow an extra centimeter when I am really really aroused. #GrowerAndProud xD Listening to this one way back has really helped me accept and love my body better, I won't go into details but my long-distance girlfriend really loved what I have to offer the first time I sent her pics. We love and appreciate each other's bodies very much, and the electronic sexytimes we've had are amazing. Sometimes it can be as simple as me sending her a DM telling her something I fantasize doing, and she'd respond with how she had to stifle a moan in public, which in hand makes me have to hide an instant public boner. ☺️

    • A Eve on 2018-07-21 09:53:43 (UTC)

      That's what I hope men take from this episode - that your woman is going to want what you've got, so enjoy it!

  • MattyMatt on 2017-09-19 02:36:28 (UTC)

    Love this format way better than sterile words on a screen. Love your WTF diagram...very technical. I found the presentation interesting and it never occurred to me that someone could be sensitive to cock size descriptions in erotic media. It's the nature of the to speak.

    (Maybe this is inappropriate for this forum)

    My question is how do you restore confidence?

    I'm no expert, but I'm sure my solution was the worst and typically masculine. You see I have experienced cruel harassment based on cock size twice in my life. One person was even kind enough to tell her friends, which lead to seemly endless ridicule. The worst part was I had already been intimate will both women, so they knew what my erect size was (I fall into the grower class). Experience like that can really fuck you up. I spent years getting over it. A couple of good thing have occurred because of these events: -I have come back stronger in many aspects of my life. -One of the women actually called me to apologize just within the last few weeks (and 16 years after); my current lady friend took the call.

    Bad things: -Disengaging from life was way to easy (and safe). -Trusting anyone was really hard to get back.

    Final analysis: Don't go out with mean people! (still working on the mean detector part)

    I only hope I am just one of a few that has gone through this...

    • A Eve on 2017-09-20 12:52:06 (UTC)

      I don't think you're alone, sadly, but I don't think it's all that common either. Many of us have gone through really awful experiences with certain people, and the challenge is always there - how do we learn to trust someone again? I wish I had the answer, all I know is that the absolute best scenario for a lasting and satisfying sexual relationship is to really know your potential lover well, as a friend, before you become romantic. You'll be confident that this person cares for you, and won't be looking for some superficial cue to determine whether you'll be a good lover. Your lover will want to be with you, not with your cock, you know what I mean? And you'll know that person well enough to know whether she'd be the kind to criticize.

  • FlareStorm on 2017-03-18 03:07:42 (UTC)

    I think your WTF Diagram is broken...unless I'm supposed to seeing a box?

    • A Eve on 2017-03-18 20:15:49 (UTC) (edited)

      It's fixed now!

  • SweetHeart25 on 2016-04-03 06:15:58 (UTC)

    Ok Eve, how do I contact you privately?

    • A Eve on 2016-04-03 11:08:28 (UTC)

      you can email me at

  • regularjohn on 2015-04-06 17:53:01 (UTC)

    I really liked this. Not that I had any issues with my cock. Its a healthy 15cm. Although not a shower. You didnt mention uncut vs cut. Is there something there?

    Sorry for bad english. It is not my native tongue.

    I could listen to you read the phonebook. I love your voice! :)

    Kisses from Norway

    • A Eve on 2015-04-06 18:36:32 (UTC)

      takk elskling! kyss kyss 💋

      Not sure what you're asking about intact vs circumsized. Of course there's nothing wrong with either one, both kinds of cocks are just as yummy :P

  • jquinn on 2015-04-03 01:08:21 (UTC)

    I don't think I can add much to what's already been said other than I completely agree. Erotic audios aside (as much as I love your work in the department) you have a genuinely pleasant voice to listen to. Being someone that would be classified as a "grower" I went through a phase of being self-conscious in sexual situations. I would always try to keep things hidden away and even try to keep a woman from touching me until I was erect because I felt shame in it. As i've matured i've definitely become more confident about that and certainly wish I heard something like this years ago. I do wish more women were this open about sexual talk and not feel so ashamed of it. Great job on this Eve.

    • A Eve on 2015-04-03 15:13:55 (UTC)

      Thank you so much, I'm so glad that you're more confident now, there was never any reason not to be!

  • DreamCoch on 2015-04-02 23:17:07 (UTC)

    I would have read you so-called wall of text. But when you have such a soothing and stimulating sexy voice, I wonder who won't prefer to hear you record it.

    This is both important and informative; I know I learned some things, so thanks additionally for that.

    May I also say that I love your positive attitude/philosophy in general.

    • A Eve on 2015-04-03 15:14:14 (UTC)

      Aww, thank you! I'm so glad to hear that! I will definitely do more.

  • MadWithLust on 2015-04-02 10:25:36 (UTC)

    I like this format. Your voice is quite pleasant and the wall of text doesn't do your words justice. Your words are always like a breath of fresh air. Usually sexually charged, sometimes emotionally charged, but always just a good ol' breath of fresh, honest air! :P

    Anyways, I've heard this kind of thing before but I always had a skepticism in the back of my mind. It always seemed like it was just something that was said to spare a man's feelings in this arena, which you rightly pointed out is pretty much unchangeable.

    But like cuddle_with_me says, you are just a really cool, awesome sweetheart of a woman, unlike any other woman I know of. So, when you say it, I really do think you mean it. I don't know how many women share your feelings on cock size, though. I do think there are shallow women who judge based on cock size and also shallow men who judge based on tit size or ass size or whatever. How many agree with you or disagree with you, who knows? But just knowing that women like you are out there, women who can truly appreciate a cock, no matter what shape and size, it's enough to give a guy hope and a push towards really accepting what God gave him.

    But I also hope you (or any other woman) know that the gender-reversal of this is also true. Guys aren't all about tit size, either. Personally, for me, if you can crop a photo of the top half of your chest and I can tell it's a woman, that's enough tit for me. Even an A-cup can pass that test. Breast implants just totally throw a woman's proportions out of...proportions IMHO.

    Also, good points on the whole porn filming, never really thought about the visual aspect or the required camera angles.

    • A Eve on 2015-04-02 10:34:05 (UTC)

      Aww thank you...I understand how men are skeptical about it, maybe, because as you say, women are too. If you told women that men don't care about breast size, they might not believe it. But I know that for most people, finding an exciting, caring, fun lover and companion is so much more important, that by the time you get down to measuring body just doesn't matter.

      There are millions of women like me, I promise. Yes, some people are shallow, but you have to ignore them. Most women just want the kind of lover I describe above, just the way men do.

      Be the sexy man you are, in the hundreds of ways that make a man sexy, and know that your cock is just one part of your appeal 💋

  • NeedsToTaste on 2015-04-02 07:53:54 (UTC)

    Very informative and interesting! I'd definitely listen to more stuff like this.

    • A Eve on 2015-04-02 10:30:53 (UTC)

      Thank you so much! I'm so glad you liked it, I will definitely do more!

  • gricey81 on 2015-04-01 21:04:56 (UTC)

    I don't think I could say it any better than cuddle_with_me, for some men out there that didn't already know about this, or grower/shower, this will be very beneficial to them. Not only will this reduce their internal concerns about their size, but hopefully provide some confidence with their next sexual partner.
    You are providing a valued service.

    I love this format, and will be sure to provide some questions or conversation topics, so that this can become a new segment of your already fabulous website.

    Keep up the fantastic work

    • A Eve on 2015-04-02 10:30:31 (UTC)

      Aww, thank you so much! I hope you check out the updated version of this post, which includes some info I forgot!

  • cuddle_with_me on 2015-04-01 17:56:18 (UTC) (edited)

    I'd already cobbled most of this together, some of it from what you have said previously, but it really is a shame that this isn't all common knowledge.

    What you do in general, but particularly with this, is so necessary, so healing and so soothing and I wish I'd had it ringing in my head in stereo years ago. You didn't "use to be" in medicine, you still are. You practice sexual healing every day, you build people up, you inform them, you rehabilitate them, you give them the feeling and maybe epiphany that this world of sexual pleasure and titillation is for everyone.

    People's tastes all differ, and in an infinite universe, it's possible that there's someone who loves another erotic performer of any kind more than I love you, although I strongly doubt it. What I do know is that it's so rare for them to ever feel this sense of connection to their audience, to want to do right by them, to want them to keep a healthy attitude towards it, to want to educate them about how well-suited for this they really are, just as much as they want to inspire and entertain.

    You really are unique, Eve, and you are worth praising and supporting. The world would be a much sadder, much less sexy but also much more ignorant place without you in it. I think that's worth keeping in mind, noting and celebrating. Thanks for doing this and thanks for being such a genuine person. 💖

    • A Eve on 2015-04-01 19:43:13 (UTC)

      You don't know what it means to me to hear this. I know people aren't often comfortable commenting, but nothing makes me feel better than hearing from my listeners. I love knowing that I've reached someone, or helped someone, or even pleased someone.

      Thank you so much for your lovely words 💋