I Had a Dream! Have a Handjob!

08:26 Passionate Partners Jun 29, 2024 4 comments 6047 562

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I know we're guests staying over and we can't make any real noise, but I just have to tell you about this hot dream I had! And gimme your cock to play with while I do!

Kudos to /u/cuddle_with_me for this fun script!


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  • MadWithLust on 2024-07-11 11:50:16 (UTC)

    OMG! Hot, hot, hot!

    There was so much sexiness packed into this shorter audio! Sex dreams are so rare for me, amazing, fantastic sex dreams are even rarer. But to be the star in my lover's dream....swoon.

    And there were so many unbelievably hot details, pushing every one of my buttons...hearing you so turned on and lusty makes me turned on and lusty! Whispery fantasy reveal always makes a soft spot hard, if you know what I mean! :P

    And a handjob is usually not high on the sexy time list but like this, it was so good! Just reveling in all that lust...let's just say I need to relisten to some Noah and Kate!

    runs off to find the "clean up in aisle 7" chapter

    • A Eve on 2024-08-28 14:17:42 (UTC)

      hahaha awesome!

  • Car54whereartthou on 2024-07-01 07:36:06 (UTC)

    That is so playful and fun, and so so hot! I could easily imagine the heat and the taste and the fragrance of you thru the panties, pulling you open right down the middle and soaking the panties and my tongue! Eh gad, the hell with the noise, I want you now!!! Kudos indeed for the writing*** and for the performance***!

    • A Eve on 2024-07-02 09:52:57 (UTC)

      Thank you so much! When I get to ad lib during great scripts like this I have so much fun!