Wanted: Muse

12:38 Fantasy Lover Aug 23, 2023 14 comments 3345 573

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I've often been asked where I get the inspiration for all my audios, and let me tell you, I have a very vivid imagination and quite a few inspirational muses, you might call them. I love men, all kinds of men, and I see and hear men every day that inspire me to write and perform audios.

But like all other VA's, I too know what it's like to hit a slump, where the regular mojo just isn't working. Luckily these slumps don't last long, but in this audio, I thought it would be fun and sexy to describe a kind of want ad for what I look for in a muse.

I hope you enjoy!


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  • evergivingpresent on 2023-09-07 01:25:42 (UTC)

    Dearest mine,

    I just happened across this heaven sent page and found this audio running currents through my body. I hope I could find you in another world, on a call, and I could really enchant you with my voice too ;)


    • A Eve on 2023-09-21 21:16:26 (UTC)

      Heaven sent! That's amazing praise, thank you!

      • evergivingpresent on 2023-10-05 03:48:55 (UTC)


  • MadWithLust on 2023-09-04 15:15:47 (UTC)

    Dear Ms. Eve,

    I saw your job post on Eraudica for a Muse and I am very interested in the position but I have a few questions.

    1) As you are a Certified Mind Reader, have I already submitted some Sexy Audio Inspiration via telepathy? You seem to have already picked up on my "Giving is better than receiving" fantasy in both versions (giving and receiving :P), though I do add the the "can't help but touch myself at the same time" scene quite often... :P

    2) Do you have flexible working hours and location? I find I work best in bed during the early morning hours with the assistance of Morning Wood and in the late evenings after I've had a chance to review the day's thinkings about sex to see what makes the cum, I mean cut.

    3) You've posted in the past about a sexy game of subtle audios with some ambiguity as to who the audios are for, but at times, I find it too alluring to moan out your name during very powerful orgasms, which occur quite frequently during your audios...

    • A Eve on 2023-09-21 21:16:08 (UTC)

      haha I am not a certified Mind Reader, or do I offer benefits, unfortunately (at least not dental). Hours are really flexible!

  • JesusInBlack117 on 2023-08-30 17:18:08 (UTC)

    Eve, I've been a passive fan of your work for some time now, and I've always absolutely adored your particular flavour of exquisitely passionate and adoring energy that so often comes through in your audios. But this audio is the one that made me finally make a commenting account at 3AM to tell you that oh my dear sweet sexy goodness, this is some incredible work. Your silky sexy voice got me so lustful and growly that I couldn't help myself 😉 absolute 10/10. As someone who has wanted to try my own hand at VA for some time now, this is definitely a good motivator. Good lord, where can I apply for this position?

    P.S: as an Australian, hearing you say 'cunt' is an unbelievable turn on, though I'm glad you use it sparingly.

    • A Eve on 2023-08-30 19:32:48 (UTC)

      Thank you so much! You'd be surprised how easy it is to become a muse, just make some audio :P

  • OsoLoco on 2023-08-24 22:06:00 (UTC)

    Another amazing audio Eve, the level of loving, caring, and sensuality you display in your audios always brings me back for more. Makes me wish I can find someone that could give me even half the amount of adoration you would give your special man.

    • A Eve on 2023-08-30 19:33:10 (UTC)

      Thank you so much! Just hang in there, you will!

  • CheckpointCharlie on 2023-08-23 15:30:41 (UTC)

    Hi Eve!

    I have to tell you, I kinda fell this audio was speaking to me. I started making erotic audios about 2 months ago, I've made 3 audios in total and I already feel like I'm hitting a slump.

    Something happened in my family, I don't want to give many details because I don't like talking about what happens to other people without them knowing, but basically someone in my family underwent surgery and days later suffered some complications. Fortunately they're OK now and recovering very well, but I’ve never been so scared in my life as in those days. I think because this happened shortly after I made my first two audios, somehow I though it was my fault for starting doing that. --

    • CheckpointCharlie on 2023-08-23 15:31:23 (UTC)

      -- I stopped for a while, feeling guilty for making audios and also for not publishing any more. Then I finally decided to try again and made another one, but I can’t help but feel it’s terrible compared to the first two. It feels like I tried to take about 15 different ideas and mesh together without any rhyme or reason. It’s still getting some upvotes on r/gonewildaudio, so I guess it’s not absolutely terrible, but I think it feels uninspired and rushed. Before all this, I produced my first two audios pretty quickly, got some very positive comments and I made lots of notes for ideas for audios I haven’t made yet.

      Do you think it’s better to stop for a while until I find new strength to carry on? Should I maybe try making simpler audios, centered on a single idea? --

      • CheckpointCharlie on 2023-08-23 15:32:45 (UTC)

        -- Anyway, I’d like to apply for the muse position :). You can find my audios on my reddit profile at: https://www.reddit.com/user/Chckpnt_Charlie and Literorica at: https://www.literotica.com/stories/memberpage.php?uid=7224152&page=submissions

        Thank you for reading this.



        • A Eve on 2023-08-30 19:35:00 (UTC)

          I'm sorry to hear about your family problem, I know how hard that can be. And never ever think that anything you do causes the randomness of medical issues.

          Definitely only make audios when you feel it, when it sort of flows through you. Trust that when you're ready to record again, you'll know the right time. xx

          • CheckpointCharlie on 2023-09-02 20:56:43 (UTC)

            Thank you Eve. I'll follow your advice.