Happy St. Patrick's Day from Aoife ☘️

23:50 Irish Girlfriend Mar 18, 2020 8 comments 28720 3131

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Here's a legend as to what the hell I'm on about in this yoke!

St. Kevin (or naomh Caomhín)

Glendalough in Co. Wicklow

Round Tower

as gaeilge:

Beannachtái na féile Pádraig duit - Blessings of the feast of Patrick to you

Tabhair póg dom, táim Éireannach - Kiss me, I'm Irish

Ádh na n-Éireanneach - the luck of the Irish

ana-mhaith - very good

tá grá agam duit - I love you!

tá grá agam do cock! - I made this up - I love your cock!

Other audios in series Aoife


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  • CharlieRomeoLima on 2020-04-28 07:07:21 (UTC) (edited)

    Bhí tart* orm inniu mar sin d'éist mé an fuaim seo, ach bhí i bhfad níos tart ar Aoife le an blowjob sin! Agus, ceapaim go bhfuil do stair na Lá Fhéile Padraig an-spéisiúil. Go raibh maith agat don oideachas, múinteoir Eve!

    *I used 'thirsty' with the contemporary slang meaning of 'horny', whilst Aoife's thirst for her man's cum is, of course, of the more literal variety! 😜

    After a couple years of learning Irish, I agree that the language is as crazy as you say, despite the syntax being in many ways more logically consistent than the crazy mishmash that is English!

    'Bod' would seem to be the Irish word for penis.

    • A Eve on 2020-05-01 02:28:34 (UTC)

      Bod, huh? That's awesome! Go raibh maith agat!!

  • RatedL on 2020-03-28 07:42:02 (UTC)

    These audios with Aoife have been the absolute greatest! Never stop making them! Her personality is so much fun!

    • A Eve on 2020-04-03 20:01:49 (UTC)

      Aww, tanks a million! ❤️

  • Jason on 2020-03-19 15:04:27 (UTC)

    I should think he knows a lot of Irish history by now, whether he wants to or not. The question is if he actually retains this information, because she seems to suck it out of him... haha. Yeah, I laugh at myself, I blame the lockdown.

    Anyway! This is very welcome during the current state of affairs of the world. I love your informative sexy lessons. I hope you keep safe and this blows over before you return to the emerald isle!

    • A Eve on 2020-03-21 00:10:42 (UTC)

      Thank you so much, Jason! I'm at a crossroads trying to decide what to do, but I'm healthy for now. Stay safe! xox

  • Coalime on 2020-03-18 17:46:43 (UTC)

    This may not be a sanctioned activity as far as holy standards go, but then again slavery is sanctioned so maybe it's not the best moral barometer.

    • A Eve on 2020-03-21 00:10:55 (UTC)

      good point!