The XXX-Philes Sex Quiz Game Show: Episode 2 - All Things Pussy! part 2

1:10:06 The XXX-Philes Jun 06, 2018 16 comments 9341 2980

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And we're back for more saucy trivia - this time, it's all about the glorious pussy!

Join me, sweetcarolinekisses and a new guest, Brainy_Babe for some fascinating facts and fabulous fun, and be warned, we laugh our asses off in this episode, we sincerely hope you do too.

Here's some visual references to things we mentioned - it'll all make sense as you listen, I promise :P

Map of Tasmania

Solomon Islands

Vampire fleshlight

Ralph Fiennes

Other audios in series The XXX-Philes


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  • HopelessRomantic on 2021-03-20 22:17:14 (UTC) (edited)

    Listening to you girls laugh is good for the soul. Your laugh is easily one of my favorite things to hear.

    • A Eve on 2021-03-21 16:24:20 (UTC)

      Aww, that's so lovely! Thank you! 💋

  • Barrytone on 2018-06-17 04:43:38 (UTC)

    I think this is my new favorite thing here. God that was funny.

    • A Eve on 2018-07-04 12:58:13 (UTC)

      I'm glad you liked it :P

  • Labi on 2018-06-08 18:13:24 (UTC)

    I am already looking forward to listening to this tonight, if the first one is any measure it will be glorious <3 oh and a quick note on the side: this one in the search is tagget The XXX-Piles while the other one is only tagged XXX-Philes, meaning only one shows up with those tags

    • A Eve on 2018-06-11 18:18:31 (UTC)

      Thanks for letting me know! And I hope you liked it!

  • MSA on 2018-06-08 13:12:51 (UTC)

    That was Awesome! Can't wait for the next episode. Sweetcarolinekisses is really cool. Thanks for involving her in these. Thanks for everything that you do. You've really helped me discover new ways of sexual experiences.

    • A Eve on 2018-06-11 18:18:44 (UTC)

      That's so great to hear, thank you!

  • Matthew on 2018-06-07 16:42:39 (UTC)

    i haven't had good laugh like this in ages its great that you enjoy doing these because you work so dam hard to keep your listeners like myself happy and satisfied, so its great to hear you letting you hair down in a matter of speaking i thought you guests were awesome brainy Babe was right about the map Tazi and one thing i got say Dick Wallits do you think Caroline could make it as a message tone for, your i_ phone that would be great .

    this was so infectiously funny i hope you do more , a bit of advise don't listen to this with your head set on cause you will laughing all night long and won't get much sleep , still funny though. ( much better than the rubbish they put TV these nights)

    • A Eve on 2018-06-11 18:19:06 (UTC)

      haha true!

  • CharlieRomeoLima on 2018-06-07 04:28:01 (UTC)

    So much filler in this but the best kind - that hyper-infectious laughter! If Caroline made up that brilliant BS about the Solomon Islands spontaneously then that is bar none the sharpest wit I've ever witnessed. 😲 Tasmania does look like the 'Delta of Venus' with that inverted-triangle thing going on. I learned a lot, like that A-spot. Science needs to make a cartographic projection of the vagina and map out these mysterious territories, stat!

    I agree the clit has many more nerve endings than the glans, but I also read that in intact men, the foreskin could possibly contain as many as 20,000! And when boys are cut, the sensitivity of the glans is reduced.

    I also later found out that Japan has an Ososo Matsuri which is a lesser known festival celebrating the vagina, women and fertility. I really do hope you continue this series! It's ⚡️ in a bottle!

    • A Eve on 2018-06-11 18:19:34 (UTC)

      haha that's awesome about the vagina festival! I can always count on you to come up with the goods, C!

  • SamuelXD on 2018-06-06 20:46:49 (UTC) (edited)

    Note to self, never nap while listening to this game show, because you will laugh in your sleep 😂😂😂. I was surprised to know I still remember the terms vulva, labia (minor and majora) and the clitoral hood. Good thing I paid attention in sex ed class 😉 Also, I didn't know that the origins of the word "cunt", a raphe line or 1 in 5000 women are born each year without a vagina..... The More You Know 😉

    • A Eve on 2018-06-11 18:19:50 (UTC)

      haha yes indeed, it's educational too!

    • CharlieRomeoLima on 2018-06-07 03:52:27 (UTC)

      I remembered those terms too, even the vestibule and the ultra-obscure Skene's and Bartholin's glands and that G-spot is short for Grafenberg spot (I shall grant myself over 9000 bonus points and maybe I missed my calling and should be wielding a speculum 😁). But seriously, that part of sex ed and college anatomy 101 was about pussy! If this subject matter doesn't keep a hormonal teenaged guy awake in class nothing will! I didn't know the name of the Raphe line either, like I didn't know about the frenulum and meatus until learning about them in Eve's audios!

      • A Eve on 2018-06-11 18:20:13 (UTC)

        haha the names these things have! Lawd!