One Flesh...

11:23 Making Love Aug 21, 2018 10 comments 36568 4142

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I loved this very sensual, very intimate script by Zerahmot, it really spoke to me, so I knew I had to record it.

I hope you enjoy 💋


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  • Constantinthestorm on 2021-01-06 00:27:41 (UTC)

    I just found your website and your beautiful work a few days ago and felt the need to share this. I find myself listening to so many of your works and I wanted to say thank you for doing this. I feel like the kind of intimacy and passion you convey is woefully absent in the adult industry nowadays and I think there are more men out who really crave this. But this one in particular- This audio made me cry. In a good and bad way. I’ve been married for 8 years now and I have never felt this level of intimacy before- physically, emotionally and spiritually- and at this point I don’t know if I ever will. To be adored and loved like this is truly my deepest desire, and the thought that I may never experience it breaks my heart. Even so, I want to thank you for giving me hope that it may exist out there, and giving me a glimpse of what it might be like.

    • A Eve on 2021-01-13 20:23:10 (UTC)

      I know how you feel, and believe me, you're not alone in feeling this way. I know that it can seem impossible at the moment, but life changes constantly, and you might be very surprised to find how different your life is in a few years

      Without overstepping, I have to ask if you've considered talking to your partner about how you feel? Maybe they don't know you feel this way.

      • Constantinthestorm on 2021-01-14 12:10:18 (UTC)

        I have tried to talk with her about how I feel, and when I do it seems she gets defensive and doesn’t like it when I tell her how much it affects me that she doesn’t seem to want that kind of intimacy. Physical touch and closeness is very important to me, but definitely not to her. She’s told me not to ask for affection or to be held or to hold her, touch her or kiss her, and to trust that she will give that kind of affection and love by herself. So I’ve respected her wishes and kept my mouth closed even when I’ve really felt I needed it. But when I bring it up and try to open up about it again, it seems she gets angry with me and upset. So it’s like I can’t ask for it and I can’t talk with her about how I feel if it doesn’t happen outside of me asking. Sorry if this was kind of long.

        • A Eve on 2021-01-18 16:23:08 (UTC)

          It's okay, I'm sorry to hear you're going through this, I know this can be really tough to deal with. It seems like you're not getting what you need, and that's not something you can just keep your mouth shut about. I think you might want to consider suggesting couples' counselling, since sometimes talking it out with a third party can help.

  • MSA on 2018-08-22 15:23:10 (UTC)

    I really needed this today. After experiencing a 6.9 earthquake today, this helped me to calm down. Thank you and be safe.

    • A Eve on 2018-09-03 20:32:25 (UTC)

      Wow, that can be terrifying! I'm glad you're okay, and that I was able to help you calm down xoxo

  • Matthew on 2018-08-22 13:09:18 (UTC)

    Eve you put me in the sensual zone in this one , defiantly in your element . so I should had dim the lights and turn the volume up for this one , cause you created an unique image of passionate love making , I so loved the quiet whispering in the ears section so beautiful with so many layers of delicacy as well this script had got your name all over it thanks ever so 💝🎧😘

    • A Eve on 2018-08-22 14:07:08 (UTC)

      Thank you so much, I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I agree, this script suited me down to the ground!

  • SamuelXD on 2018-08-22 01:53:41 (UTC)

    I've never experienced it before and I try not to dwell on it. But, this was very poetic and more sensual than anything, especially how lyrical the script sounded 😊

    • A Eve on 2018-08-22 14:08:04 (UTC)

      Thank you - and I'll let you in on a little secret - very few people have ever experienced sex like this in real life. This is why erotic art is so important to people, it helps fuel our fantasies and fill in the gaps that real life creates.