Ich liebe deinen Schwanz - Cock Worship in German

08:14 other languages Nov 15, 2017 38 comments 51887 5901

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I did it again! I did an audio in a language I don't speak!

Based on the results from my recent poll, German won out with 35% of the vote, followed closely by Italian which I will attempt next. So here it is, a cock worship almost completely auf Deutsch for my sexy German-speaking listeners...

If you don't speak German, you could just pretend I'm your new German girlfriend! :P

Forgive any errors or mispronunciations, I tried my best! Many thanks to my dear friend /u/SamuelEnderby and my hilarious listener netsroht for their invaluable help with both vocabulary and pronunciation!

So...komm' her...Ich will deinen Schwanz lutschen!


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  • TallyDaBoy on 2022-02-08 23:53:42 (UTC)

    hey Eve, would you ever do an audio with a Russian accent? it's got a good mix of sexy and tough.

    • A Eve on 2022-02-13 19:54:38 (UTC)

      haha I might, but only probably in a joking way, like the new york accent I do. I don't want to insult anyone, and so I try to keep it lighthearted. :)

      • TallyDaBoy on 2022-02-15 23:30:20 (UTC)

        Prolly for the best that you aren't TOO serious with accents, but I doubt you'll offend many people unless the accent is something like Jamaican or Indian, but I wouldn't mind you doing an Australian accent (I'm an Aussie lmao) even if you botch it a bit lol.

        • A Eve on 2022-02-23 12:31:21 (UTC)

          Oh I love breaking out my Aussie, but I haven't done too well impressing any actual Aussies! 😂

  • TheGreek on 2020-11-25 22:17:59 (UTC)

    Dear Dr Eve, That was great! I've been learning German since February, so I think that your audio helped me a little. However, should I ask you to do something in Greek? Anything, even a minute of your voice speaking my native language would be amazing! Unfortunately, there is lack of erotic audio in Greek language.

    • A Eve on 2020-11-26 21:24:43 (UTC)

      I should give it a try, I don't know anything beyond kalimera and kalispera, but I can try! (Oh, and ecco tre orchidia, from My Big Fat Greek Wedding) :P

  • Klumpen on 2020-08-14 06:01:41 (UTC)

    German is a great language for technical drawings, or to explain something, but unfortunately it is as erotic as a car accident. Nevertheless, you still make the best of it.

    • A Eve on 2020-08-16 15:00:30 (UTC)

      Well thanks!

  • Quincy216 on 2018-07-10 04:53:37 (UTC)

    This audio was more significant to me than I first realized. German has always been an ugly language to me. Since first hearing this I've come to realize my prejudice came from my ignorance and cultural bias. 15 years ago I met a German family. 3 generations, most fluent in the native tongue. We've all been friends since. Before them I'd never spent any time with Germans or anyone who spoke it. My only understanding of Germans was: antagonists of 2 world wars, Hitler, neo-nazis, and Schultz from Hogan's Heros. And that's it. Essentially, I mostly knew Germans as the enemy. The language itself seemed harsh too. Add in a few bad experiences with some German porn back in the day and sadly, I'd developed a very real prejudice of Germans. Meeting German friends let me check myself. Their humanity helped me realize the beauty of their culture. But this audio helped me realize the beauty of their language. This was so fun, sexy and loving. But for me, also transformative. Thank you very much.

    • A Eve on 2018-07-21 10:08:23 (UTC)

      Aww, thank you Q! Thanks for the insight and frankness, I think a lot of people share what you felt. ❤️

  • pareidoila on 2017-11-22 19:59:14 (UTC)

    Many years ago, I had a somewhat intense dalliance with an older woman, who spoke fluent German. Though her first language was English, she would sometimes lapse into German while whispering sweet nothings, which just filled me with joy and lust and delight. To this day, when I hear a woman speak romantically in German, I instantly swoon.

    All of that is to say, this brought me back to a very happy and lusty time in my youth. :) Thank you so much, Eve.

    • A Eve on 2017-11-24 21:07:01 (UTC)

      You're very welcome! Or should I say, Vielen Dank! xox

  • Welome on 2017-11-22 00:24:20 (UTC)

    I enjoy your audios for a while now, but now I finally registered an account to leave this comment here :P

    I was rather surprised that you made an audio in my native language, and of course I had to listen to it, since I was curious, if you could make german sound as sexy as, par exemple, french (I really liked the "Ooh La La"-series ;) ). And yes, you did! I wasn't aware the german language can sound this cute, sexy, and, yes, humorous (is that the right word?) at the same time. Thank you for surprising me again <3

    • A Eve on 2017-11-22 14:44:35 (UTC)

      Thank you so much, it delights me to hear that a native speaker enjoyed it! And thank you for commenting ❤️

  • MadWithLust on 2017-11-20 12:29:49 (UTC)

    Das ist gut! I didn't understand a word but you make the German sound so sweet! Love the giggling and the playfulness, and the cock sucking sounds translated perfectly!

    BTW, I find it funny that the German word for cock is "Schwanz". I was kind of hoping it was "Schwartz"...:P

    • A Eve on 2017-11-21 20:25:19 (UTC)

      hahaha another classic movie! Thanks MWL! xox

  • Stargazer on 2017-11-20 03:57:33 (UTC)

    Oh mein gott

    • A Eve on 2017-11-21 20:24:42 (UTC)

      :D I hope that's a good Oh mein gott :P

  • Labi on 2017-11-19 17:50:17 (UTC)

    I really tried to listen to this, and your voice is as lovely as ever, but for me german is just the least erotic language there is(which as a german is not the easiest to explain). Still, I love the idea <3

    • A Eve on 2017-11-19 18:07:52 (UTC)

      Aww, I'm so sorry to hear that. I've heard others say something similar, but it did win the majority of votes in my poll. Is there another language you'd like to hear (besides English?)

      • Labi on 2017-11-26 02:09:42 (UTC)

        I am happy to hear just ypur voice Eve, it is nice to actually feel loved for a few minutes at a time, so not a specific language for me, i only understand english and german anyway apart from the crippled rest of my french class. Just do what you enjoy Eve and I promise I will love it <3 and somethimg I could repeat countless times to you and then some: thank you <3 you are the best

        • A Eve on 2017-11-26 20:21:15 (UTC)

          Thank you very much, that's so sweet of you to say 💋

  • ThyagoAnderson2017 on 2017-11-18 23:26:20 (UTC)

    Do in Portuguese-Brazilian,PLEASEEEEE.😍😍😍

    • A Eve on 2017-11-19 18:08:23 (UTC)

      Portuguese is on the list!

  • netsroht on 2017-11-16 21:02:46 (UTC) (edited)

    You just gave me the laugh of my day! In a good way of course! Thank you very much! Like georgio said: your laugh is infectious, like a virus. The one and only virus i like to have.

    Im very surprised how well you pronounce. I know english people living in germany for years, still having problems with the language. You did very well, since you actually dont have any experience in german besides "fensterplatz". ;-)

    What else can i tell about this audio? Its all Eve... loved it. Nothing more to add, but it has been a pleasure to help.

    • A Eve on 2017-11-17 11:36:34 (UTC)

      Vielen Dank, Nets! I'm very glad you got a good laugh out of it. Something about how hard I to work to pronounce "sprechen" properly just sent me over the edge and there was no going back :P

  • Georgio36 on 2017-11-16 14:40:26 (UTC)

    Eve i swear your laugh is soo infectious 😁. I smile so hard when you do that in your audios cuz it really lets me know you are having fun, & really into everything. I may not be to familar with German language that well. However i felt like i could understand you when you was speaking it somehow especially with how you was devouring your treat here lol. Speaking of that, in your cock worships one of my favorite things you do is when you start sucking really fast & hard. The sounds from that just send me to another dimension. Please keep doing that sometimes in future audios. Lastly this language is so beautiful to hear & the fact that you did an audio for something you don't speak; you deserve a 🏆 & 🌹. Also it was fun pretending you was like a German gf. Have a great day & i hope you are feeling good as well

    • A Eve on 2017-11-16 20:01:14 (UTC)

      haha I'm very glad you could figure it out, and I did have a fun time with this. Next is Italian, that should be a blast :P

  • SamuelXD on 2017-11-16 06:18:37 (UTC)

    I may have to add German to my sexy accent list, along with Spanish, French, Italian and British 😉

    • A Eve on 2017-11-16 20:00:40 (UTC)

      Thank you! I wasn't sure it would sound sexy, I'm glad if you thought it was xox

  • CharlieRomeoLima on 2017-11-16 00:04:36 (UTC)

    Das war köstlich und deine Stimme klingt himmlisch, Frau Elliot. Sehr geil!

    A very ambitious goal you've set for yourself; give me a passage in German and I could not even begin to pronounce it. Fortunately, her insatiable hunger for cock transcends all interlinguistic divides and I don't think anyone listening needs a universal translator when she implores us to cum! 😊 Yes, I think it's your amazing ability to mimic languages and accents so well that really comes in handy in helping you make this sound as natural as it does (at least to these non-German ears.) This was quite entertaining to listen to and thank you for having the gumption to attempt these forays into other languages.

    Gosh, Eve, I'm still seeing my shy French girlfriend from Ooh La La! so I'll just have to re-imagine her as being a polyglot from Switzerland who speaks French, Swiss-German, Italian, and Romansh. 😜

    • A Eve on 2017-11-16 20:00:15 (UTC)

      Well I had to Google translate that, but I'm glad I did! Thank you so much Charlie! I do try to mimic as best as I can, and while it sounds pretty German to me, I still get 'oh your accent is so cute'! :P I know I have an anglo accent, I just find it funny how perceptive a native speaker's ears can be.

      • CharlieRomeoLima on 2017-11-16 22:36:42 (UTC)

        I see this perception as akin to how someone who can only draw stick people can still see imperfections in a sketch drawn by someone with far better skill, or how you can try to duplicate exactly your favourite recipe from grandma and yet it doesn't taste quite the same as you remember when she made it.

        I'll be looking forward to the 'Italian job'! 2003 heist movie reference there. :P

        • A Eve on 2017-11-17 11:39:14 (UTC)

          haha I loved that movie! A bit of trivia - I actually met the guy who wrote the song "Pedal to the Metal" that featured during the mini Cooper driving scene in that movie. Very nice young guy called Kazzer. I am looking forward to it too, and not just because of this :P

          • CharlieRomeoLima on 2017-11-17 22:18:30 (UTC)

            Oh cool, did you meet during some big premiere event or just bump into him at a Tim's? :P

            I see film crew & dressing trailers parked around town but I've not been lucky enough to get the opportunity to see anyone involved. I heard folks got to meet hometown boy Reynolds while he was doing principal photography for Deadpool 2 this Aug./Sept., and Oct. 19 was officially declared Dwayne Johnson Day by the mayor, for the jobs his Skyscraper movie brought to the city and for his impromptu fan meetups.

            With a scene like that feeding into your creative inspiration, I know your Italian audio's going to be fantastic, and perhaps more than a little humorous! I remember my parents having a VHS of the Wanda movie but I was too young to be interested in that - maybe I'll wrangle a copy and give it a go. Another side benefit to eraudica - Gen X pop culture exposure!

            • A Eve on 2017-11-19 18:09:19 (UTC)

              I almost bought his house :P

              Yes, I bet you see a lot of people in Vancouver! And if you haven't seen A Fish Called Wanda - you really should! Otto alone is worth it :P

  • Durgarnkuld on 2017-11-15 22:12:59 (UTC)

    I'm glad I voted. Democracy works, Eve taught me! Through ... audio porn. I found your pronunciation really charming ;) Always happy for some German audios out there. I could tell you had fun :P

    • A Eve on 2017-11-16 19:58:22 (UTC)

      I really did, thanks for voting and for listening!