Binaural Blowjob

07:35 Binaural Aug 25, 2017 36 comments 108292 13244

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This is the first erotic audio experiment with my new binaural microphones. I’m happy overall with the effect, though I admit this is a difficult kind of audio to do well. I hope to get better with practice. :P

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  • voxplay on 2020-04-19 01:46:38 (UTC)

    Hi Eve. I know you're busy. I sent an email a couple of days ago informing of an offending youtube channel using some of your content and a link on the email. I'll be reporting it as well.

    • A Eve on 2020-04-20 02:07:37 (UTC)

      Hi Vox - thank you so much for sending the links, I often have to deal with content thieves like this channel. There isn't much I can do beyond making comments about how this my material and where to find the original source. Reporting it helps too, so thank you!

  • eminor12345 on 2019-06-16 23:22:52 (UTC)

    Eve, you have a superpower! You can control my rock hard penis with your sexy powerful erotic voice <3

    • A Eve on 2019-06-19 20:15:23 (UTC)

      haha I'm glad you like it!

  • Cashmeowsawhowbowdah on 2017-09-03 17:24:59 (UTC)

    I was hoping this would be a thing! Binaural sounds amazing. Seems you already have a pretty good handle on it too.

    • A Eve on 2017-09-04 13:16:10 (UTC)

      I'm having fun learning, that's for sure :P

  • CharlieRomeoLima on 2017-09-02 21:39:57 (UTC)

    Another victory! That Amanda Love still has her channel, but (s)he removed the video with your stolen audio track. Also noticed s(he) set up a Patreon page now.

    • A Eve on 2017-09-04 13:15:57 (UTC)

      Oh that doesn't surprise me, I'm sure he/she wants to cash in on other people's work as much as possible.

  • MadWithLust on 2017-08-27 13:50:49 (UTC)

    The binaural sound is incredibly 3D! Your voice sounds so amazingly real, as if you were right here! I think it'll be amazing for your sexy sounds (OMG, riding and sexy talk) and cuddly audios!

    Maybe the ASMR effects were getting to me but it was really trippy hearing the blowjob sounds in 3D. I guess I expect blowjobs to come from below and somewhat centered in the crotchal region. The blowjob sounds seemed to come from above me and it was doing circles around my head. It was just a really strange sensation, almost like an imagined out of body experience.

    Anyways, I'm still really excited about what you can create with this newfangled 3D audio power!

    • A Eve on 2017-08-28 21:33:19 (UTC)

      Me too! I'm working on it every day, trying new things, hoping to find that sweet spot (no pun intended) :P

  • ChristopherPi on 2017-08-26 14:06:54 (UTC)

    Regarding audio thieves, there was one channel that somehow added their own 'theme music' to the start and end of the stolen works and so overdubbed the identifiers. (It did not stop them getting reported - but the channel still seems to have the ripped off audio at the moment)

    • A Eve on 2017-08-26 19:28:34 (UTC)

      Doesn't surprise me - there doesn't seem to be a limit to the lengths these people will go. It's so frustrating. Thanks for letting me know.

  • Durgarnkuld on 2017-08-26 11:41:15 (UTC)

    I'm a real sucker for these binaural audios. It feels so incredible intimate, like you are directly there. Keep it up!

    • A Eve on 2017-08-26 19:28:48 (UTC)

      I'm so glad you enjoy them! I plan to do many more

  • Stargazer on 2017-08-26 06:37:50 (UTC)

    We have achieved peak audio erotica. Binaural with Eve.

    Nothing will be able to top this and other future audios as I have found paradise, hell yes.

    • A Eve on 2017-08-26 19:29:05 (UTC)

      Aww, thank you! Wow, that's great to hear!

  • Georgio36 on 2017-08-26 06:25:00 (UTC) (edited)

    Eve this proves why you are the Queen of Erotica. Your blowjob & mouth sounds just give me Bone chilling tingles 😊. I love how you got your intro from YouTube in the beginning of the audio. That should help with all those theiving bitches all out there. I have seen people uploading your stuff on porn hub too. I will gladly tell off anyone who steals your work & report their ass. I'm subscribed to your YouTube so I know it's the real you there.

    As for the sound quality of this audio; I could barely hear you in the beginning but the volume did get a little better towards the end. Im not sure if you have seen my comment from your sample audio yesterday. But there's a program called Audacity where you can edit the sound the way you like.

    All you have to do with this & future ASMR audios with your mic is turn up your volume that way we can hear you even clearly. Please don't let it stress you out. It's a work in progress & the best part is all of us can have fun playing with it til we get the perfect sound 💮. I thought this was lovely even with the low audio ((Hugs))

    • A Eve on 2017-08-26 19:29:51 (UTC)

      Thank you so much, that's why I share these initial experiments with you guys, I know you're in this with me. I'll get it to where I want pretty soon I think :P

  • Andrew4082 on 2017-08-26 05:10:24 (UTC) (edited)

    Well, I guess I got my answer, and it was amazing! (If confused, check the binural experiment audio) The only problem I saw was the volume, otherwise even this test was pretty great! 👍

    • A Eve on 2017-08-26 19:30:12 (UTC)

      Thank you! I increased the volume and reuploaded the file, I think it's a lot better now

  • CharlieRomeoLima on 2017-08-26 02:59:22 (UTC) (edited)

    I saw the comments about the volume on your sub before listening. The beginning admittedly does sound a tad on the quiet side (I had to max out the volume on my Logitech headset to hear it) but the volume does improve in the middle. To be sure, I listened to some of your other audios with max volume and they were louder. Of course, it's entirely possible this could be limitation of my equipment as it is a headset meant for gaming, rather than a dedicated pair of noise-canceling audiophile headphones like the ones made by Sennheiser or Bose.

    EDIT: I checked the re-uploaded version, and can confirm from my end that the volume is better, and still quite a ways from bursting eardrums. I can clearly hear the more subtle sound effects too now, like the ball and thigh scratching. Thank you. I appreciate you taking the time to respond to our feedback so promptly.

    Volume issues aside, I could clearly perceive the 3D binaural effect, and it was a delight for my ears to behold. The licky-sucky sounds in particular were enhanced, like it was being in the same room with you (earthly Paradise, in other words). Your past binaural experiments with erotic hypnosis are well known (so much so that thieves seek to capitalize on them 😡) and through them you have elevated thousands to orgasmic heights, both hands-free and in the more traditional manner while showcasing your high proficiency with editing in Audacity (I don't know if anyone aside from other performers has ever praised you for that, but I am now.) This new mode of recording suits you very well, like your voice is 'binauragenic' (BAM! new word coined, doesn't even show up on Google :P) and it's nice to know that this will help save you a lot of time where editing is concerned.

    May I ask what keywords you use to search for fraudulent audios? I've done some scouting around but haven't turned up much that you don't already know about. I acknowledge how unfortunate it is that it's even necessary, but personally I really don't mind your identifier with that oh-so-playfully beckoning tone you used for it. 😊 I can think of it like depressing the neural clutch so my mind and body can smoothly shift into the Eve gear, before driving down the highway to sensuous pleasure. 🛣❤️

    • A Eve on 2017-08-26 19:31:19 (UTC)

      haha I'm glad you like the intros, I thought they might be too distracting. But I love your analogy!

      I don't think there are any particular keywords, other than erotic audio, asmr, erotic hypnosis, etc. Then you just have to listen and see if you recognize the voices, sadly.

  • stormmuse on 2017-08-25 23:21:53 (UTC)

    Eve, for a first experiment, this was quite enjoyable.

    When I closed my eyes, the effect made me think of lying on my back, with you kneeling between my legs, and as you devour my cock, my arousal grows, causing me to just roll my head back and forth, as my mind fades into pure pleasure.

    I'd call the experiment a rousing success, worthy of a standing ovation, milady!

    • A Eve on 2017-08-26 19:31:31 (UTC)

      Thank you so much Storm! xox

  • billymacorbuddy on 2017-08-25 23:17:18 (UTC)

    I think the effects came out good. Switching from left to right seemed smooth and the audio itself was crystal clear. I know some people said the volume was too low, I thought it was just right wearing over-ear headphones. My only question is, what was the effect at around the 1:10 mark? It sounded like you were opening a sleeve a crackers. Crackers? Not in my bed missy! :P

    Now to get serious, unfortunately. Definitely add the identifiers. A year or so ago when I discovered that erotic audio was a thing I heard one of your hypnosis sessions on youtube. I found my way to your site because of the identifier you put in, so I think it's worth it. That example you linked is crazy. That person has a whole persona set up and I have to wonder, is all of it stolen?

    • A Eve on 2017-08-26 19:33:22 (UTC)

      haha it's not crackers, but it was a crinkly wrapper. Some ASMR enthusiasts like those kinds of sounds, and since this was an experiment, I decided to throw one in. :P

      Yes, all of the content on that channel is stolen, sadly. And as Christopher Pi said above, many channels now put their own music on top of the identifier to intentionally drown out the real person's intro. It's so infuriating that someone would go to such trouble just to make sure we don't even get credit for our work.

    • CharlieRomeoLima on 2017-08-26 03:06:46 (UTC)

      I change my sheets and pillowcases with each laundry day, but it'd be certainly an honour to have Eve's cracker crumbs join those from my chips and tea biscuits on my bed.

      When I heard it, I thought it was Eve's homage to the crinkly plastic bag effect that is a famous ASMR trigger. And yes, it was really off-putting to see this Amanda Love making comment replies like she was our Eve. I too wonder if the photos she posts on her Twitter are even hers.

      • A Eve on 2017-08-26 19:34:00 (UTC)

        haha yes, it's my homage to the crinkles. I bet the videos and photos aren't 'her' - in fact I doubt the person behind this channel is a her at all.

      • billymacorbuddy on 2017-08-26 04:35:46 (UTC)

        When I was little my Grandpa used to come visit and he would sleep in my bed, while I had the couch for the week. He would always tell me that he was eating crackers in my bed. Also, it's a saying around here, "I wouldn't kick her out of bed for eating crackers" I don't know if that's a universal saying or not, but that's where that comes from.

        The Amanda Love thing. I know, right? It's one thing to admire and imitate a person, it's a completely different thing to put your name on their work. Yes, there's something off about her twitter too, she's just begging for tribute. I could be wrong, but I suspect the model has no idea she's being used in this way.

        • A Eve on 2017-08-26 19:38:42 (UTC)

          haha yes, I've heard that before.

          I'm sure this Amanda love thing is a complete scam in every possible way, it's likely a guy trying to make money off a female 'persona'. There's a guy who does this on GWA too, he pretends he's a girl and does custom audios for guys, sells panties etc. He's a complete fraud - I guess it's just too lucrative a gig.

    • stormmuse on 2017-08-25 23:28:21 (UTC)

      Eve, you are more than welcome to eat crackers in my bed...particularly if you follow it with a lovely blowjob!

      Sadly, this seems to be rampant and affects the erotic audio community in particular - probably as YT policy frowns on erotic content, but doesn't seem to just enforce their own rules...likely due to the traffic they bring in.

      The worst part is that there isn't really a convenient way to report stolen content, unless it falls under copyright violations. I suppose you could just flag it as sexual content, but that runs the risk of wide-spread effects on the original content creators.

      I agree about the identifiers - they don't take anything away and if people do run across it as stolen content, it points them to the original source.

      • A Eve on 2017-08-26 19:40:00 (UTC)

        That's the one good thing about the original one that was stolen, people have found me through it. But that one now has put 'original content Erautica Eve's Garden' on it, with no intention of getting my site's name right, putting up a link, or even acknowledging that they stole it. It's pretty outrageous.

      • CharlieRomeoLima on 2017-08-26 03:12:23 (UTC)

        You've a good point about flagging it as sexual content, and that was my concern with reporting too. It's why I don't draw YouTube's attention to Eve's erotic channel in my reports, but instead to which is of course outside of their jurisdiction to ban. And my main report reason is scam/fraud, which it is in the vilest sense, appropriating as it does the sexual expression of another.

        • A Eve on 2017-08-26 19:40:35 (UTC)

          I have tried flagging them as sexual content so many times, but it doesn't seem to do any good.

      • billymacorbuddy on 2017-08-26 00:15:53 (UTC)

        "Eve, you are more than welcome to eat crackers in my bed...particularly if you follow it with a lovely blowjob!"

        Oh, you say that now, but when the party's over and you're trying to fall asleep with Saltine crumbs against your bum you'll regret it. Mark my words!

        • A Eve on 2017-08-26 19:40:51 (UTC)

          haha first world problems...