Anniversary Proposal (in stereo) (awww....)

05:02 non-erotic Oct 06, 2017 20 comments 10029 2892

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I was looking for a sweet, romantic but non-erotic script to perform and I came across this lovely offering from Elixiator. I decided to be all modern and flip it, allowing me to be the one to propose.

In stereo!

Music courtesy of my dear friend E-train, whom I miss very much. 💋

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  • ItsMeJonSnow on 2018-03-18 05:23:26 (UTC) (edited)

    Yes. Definitely 😊😙💏💏💏

  • halosaito on 2018-01-06 16:46:54 (UTC)


  • Sang on 2017-11-02 23:26:49 (UTC)

    Aww, this is so sweet

    • A Eve on 2017-11-04 14:00:52 (UTC)

      ❤️ Thank you, I really loved this little script, so adorable

  • SamuelXD on 2017-10-07 13:48:13 (UTC)

    If I was him, I'd say YES. 💍 Also, this will sound random, but is it considered weird that I would sometimes practice my marriage proposal in my head and getting choked up by the feels?

    • A Eve on 2017-10-07 20:10:45 (UTC)

      No, it's not weird at all, it's very sweet 💋

  • MountbattenWindsor on 2017-10-07 13:07:52 (UTC)


    • A Eve on 2017-10-07 20:10:56 (UTC)

      whoo hoo!

  • olib on 2017-10-07 10:12:46 (UTC)

    I really enjoyed this Eve. You have a great talent to be able to read a script and bring it to life. The music was very relaxing too :)

    • A Eve on 2017-10-07 20:11:12 (UTC)

      Thank you, I'm very glad you enjoyed it 💋

  • MattyMatt on 2017-10-07 01:31:41 (UTC)

    Melted me on the spot❤️ I've never had the privilege of a significant other popping the question and based on my reaction I'd turn on the water works. (and say yes...) Okay, I need to think of manly things now...maybe Monty Pythons Lumberjack song...🤔

    • A Eve on 2017-10-07 20:11:31 (UTC)

      haha excellent choice for a manly man song 💋

  • CharlieRomeoLima on 2017-10-06 21:28:05 (UTC)

    Such a heartwarmingly sweet fill, Eve. Man or woman, no matter who's the one going down on one knee, it is a truly beautiful sight when the words and emotions are so heartfelt and sincere as this. I for one wouldn't ask for anything flashy, elaborate, or showy for a proposal. Low-key and heaped with piles of my favourite eats like I see here totally works, especially because I know that you'd mean every word of your proposal from the bottom of that gentle heart and the innermost depths of your beautiful soul. And even if you got tongue-tied, had a hair out of place, the pizza was delivered late and cold, or you presented yourself as a ball of nerves, I would not care one iota in the face of the unbridled joy that flows from the prospect of spending the rest of my days on this Earth with someone who's like you. 💝🏵💝🏵

    And I adore that elegant way you pronounce words like 'ambience' and 'gallant'. E-train...I knew the name of your friend was familiar - he remixed the (hopefully the future Best Erotic Audio of the Year!) "Je t'aime" for you to that sultry drum/electro beat way back in the day!

    • A Eve on 2017-10-07 20:12:08 (UTC)

      That's such a lovely sentiment Charlie, thank you so much! 💋

  • Georgio36 on 2017-10-06 20:02:29 (UTC)

    Aww is the appropriate word for this Eve 😍. Some how that emoji smile over exaggerated lol. But seriously, im one of those boys that wouldn't mind a woman proposing first or making the first move for any situation. If anything, it shows me that this person really does care about me & want me, need me as much as i do her. So playing along with this audio, i would gladly say yes a ton of times & shower you with hugs & kisses. I love picnics! 🍇The only thing i don't want to change is the romance & genuine safety a woman like you or whoever i end up being with provides. Even if i can be shy, i will still try to let a woman know what she means to me. Thank you for this sweet mushy dialogue lol. You mean a lot to us on this wonderful platform ((Hugs)) 🌹

    • A Eve on 2017-10-07 20:12:40 (UTC)

      Thank you so much Geo! 😘

    • olib on 2017-10-07 10:03:40 (UTC)

      Hey Geo. I've seen a few of your comments on other audios. From what I've read, I have to say that the woman you end up with will be the one feeling genuinely safe. They will be lucky to have such a caring man loving them.

      Once you find a woman you feel deeply for, I think it will be easy for you to let them know how much they mean to you, even if you are shy or quiet..

      I wish you all the best Geo :)

      • Georgio36 on 2017-10-07 16:37:24 (UTC)

        Ohh WOW! Thank you soo much @olib for that lovely comment 😊. I almost signed out of my account trying reply back lol. This comment really warms my heart & im glad you understand. I appreciate you taking the time to write that & i will definitely save it as reminder for when i get those small doubts. May your day, weekend, & week coming up be bright like this emoji 🌟

  • stormmuse on 2017-10-06 17:28:04 (UTC)

    Whew! No...I'm not's allerg...dus...ok, a mini black hole flew in my eye.

    As a hopeless, and ludicrously shy, romantic, I always love cases where women take the initiative. To experience something like this would both render me a blubbering mess, as well as fuel my love tank, such that I'd be floating.

    Even as the official anniversary of my divorce looms, this didn't drop my spirits, although I was afraid it might. Instead, it served to give me hope, that somewhere, there is a lovely woman, whose crazy will call to mine...the Harley to my Joker, the Penelope to my Odysseus, my true "ride or die". It truly is amazing, what having some people who are encouraging and lovely can accomplish in helping to rebuild one's sense of worth and outlook for the future. Thank you, milady, for just being you.

    • A Eve on 2017-10-07 20:16:05 (UTC)

      I'm glad it didn't bring up any bad feelings, even in the midst of past relationships or heartbreaks, we all need to know that there's still love in the world. People used to make fun of stars like Elizabeth Taylor and Micky Rooney because they were each married so many times (8 or 9 times each, I think), but I always thought - wow, there's someone who never gives up hope. Imagine saying "I do" for the eighth time, full of hope that this one will work out and be wonderful. I think they're the embodiment of what Samuel Johnson said about re-marriage - it's the 'triumph of hope over experience' 💋