New Year's oral tradition

24:15 Friends to Lovers Dec 31, 2016 33 comments 77862 9907

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It's New Year's Eve and you and I are spending it together, watching the big ball drop on tv, best friends who have had a rough year....

So when we make a resolution to have some incredible oral sex in 2016, I figure 12:00:01 is a pretty good time to start...

Happy New Year!

thanks to cuddle_with_me for writing this script with me!


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  • digital2023 on 2022-12-31 23:40:25 (UTC)

    I hope you have an amazing new year Eve

    • A Eve on 2023-01-31 21:50:18 (UTC)

      Thank you (sorry for the late reply) I hope you did too xx

  • Spartaking71 on 2017-09-13 00:13:00 (UTC)

    This is the coolest thing ever my birthday is new years day I'm gonna Haffta save this one🐧

    • A Eve on 2017-09-13 21:27:25 (UTC)

      haha oh absolutely! And what a great birthday - were you born near midnight by any chance?

      • Spartaking71 on 2017-09-17 19:55:45 (UTC)

        Something like 12:15 I think

        • A Eve on 2017-09-18 14:04:08 (UTC)

          So pretty close then, that's really cool!

  • peacefull on 2017-04-17 13:40:36 (UTC)

    Delicious voice

    • A Eve on 2017-04-18 22:25:14 (UTC)

      thank you :)

  • RyuExMachina on 2017-01-02 06:17:05 (UTC)

    I got so addicted to your job that the last time I listened to someone else's, I felt like I was cheating on you and couldn't finish... You're the best kind of addiction, thank you so much.

    May I ask you to do more audios with countdowns? I don't know why, but the anticipation of the counting gets me on edge so quickly I can barely control myself to the end.

    • A Eve on 2017-01-03 00:10:17 (UTC)

      I'll try to do more countdowns, I don't feel they're really my forte, but I will do some more, I promise :D

  • ShyPhil on 2017-01-02 03:37:48 (UTC)

    Happy New Year Eve
    It was great finding you and your site and your audios in 2016, i hope 2017 is a better year for both of us, you audios and your advice really helped me through a rough 2016 and a rough 2016 holiday season, you're already off to a great start to 2017 with this audio, look forward to more great audios and advice from you in 2017, thanks from one of your biggest fans !!
    Shy Phil

    • A Eve on 2017-01-03 00:11:04 (UTC)

      Aw, happy 2017 to you Shy Phil, I'm glad I could help you ❤️

  • cubastank on 2017-01-01 23:22:21 (UTC)

    How did I miss this the first time?! That was beautiful!

    • A Eve on 2017-01-03 00:11:25 (UTC)

      Thank you 💋

  • billymacorbuddy on 2017-01-01 00:18:54 (UTC)

    I'll be honest, 2016 was a pretty lousy year for a lot of different reasons. But, Eve, you've been like a little ray of sunshine peeking through the cloudy skies. Thank you for the hard work you put into your audios and the interactions you have with your fans. It really makes a difference.

    So here's to you Eve! May your 2017 be filled with all the fabulous head you could desire. (This is why nobody asks me to give the toast :p) Happy New Year!

    • A Eve on 2017-01-01 15:17:26 (UTC)

      haha thank you Billy, same to you....uh....I mean....well, you know what I mean....:p

    • A Eve on 2016-04-22 22:17:49 (UTC)

      haha thank you!

  • MadWithLust on 2016-03-18 10:46:59 (UTC)

    I know it's late, but I finally got to this one and wow, best New Year's Resolutions ever!!! The ball(s) dropped a heavy load! I loved the Friends to Lovers angle and I definitely loved receiving...and giving!

    • A Eve on 2016-03-18 14:04:12 (UTC)

      haha Happy New Year MWL!

  • RedKnight on 2016-02-09 01:48:35 (UTC)

    [Commenting again a while after the fact. Because I *can*.] :p

    As for the "Bursting with pride":

    You really expected different? :)

    • A Eve on 2016-02-09 11:04:29 (UTC)

      haha no, not really :D

  • sh9084 on 2016-01-07 06:44:29 (UTC)

    Damn girl, you definitely know how to make a man (or men) pleased. :)

    Two great things about your audios are that your great personalities come out from the audios, and you are definitely very sexy and turning men on. Perhaps this explains why I realize more and more the importance of a girl's personality as I listen to more of your audios.

    I wish this is the same for you in real life. This will keep your man very happy, or if you don't have one, it will lead to a great man to keep.

    One downside of your audios is that it has a terrible side effects: it makes me less patient in meeting a girl with great personality and sex positive attitude (whether as a normal friend, girlfriend, or as a wife) in my real life.

    Nevertheless great job Eve. Keep it up!

    • A Eve on 2016-01-08 19:49:16 (UTC)

      aww...well, first of all, thank you...and secondly, I figure that if you were going to have to wait to find her anyway, you might as well have some fun with my audios to help keep you keep going in the meantime :D

  • SomeFrenchGuy on 2016-01-01 11:50:39 (UTC)

    As someone who had a not so great 2015 and an equally terrible New Year's Eve, that audio was wonderful: sexy, funny and cute and as always your voice was lovely and sweet and adding those delicious giggles :)

    Thanks for that Eve and Happy New Year!

    • A Eve on 2016-01-02 11:28:57 (UTC)

      Awww...well I hope 2016 is a much better year for you! Merci bisous

  • Jandrusel on 2016-01-01 11:00:09 (UTC)

    It really amazes me that, even on these dates, you still have the time to record these little delights. Oh well, I won't complain. I think I may celebrate New Year's Eve one more time ;)

    Here's to a great 2016!

    • A Eve on 2016-01-02 11:29:18 (UTC)

      haha - same to you! ❤️

  • RedKnight on 2016-01-01 10:24:58 (UTC)

    This was humorous, sexy, and thoroughly enjoyable.
    That second "Thank you", though: Oh, my . . . GOD!
    Was that *intended* to be the hottest part of the audio? :)

    I love your voice, by the way. And you are awesome.
    Happy New Year, Eve.

    • A Eve on 2016-01-02 11:29:41 (UTC)

      haha well I did mean it to be pretty earthy I admit...glad you like it! Same to you!

  • Pogo on 2016-01-01 01:44:28 (UTC)

    I think you might have the dirtiest giggle I've ever heard ;) Happy New Year Eve xx

    • A Eve on 2016-01-02 11:29:58 (UTC)

      Thank you, same to you - but I'm not dirty, I'm sexy!

      • Pogo on 2016-01-02 18:37:42 (UTC)

        My apologies, I meant 'dirty' in the lascivious, Sid James sort of humourous way, but sexy would've been a better choice of word :)

        • A Eve on 2016-01-02 21:24:23 (UTC)

          I agree :D (and thank you!)