Let's Go For A Walk - Christmas (non-erotic) part 3

11:50 non-erotic Dec 26, 2016 22 comments 3999 973

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Christmas can be a great time of year, but it can also be a bit of a challenge for some of us. When I thought about doing an audio about taking a walk with you during the holidays, I wanted to make it as real as possible. These are my thoughts and feelings - maybe a bit bittersweet, maybe not as schmaltzy as a lot of things are around this time of year, but genuinely me.

I always try to see the humour in things, see the positive even in the darkest days, and this is my attempt to share that with you, as if we are kindred spirits who truly understand each other.

So...come for a walk with me? ❤️

Other audios in series let's go for a walk


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  • CharlieRomeoLima on 2017-04-26 15:51:30 (UTC)

    I might be the first to listen to one of your audios on Spotify and comment on Eraudica.com. I think it's great how your Internet presence is growing, which means more men stumbling across your uplifting, life outlook-changing work. As always I enjoyed this audio and I loved the crunching footfalls in the snow you wove into the backround. Quite relaxing. And here in this Christmas audio, you certainly weren't a downer grinch, quite the opposite: you displayed a merry soul and your mirthful laughter is contagious, Mr. Falcon :D

    Like any kid I loved Christmas except for getting an occasional genuinely ugly Christmas sweater or having to sit my shy ass on mall Santa's knee. But it lost a lot of its lustre for me when I started making my own money. The appeal for me nowadays is in the food and getting to hang with relatives flying in from Toronto and New York. Even extended family was close to me growing up and we were all pretty casual and chill so I guess that's why we can just pick up where we left off without the awkwardness. I'm sorry to hear that Christmas is a lonely, isolating time of the year for you; I imagine it's a more widespread feeling than many people realize. You might be onto something with a 'leap-year' Christmas. It'll work wonders on folks' blood pressure and waistlines for sure. And a lot better for the environment without thousands of people flying home as much.

    Speaking about food, a Japanese friend of mine told me an interesting tidbit that while they don't celebrate Christmas, what they do back home is to line up at KFCs and enjoy Christmas fried chicken. The restaurants dress up their Colonel Sanders statues as Santa and make everything Christmas-themed down to the KFC buckets. Sounds better than turkey, with no chance of embedded safety pins (thanks for sharing that funny little anecdote).

    Besides Die Hard, the Christmas movies I watch also include Home Alone, Edward Scissorhands, and the first Gremlins. Haha, I guess they're all kinda twisted Christmas movies too. I remember a long time ago in my early teens I watched a Cantonese-dubbed Die Hard at my cousin's place with hilariously butchered English subtitles.

    Overall, I feel disengaged from contemporary Christmas too with the rampant commercialism, even though I can't escape it in retail. :P Move over Santa, these days it's now the Elf on the Shelf! A puzzling 'tradition', that one. For many of us, it may be best just to take in what we can of the Christmas atmosphere and not pressure ourselves to embody it to the hilt like it's expectation.

    • A Eve on 2017-04-27 10:34:04 (UTC)

      Elf on the Shelf :P

  • MadWithLust on 2017-01-02 15:25:34 (UTC)

    I totally get the way you feel about Christmas! It's always been a bit commercialized and forced but it seems to be more-so as of late. It can easily be empty and everyone can feel distant.

    But it's great you can still find the positive side! Those are some great holiday movies. I need to point out that I think Lethal Weapon was also a Christmas movie (starts out with Jingle Bell Rock)

    I also love holiday themed treats. Both of the food and sexual variety...a common holiday fantasy involves a nice Christmas gift, a wonderful "box" wrapped in a nice red ribbon/bow.... :P


    • A Eve on 2017-01-03 00:13:37 (UTC)

      oh I forgot about Lethal Weapon :P

      And Bridget Jones diary, even though it goes through a whole year, I still always watch it at Xmas

      I should get me a ribbon like that...

      • MadWithLust on 2017-01-03 11:30:18 (UTC)

        I'm sure it's quite a bit of work to get it tied and to keep it where it should be. But the tantalizing allure of giving that bow a little tug and "opening the present" is powerfully irresistible... :P

        • A Eve on 2017-01-05 01:02:04 (UTC)

          Maybe someone should make a costume that just looks like this..or maybe someone has.

  • Jeffsortairish on 2016-12-27 05:39:59 (UTC) (edited)

    Haven't had much movie watching for years, but it's fun to hear your colorful imitations. Just hearing you say Clark W. Griswold, I think I'm remembering a line 'Let's burn some dust. Eat my rubber!' Ah yes, the guy tries so hard, he at least deserves an A for effort :)

    I agree that quiet walks and being real go well together, especially with kindred spirits. Soft footstep sounds, a comfortable freedom in silence or talking. Just being oneself alongside the warm company of another person, who appreciates and likes us as we are.

    • A Eve on 2016-12-28 13:25:36 (UTC)

      haha yes, I loved that line. There were so many great lines in that movie. I loved - "Surprised? If I woke up tomorrow with my head sewn to the carpet I couldn't be more surprised..."

      We all need to be with someone who accepts us as we are, with whom we don't feel the constant pressure to be better, be more, be something else. ❤️

  • NowhereMan on 2016-12-27 03:06:29 (UTC)

    I know exactly what you mean Eve. Christmas wasn't exactly kind to me this year. First off, I met a girl a few months back. We started talking and going on what could constitute as dates. Just before Christmas Eve I told her I wanted to be with her and have an official relationship with her. She turned me down in just the right way to ensure that any hopes and dreams I could have had to be with her were crushed. I was told I'd only be in the friend zone and that she had no interest in it going anywhere else. Apparently she likes me, but isn't attracted to me. To make matters worse, I also lost what was essentially the road to what I had hoped would have been an actual career.

    I know what it's like to feel as if I can never win, but I was hoping that just this once, especially around this time of the year that maybe I'd catch a break. Guess not.

    • A Eve on 2016-12-28 13:28:22 (UTC)

      Aww, I'm sorry that happened. I've been through that several times in my life - liking a guy so much, hoping it was mutual, only to be told "I like you as a friend" or "You're the only person in the world I can talk to, I'm just not attracted to you". I know how much it hurts.

      But the thing about being willing to see yourself as a sexual, desirable person is not that it's a guarantee of success the first time you try - it's more like it just gets you in the game. Finding someone to love and love you back is difficult for absolutely everyone, but it's awesome that you're in that realm now, looking for it like everyone else.

      I'm sorry about the career too - maybe it's not as hopeless as it seems?

      • NowhereMan on 2016-12-28 21:25:02 (UTC)

        Yeah, it's not the first time it's happened to me, but it never gets easier. Doesn't help either that the reaction around me has basically been, "Man up and get over it."

        As far as the career thing, I suppose you're right. Something could change and things can turn around.

        Thanks for listening Eve. It means a lot to me.

        • A Eve on 2016-12-29 21:32:26 (UTC)

          I know how you feel, all of us do. You don't have to "man up and get over it" - it's okay to allow hurtful things to hurt.

          I think I might make the whole friendzone phenomenon one of the episodes I do in my new Eve's Guide for the Regular Guy series - what do you think?

          • NowhereMan on 2016-12-30 01:22:01 (UTC)

            I'm completely and totally on board. It'd be good to hear this kind of advice from a woman.

  • billymacorbuddy on 2016-12-27 00:52:49 (UTC)

    I'm with you Eve. Christmas does not have the same magic that it used to. Maybe if there were some children in my family I'd feel differently, but I'm the youngest person in my family (and I'm a grown-ass man!). There's a lot more I could say about Christmas, but I'm ready to be done with it for this year.

    However, as a Cleveland native I can confirm that the Christmas Story house is in-fact a museum. They even have the bunny suit you can wear, if you're so inclined. Some people even go so far as to put leg lamps in their windows during Christmas time, so it's definitely a classic in these parts. And my favorite lines from that movie, after the mother breaks the lamp, "Get the glue." "We're out of glue." "You use up all the glue on PURPOSE!"

    • LTTP216 on 2017-06-09 22:19:14 (UTC)

      I know I'm super duper late but I just had to comment: NEVER EVER indulge in the community bunny suit.

      Yes - wearing a full body bunny suit great fun.

      No - the itching that follows is not fun.

      Sorry for the intrusion but it's nice to see a fellow Clevelander.

    • A Eve on 2016-12-28 13:29:40 (UTC)

      hahaha I know, I love it. I love so many things about that movie - "My old man worked in profanity the way other artists worked in oils"

      Have you been to the house yourself?

      • billymacorbuddy on 2016-12-28 21:01:48 (UTC)

        I have not, but if I ever do I promise pics of me in the bunny suit. =) (That's a lie, I would never wear the community bunny suit, ewe)

        • A Eve on 2016-12-29 21:32:47 (UTC)

          haha eew is right....it's the same one over and over again? Dear lord

          • billymacorbuddy on 2016-12-29 23:01:45 (UTC)

            I dunno, maybe they spray it with that weird bowling shoe spray.

            • A Eve on 2016-12-30 14:30:08 (UTC)

              oh god...

  • Jandrusel on 2016-12-26 21:14:27 (UTC) (edited)

    I'll be very happy to go for a walk with you. I brought you a bouquet of roses, but they froze a bit with all this snow around :P

    Sometimes, Christmas feels like a big act to me. But seeing the wonder in the eyes of little kids everywhere makes it worthwile to me. In my hometown, there's a really old tradition called the Three Wise Men's parade. On January 4th, kids write their letters with all their wishes to the Three Wise Men and put them on little mailboxes carried by donkeys. And the next day, the Three Kings come to town to bring presents to all the good kids. The families open up their presents and children love every second it. You can see it on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxAFjzQBrdY

    I'm a bit grumpy, but seeing the kids having a blast makes me recover the faith in Christmas a bit.

    • A Eve on 2016-12-28 13:30:11 (UTC)

      awww, that's so lovely...thank you for sharing that. It does make it a bit better doesn't it? 💋