My Credo: what Eraudica - and Eve - are all about

00:00 special audio Jun 07, 2015 8 comments 122954 638

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Just a brief overview of what this site is about, and how I feel about men and sex!


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  • TheGreek on 2021-01-14 11:49:52 (UTC) (edited)

    The phrase "my credo" reminds me the first word of the Nicene Creed ( (Latin: Symbolum Nicænum or, in Greek: Σύμβολον τῆς Πίστεως). I love the Latin language and I love you even more now for using it! So, "Credo in unam Deam, Evam omnipotentem" (I believe in one Goddess, Eve the Almighty).

    • A Eve on 2021-01-18 16:17:44 (UTC)

      haha that sounds way more impressive than I actually am! :P

  • Edgard on 2016-12-14 14:33:23 (UTC) (edited)

    Oh yes. You love men? Men love you even more. Trust me, just listening to you, to your sweet voice gives me shivers. Thank you. If only everyone could find their "Eve" irl :)

    • A Eve on 2016-12-15 16:41:36 (UTC)

      aww, I'm very glad. I hope every Adam finds his Eve 💋

  • LeariWavan on 2016-06-25 03:38:27 (UTC)

    Your positive talk is what made me want to listen to you and to support you. Thank you for your kindness.

    • A Eve on 2016-06-25 15:27:38 (UTC)

      That is wonderful to hear, thank you so much! ❤️

  • Brian on 2015-06-27 00:29:24 (UTC)

    Thanks, Eve. This site is ... listening to you, you're very generous. And I like your voice.

    • A Eve on 2015-06-27 18:37:03 (UTC)

      Thank you Brian! That is so lovely to hear! 💖