Inner Dialogue on a Date...things I want to do to you

14:21 erotic encounters Nov 23, 2015 19 comments 21733 3091

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In last week’s Under the Covers with Eve I regaled you with stories of epic fails from oblivious men who had no idea women were throwing fairly obvious signals of interest their way…and in that spirit, I was inspired to perform this little fictional demonstration for you…

Imagine we’re out together for coffee…and we’re talking, being quite normal…except you’ll never know what’s going through my mind as I sit across from you…all the things I want to do to you…all the things I want you to do to me…

You may remember from my Friends and Lovers with /u/Vindikator1988 - I mentioned something about a girl talking with a guy friend about his guitar playing…how she touched his fingers and dreamed of him doing things to her with them…

Consider this a bit of a preamble to that little fantasy…yes, I have a major thing for guitar players. Yes yes yes


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  • TexasRed14 on 2021-02-24 06:54:57 (UTC)

    If you've got a thing for guitar players I'll have to get back to teaching myself how to play again. Lovely as always Eve!

    • A Eve on 2021-03-04 16:19:23 (UTC)

      Thank you, I'm glad you liked it! And defo do the guitar thing :P

  • JonnyKinFiddle on 2017-04-13 02:33:31 (UTC)

    Do violin players do the same thing for you? :-)

    • A Eve on 2017-04-14 19:16:49 (UTC)

      haha yes, I do appreciate some skilled fingers :P

  • NerdyNick on 2016-07-02 03:18:16 (UTC)

    Great audio Eve. There should be a follow date where the guy gets all the signals the second time around ;)

    • A Eve on 2016-07-02 10:29:31 (UTC)

      Yes, I've thought of that...:)

  • ChristopherPi on 2016-03-13 09:41:17 (UTC)

    Oh this is so subtle! Touching his hands, mentioning a movie you have - hoping he would invite himself over to watch it, the mention that you have cold hands (and wanting him to warm them), showing him where you live, offering him an opportunity to come up to your place late in the evening. Even with the internal dialogue the subtlety is such I am sure there are ones I have missed. You should open a University to teach such an important subject otherwise mankind may be lost!

    • A Eve on 2016-03-13 09:47:01 (UTC)

      aw, thank you! Consider this Lesson Number One :D

  • MadWithLust on 2016-01-10 17:33:53 (UTC)

    And they say men think about sex every 7 seconds...I'm glad women do too! It's amazing how your inner dialogue sounds a lot like mine or any guy's on a date. One minute engaged in conversation, the next engaged in cleavage and how I would love to just...ahem, where was I? Oh, and that feeling I get that she's not into me the way I'm into her...

    If only I could read her mind, I would totally go for the movie style kiss at the end! But I'd also be okay with the hilarious vibrator ending if I got to hear what's on her mind, especially if she's thinking of me...wink wink...sequel of what's on her mind while she uses her vibrator...please?

    • A Eve on 2016-01-11 11:33:41 (UTC)

      haha oh I know...I'd love to hear a guy's version of this...

      hmmm...that's not a bad idea... :D

  • Zxpie on 2015-12-22 02:14:43 (UTC)

    I really like the Idea of a follow up. I don't generally enjoy Male voices on your audios, but I bet you could really have fun with a from his perspective audio, where he's trying not to think naughty thoughts about her, because she might see his boner and he doesn't want her to think he doesn't respect and he keeps chastising himself for objectifying would really funny.

    • A Eve on 2015-12-22 21:50:05 (UTC)

      Oh I've been dying to do something like this...but as you said, most guys really don't want to hear a male voice...

      • Vermouth1991 on 2019-06-01 20:51:15 (UTC)

        Hi there! Sorry for "Necromancing" a comment thread, but I do think I have a bit of solid stuff to offer.

        Personally, I have no problem when an audio is "FM4A" instead of just "F4M". Sometimes it's a heterosexual couple literally in the same room and recording their sounds of sexytimes, sometimes it's two people doing a sort of Skype chat and recording together, sometimes it's even a secondary recording added to what was once a male-only or female-only recording, editing into the pauses and becoming FM4A. Like MissKittenSK (hope she's doing well, wherever she is now) and her "Sleepytime Sex" audio.

        • A Eve on 2019-06-02 20:35:05 (UTC)

          No problem, welcome aboard! I think MF collabs can be incredibly hot, and I do wish there was more interest in them. I think that guys are generally okay with watching other guys have sex with girls in visual porn, because of the "I'm just observing" nature of watching porn. Erotic audio is far more personal and immersive, so I think it takes people out of the experience if they hear another guy's voice.

          • Vermouth1991 on 2019-06-04 04:44:07 (UTC)

            (For simplicity, all orientations described would be heterosexual.)

            Well I guess if porn consumption is all about imagining yourself to be in that place, for male viewers to be in the guy's place having sex with that girl who turns him on, some male viewers would probably not want to see too much of the actor's body either, because it would interfer with imagining themselves in his place, esp if they look different from the actor, that's probably why PoV porn is a pretty big thing. When I listened to MissKittenSK's "Sleepytime Sex" however, having the male voice (which sounds nothing like my own, never mind my lack in male assertiveness in comparison, lol) alongside Kitten's rrally helped me immerse and be in that guy's place, as the lovers romp on the bed, maybe it's because your imagination gets to run wilder.

  • BeatingStrong on 2015-12-08 20:13:56 (UTC)

    I loved listening to your under the covers episode. This really makes the things you told in that episode come to live. I love hearing the contrast between the real date and your inner thoughts. Let's hope the next date is more succesful ;)

    • A Eve on 2015-12-08 21:58:51 (UTC)

      haha, yes...maybe I should write a script for guys so they can run through in their heads what she might want...

      or just do a follow up where the clueless guy in this changes his mind and knocks on her door...

  • Jandrusel on 2015-11-24 12:21:55 (UTC) (edited)

    Well, that escalated quickly. Once again, you've surpassed yourself in sexyness. This audio really reminded of that Mel Gibson movie where he's a really sexist alpha male that is able to hear women's thoughts and rambles due to some crazy accident. It would be really problematic if, in the future, we could hear each others thoughts with some kind of 'Apple antenna amplificator'. Who knows? Maybe when ITunes 20.0 comes out...

    It really hit me when, right at the end, you said 'he doesn't want me'. And then I just fell off from the chair bursting into laughter ('where's my vibrator?'). Comedy right there, ladies and ladymen.

    Not a guitarist myself, but a bassist. We may not get as many chicks as Robert Plant or Jimi Hendrix copycats, but you know what they say about bass players: we make it deeper and we know how to pop that G string.

    Horrible joke, I know. Don't bother, I know where the exit is...

    • A Eve on 2015-11-25 11:49:45 (UTC)

      haha....not a terrible joke, I love it. And bassists qualify, darlin, don't you worry...💋