

Sexy Shorts: The Return (featuring /u/The__Other__Guy)

31:06 Sexy Shorts Sep 06, 2015 2 comments 10168 1836


This story was adapted from a scene in a Regency romance novel I wrote, set in England around 1810 (roughly the time of Pride and Prejudice). It involves a young widow who is having a passionate affair with a man whom she believes is a man of business. At this point in the story, they have been apart for two weeks, during which time she has discovered that not only is he actually a Duke, but that he was responsible for restoring her family's once-lost fortune, and has been keeping both things secret.

In this scene, he makes a long-awaited return to her bed…

Historical romance fiction is perhaps not what you think - it's very graphic, very modern in terms of the sex the couples get up to, and romantic without being sappy. It focuses on the best parts of history and conveniently ignores the unpleasantness :D

Side note - Dukes/Duchesses in the UK are addressed formally as "Your Grace" the way Princes/Princesses are called Your Highness, and Kings/Queens "Your Majesty" - or at least they were during the time period of this story.

Thanks to The_Other_Guy for playing the role of the Duke so well, his delicious accent and perfect delivery are exactly how I envisioned this character sounding.

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